Flailing Fan-Boys? Check!

Torments In Powder Pink





Getting back to reality was hard for the two men after they had spent the last few days being together uninterrupted, being able to show affection for each other without having to worry about anyone seeing. They didn't have to worry about the snarky remarks and obvious disapproval which was bound to follow anyone finding out.


It was the first time in days they had left their apartment. After being followed around by EunHae, Kyuhyun opted for staying inside. That didn't stop them though. Their texts and phone calls were incessant. They even came to the dorm one day but Kyuhyun just ignored the door. They needed to give them some space instead of stifling a relationship that had only just formed. But today, they had no choice but to be confronted with them. They had schedule.


Both men arose early so they had time for hair and make up before their schedule: they were to be on Star King today. They took it in turns to shower, the first one in making breakfast for the both of them to save on time. They had only just finished when a knock came to the door. Both ready – only having shoes to put on - they made their way to said door. Before opening it, they both stopped in the hallway and, without either saying a word, they embraced, holding each other in a tight cuddle, Sungmin's head resting on Kyuhyun's chest and Kyuhyun's head falling to lean on Sungmin's shoulder. They were stealing a secret moment of affection before they would have to suppress it. They had decided they wouldn't tell the others yet; they would keep it hidden until the right moment came.


Feeling content but unentirely satisfied they broke apart, keeping their arms around each other and eyes together for a few moments before separating entirely and opening the door to an impatient Kangin.


Are you guys coming or what? We're gonna be late!” he shouted, sounding less than pleased.


Sorry hyung, I couldn't find my bag,” explained Sungmin, smiling at him while putting on his shoes.


Huffing, Kangin replied, “its okay Sungmin. Lets just go.” He never could stay mad at him.


In the car on the way to schedule, Sungmin and Kyuhyun sat next to each other, holding hands under a conveniently placed coat.


When they arrived and were stood with all the other members of Super Junior in the dressing room, Sungmin felt more nervous than ever. He was scared to even look at Kyuhyun in case somebody suspected something. Which they wouldn't. He would only be looking at him after all. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, wasn't too worried. He didn't want the member to find out just yet, but he was level headed enough to realise the innocence in a glance or conversation.


As soon as pretty much everyone had started to busy themselves having their hair and make up done, Eunhyuk took the opportunity to bumble over to Sungmin, a cheeky grin already invading his features. When he reached him, he gracelessly threw his arm around him and started ruffling his hair.


Sungminnieeeeeeee,” he spoke excitedly, his hand never ceasing in its ruffling motions. “You've got some news for me.”


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Sungmin spat, shocked at his sudden outburst. “No one knows about this and I'd like to keep it that way. If Teukie hears you you know he'll pester me until I tell him!”


If Teukie hears what?” Sungmin's heart sank at the the sounds of Leeteuk's voice that increased in volume signalling his nearing proximity to him.


Look what you've done,” he spat at Eunhyuk again, flashing an evil glare at the man who had now ceased ruffling his hair and sink away.


What's the gossip? What don't you want me to hear?” Teukie asked enthusiastically, clearly interested. He was now stood right in front of him, out of earshot from the other members who were all occupied.


Oh its nothing hyung.” Sungmin covered.


Must be something if you don't want me to know.”


Really, its nothing. Seriously.” he said, starting to panic. If he wanted to get it out of him, he would.


Just tell me then. If its nothing it wouldn't matter if you tell me,” said Leeteuk, still smiling but getting visibly more impatient by the second.


Panicking more, Sungmin started to shuffle his feet. He didn't want him to know yet. He hadn;t even fully come to terms with it himself so how could he expect others to.


Please, hyung...... its nothing,” he pleaded.


No Sungmin,” he said sternly. “Tell me what it is.”


Kyuhyun could see the situation unfolding through the reflection in the mirror he was facing while having make up applied. Every time the stylist moved in front of his face he would lean to the side to see around her, expectedly annoying her.

Would you keep still please,” she asked rhetorically.




When he closed his eyes to have eye-shadow applied, he kept one open so he could observe the figures reflected behind him at all times.


Sungmin realised from Leeteuk's serious face that any effort to escape was futile. Hanging his head, he gave in: “can we go outside then maybe, I don't want anyone to over hear.”


Okay then, after you,” Leeteuk agreed, signalling towards the door. He kept his stern face on until Sungmin's back to him when he allowed a smug victory smile to grace his features.


Out in the hallway, Sungmin stood with his back against a wall, his head hanging with nerves. He was afraid that Leeteuk would be angry and stop him being with Kyu. He was the leader after all.


Okay then, now we are alone, spill it,” he ordered.


I will, but you need to promise me something first. Promise you won't be..... mad....” he pleaded, his voice wavering slightly with nerves.


Mad?! How could you do anything to make me mad?!” he replied incredulously.


Just promise.”


Okay okay, I promise.”


Taking a deep breath, Sungmin started: “since the other day...... Kyuhyun and I have been...... together.......”. He looked away as soon as he had said it, fearing the worst still.


Teukie's face was a picture of surprise at first as the words weaved their way into his brain. When he had a full grasp a what the words uttered actually meant, his lips curved into a large toothy smile. Then he screamed, lunging himself forwards Sungmin with about as much grace as a sack of potatoes. Throwing his arms around him he squealed: “Eeeeeeeeeee! Its about time!”


It was probably a good job that Teukie had a hold of Sungmin because he was likely to have concertinaed to the floor. To say Sungmin was shocked was an understatement. Shock was preventing the whole situation from sinking in properly. Forcing himself to speak, he asked: “what did you say hyung?”


I said its a bout time,” he repeated, squeezing him tightly. “Tell me all about it. I mean I could sense that there was something between you too, but tell me everything!” Letting go he left Sungmin to slump back against the wall. When Sungmin told him everything: from the initial kiss to the confession, Teukie started to flail his arms around wildly like an excited school girl; evidently another member added to the KyuMin Fan club.


Just as he was doing his bizarre arm dance, Kyuhyun came bursting through the door flailing also, bumping straight into him, combining into a tangled mess of flailing arms. Sungmin's eyes lit up in relief.


Kyuhyun!!” Teukie shouted excitedly, untangling his arms and wrapping them around him. “Sungmin told me everything! I'm so happy for you!” His constricting cuddle, along with the shock of his reaction, knocked the wind out of him.


really?” he asked, taking a quick glance at the rather pale man slumped again the opposite wall before looking back at Teukie.


Of course. If you're happy, I'm happy. That's what mothers are for!” he announced, releasing him and taking a step back to survey him.


Now lets tell the.......” Sungmin cut him off mid sentence.


No hyung. Please. Not yet. I was nervous telling you, I don't think I could deal with the stress of that yet.”


He was going to dispute it, but seeing the serious look in Sungmin's eyes, he opted against it. “Okay Sungmin, if that's what you want, you can wait.” Walking over to him, he pulled him up from the wall so he was standing straight and gave him a comforting cuddle. Then he turned to Kyuhyun and gave him one too before.


I'm glad you told me.... now lets get our hair and make up finished before we are late for schedule,” Teukie ordered walking into the dressing room, Sungmin and Kyuhyun in tow. “And where is Heechul?!!”






Heechul, who always insisted on being fashionably late, had been about to turn the corner onto the corridor where the dressing room was when he heard voices and, compelled by being extremely nosy, he stopped and listened.


Since the other day...... Kyuhyun and I have been...... together......”


on hearing these words, Heechul smirked his evil feline like smirk and rubbed his hands together. This is going to be fun.........








Hi Hi all :D

Hope you all enjoyed reading this! Sorry it took a while to update, I sorta had writers block :/ I just didn't know where to take it, but I have some ideas now so hopefully it will be updated more regularly!



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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3