Face the problem lips on.

Torments In Powder Pink




Sungmin was pacing up and down his room. He'd been doing this for the past hour. His minds was flush with thoughts, each one as unclear as the last. Every few paces, he'd stop and put his hands to his head in frustration.


“What should I do?!” he shouted into the air, throwing his arms up. Bringing his hands down to rest on his head again, he said, but more calmly: “this really is ridiculous.”


On the other side of the door, Kyuhyun had busied himself tidying up and preparing lunch. He had to occupy his mind somehow or he felt he'd go crazy. Sungmin actually liked the kiss. This thought drove him to the edge, but no matter how much he revelled in it, he couldn't allow it to take over him completely. He was worried about why Sungmin wouldn't tell him; why he pretended to not remember. Surly if he liked it, that's all that mattered? Then they could see where things went from there. Breaking through his thoughts came Sungmin's aimless shouting, making Kyuhyun giggle and shake his head. Silly man.


When lunch was made, Kyuhyun decided against knocking on Sungmin's door, opting to taking his own food to his room and texting him to tell him that his food was on the kitchen table.




When Kyuhyuns name flashed up on Sungmin's phone, he nearly had a heart attack. Tentatively reaching for his phone like it was a tarantula, he clicked on the message and read: I've made lunch. Left it on the table for you. Go get it. Don't worry about seeing me, I'm in my room........... this is silly.


“Silly. Silly! How can he say that? He's the one who's caused this! Stupid man.” he muttered to himself angrily. He wasn't going to go out and get the food in protest, but his stomach overpowered him as it began to rumble incessantly, forcing him to go. Cautiously, he opened his bedroom door, peeping his head out first, not quite trusting what Kyuhyun had said about being in his room. He'd got it into his head that this was some ploy to get him out. Ears pricked, he listened intently for movement. When satisfied that the kitchen was empty, he opened his door and scuttled out quickly, kitchen bound. Food collected, he scuttled back to his room, closing the door quickly behind him and locking it. When he sat down, he started to wolf the food like he hadn't eaten in days. He was ravenous. All done, he laid back on the bed and patted his stomach in contentment. Then he though of Kyuhyun. With a full stomach, his mind felt clearer. Sitting back up, he set his mind on deciphering what he should do.


So he likes me.... how do I feel about that?I guess I... I'm flattered of course, but I don't know what else. I think there's more than that, but I just don't know what. And where has this come from all of a sudden. It seems entirely out of the blue. He's never shown any signs of liking me before...... has he? (oblivious) But do I like him?! I guess there was that time that I saw him topless with his back to me. I felt something then, but that could just be admiration. And then there was that time when he put his arm around me – but that was because of the cold – and I reacted how I did because I was shocked. And I totally wasn't staring at his throat while he was drinking because I liked the way it looked or anything.... I was just..... curious? Yeah curious. We had been out for a walk that day, and it was me who initiated it...... but it wasn't cause I like him or anything.... we just hadn't seen each other properly for a while and I missed him...... because we're friends! Yeah best friends! That's why!.............. But I liked the kiss!!!! Why?!!!!


Defeated, he threw himself backwards onto the bed and started to flail his arms and legs around. “Why did you do this to me Kyuhyun?!” Relaxing himself, he rolled over and curled up into a ball. After some time he fell asleep.


When he awoke, day had surrendered to night, painting everywhere in darkness. Turning over and stretching, he reached for his phone and looked at the time: 10:24!


“I'll not sleep tonight now.”


He had two new messages on his phone, both from Kyuhyun. One was sent at sent at 6: 20: I've made food again. Same routine. The other message was sent at 8: 10, and it read: Want to talk? This is driving me crazy? Then he remembered his inner turmoil that sleep had delivered a temporary escape from. Then he started to panic, worrying that Kyuhyun would think that he was completely ignoring him since he didn't text him back, or go for his food. His mind was once again in turmoil. He wants to talk....


Then it stopped. In a moment of calmness, his thoughts stopped rushing and formed a nice single-file line in his head. Then, as if in a trance, he stood up and made his made his way out of his room and to the kitchen – not even thinking that Kyuhyun may be about – sitting down at the table. Picking up the chopsticks that were placed on the table for him, he started to eat the abandoned food. It was cold, and had sat there waiting for hours, but it didn't stop him. He ate and ate in robotic movements until everything was consumed. Then he sat in quiet, staring straight ahead of him.


Maybe I do like him...... I have to find out. I have to at least try......


Then his body lifted him; his feet moving him forward. Closer and closer he got, walking through the dark apartment until his body came to Kyuhyun's bedroom door, pausing.






Kyuhyun had heard him come out of his bedroom. He heard every footstep. He heard the chair scrape along the floor, then squeak signalling that someone had just sat on it, then scrape again as it was pulled under the table. He's eating the food? It had been there four hours so Kyuhyun was going to go stop him before he could eat it, but decided against it as it was clear that he didn't want to see him. He had taken Sungmin not texting back and not going for the food as Sungmin had feared. He felt rejected. Slouching on his bed and leaning his head back against his head-board, Kyuhyun reverted into his thoughts.


I guess he isn't interested. But..... how interested am I anyway. Where do I want this to go? I think I like him, like, more than friends.... I think. I didn't just idly kiss him. I do like him. But we're both male, is it okay?.................. of course it is! Why would I even think that?! But what do I do? He said he liked the kiss, but.... enough to take it further? Maybe he just liked it because of the situation, or just because it was a kiss and we're friends..... But do friends enjoy kisses on the lips from friends. I guess they could do, but are they supposed to? Aren't they reserved for relationships more intimate than friends?............ Oh my heads going to explode!!!! I wish he would just talk to me!!!!!




…... wish granted.


The knock came like a knife, slicing though his thoughts, making Kyuhyun's heart beat faster because there was only one person that could be. Wow, I must be psychic, he thought, before realising the gravity of the situation. Talking a deep breath to calm himself, his nerves now on edge, he shouted: “Door's not locked, come in.....”


The door opened.... and of course it was Sungmin. The darkness in the hallway made him almost invisible as he stood in the doorway, not yet entering into the room. He stood there for a few seconds as if afraid to come in, then took a tentative step in, revealing himself to Kyuhyun who had been staring towards the door the whole time. Now fully in the room, he was illuminated by the gentle light that was being emitted from a lamp at the side of the bed. He look tired and his eyes were glazed over. Slowly he lifted his head and looked towards where Kyuhyun was, now sat up on the bed. Curiously, Kyuhyun started to ask: “What do you wan........” before being interrupted by Sungmin.


“Can I sit down?”


Responding to a head nod, he walked over to the bed and tentatively sat down next to Kyuhyun who had shuffled his body over on the double bed to make space. When down, he swung his legs up and shuffled up towards the pillow, now bending his legs and bringing up his knees. He was mirroring Kyuhyuns shape on the bed. When still, Sungmin carefully looked to the side to get a quick look at the man beside him, who was already looking at him, curiosity b in his eyes. Then they looked away. Silence overtook them for what seemed to Kyuhyun like hours as he chocked back the questions that were desperate to be asked. He kept stealing glances at Sungmin who's head was facing directly forward, his line of vision being straight ahead of him. When he eventually spoke, Kyuhyun jumped.


“I'm really confused, my head feels like its doing somersaults. What should I do?” Sensing he was about to speak, Sungmin stopped him: “don't say anything; you don't need to answer, I'm just voicing my thought process....... I'm not quite sure how I should react to what happened. Yes, I remember. I was panicking too much to admit it to you. I thought that if I didn't say anything, it would go away..... But I don't think it will. I need to know how I feel? About the kiss, about..... you.... Do you like me?”


Kyuhyun was in shock. “y-yes, but....” he choked out - not quite prepared for the sudden question - only to be interrupted again by Sungmin.


“C-can I kiss you?”



Kyuhyun just stared at him, in utter shock and not quite believing his ears. Light beads of sweat were starting to form on his brow.


Sungmin turned his head slightly again so that he could look at Kyuhyun to gage his reaction without having to place his full gaze on him. Somehow, it settled the nerves he had been battling with since he knocked on the door. Then he saw the timid nod of Kyuhyun's head. Turning to face him fully now, but still avoiding his eyes, he moved up to him on the bed. Placing his hands down either side of him, he hoisted himself up so that he was sat on his shins. Stealing glances at Kyuhyuns eyes every now and then, he extended his shaking hands towards his face, placing them carefully on either side. Every movement seemed illuminated and in slow motion to Kyuhyun as he waited for Sungmin to kiss him. Staring at his lips, Sungmin moved his head slowly forward so that they were an inch apart, took a deep breath, then quickly closed the distance, placing his lips cautiously on Kyuhyun's. In unison, they both closed their eyes. Kyuhyun felt like he was going to bubble over, his heart beating painfully hard in his chest. Sungmin's heart was doing the same. His lips were unsure, but soft and warm. As quick as it had began, it ended; Sungmin pulling back, eyes still closed. Kyuhyun took the opportunity to look look at him in close proximity - his eyes were closed, but he was awake unlike last time – before he felt hands moving up, lacing their fingers into his hair. Without warning Sungmin kissed him again, but this time more confident; his lips pressing fuller against Kyuhyuns. In shock, Kyuhyun's eyes stayed open for a few seconds before he allowed the kiss to take over him entirely, bringing his own hands up and touching Sungmin face, caressing his soft cheeks. In response, Sungmin tilted his head so that he could press his lips harder and fuller into Kyuhyun's. This lasted for about a minute before Sungmin pulled away, tilting his head down slightly and opening his eyes to look into Kyuhyun's. He couldn't help a light dusting of powder pink spreading on his cheeks as he stared into his big brown eyes. There was now a silence between them, but it wasn't the same as before. Sungmin disentangled his fingers from Kyuhyuns hair, allowing his fingers to down his jaw before removing them entirely from him.


“Thank you,” his soft voice uttered. Then he turned and climbed off the bed, exiting the room and leaving Kyuhyun feeling a little more than confused.


Stopping in the doorway, Sungmin turned and said: “We can talk in the morning. Goodnight”. Then he left entirely, closing the door behind him.


Safely hidden, Kyuhyun started to bounce himself up and down on the bed, grinning wildly. Hardly able to contain himself, he grabbed for his phone and text Eunhyuk, the message reading: HE KISSED ME!!!!!!









Hope it was okay! I'm not too sure if it was too soon for a kiss..... but that's what I wanted to happen, to help Sungmin realise how he feels ..... :/


Anyway, thanks for reading :D:D














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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3