About time?

Torments In Powder Pink




Startled awake by a sudden sound coming from inside his dorm, Kyuhyun sprang up and out of his bed, heading straight out of his bedroom door to find the root of the noise. In a panic he walked hurriedly down the corridor, only to be startled by a low cry puncturing the air. Worried now, he increased his speed, realising it could only be Sungmin. The sky outside was still in near darkness, with street lights casting a shallow orange glow through the dorm. The only other light in the dorm was emitted from the kitchen; surely the source I the ruccus. Turning the corner to the kitchen, he stopped for a brief moment to take in the form of his room-mate on his knees, bent over a mountain of shattered plates holding onto his hand, a pained expression on his face. Not wasting another moment, Kyuhyun ran to him and threw himself straight down to his knees beside him. Shocked by the movement Sungmin turned to look, his eyes red and watery, tears threatening to spill.


“Sungmin! Are you okay?” Looking straight into Sungmin's eyes, Kyuhyun asked, his voice wavery from fear.


No Answer.


“Hyung.... Let me look?” Tentatively he reached out, his fingers just brushing his arm slightly, eliciting a jump. “Its okay, I won't hurt you,” were his words of encouragement. Now putting both hands on Sungmin's wrist, he gently pulled his arm towards him. “I won't hurt you”. When close enough, he turned his hand over to have a look at the damage, the other side of his hand the whole time as a comfort.


“It's not too bad Hyung, but it's bleeding a lot, so I'll bandage it up for you. It won't hurt at all, so don't panic. I'll just get the first aid kit.” He made his way to the cupboard when it was housed and proceeded to take out a bandage and some cotton wool, making his way back to Sungmin when it was recovered. Kneeling down again, he gently took back hold of Sungmin's hand and started to wipe away the excess blood with the cotton wool, then wrapped it up with the bandage.


“There you go,” he signalled with a smile, “not bad for a first attempt.”


Sungmin examined the handiwork while Kyuhyun stood up, reaching his hand down to Sungmin to help him to his feet.


“Thank you” Sungmin finally spoke up.


“That's fine. What were you doing anyway?”


Still looking at the bandage, Sungmin answered: “I was putting the dishes away, then I was going to prepare breakfast. But I dropped the plates.”


“At this time!” Kyuhyun exclaimed amusedly, the hint of a laugh audible on his voice.


Raising his eyes to meet Kyuhyuns – who's were now partially closed in a smile – Sungmin replied: “I couldn't sleep,” a smile now forming on his face caused by the face the other was pulling. Their gazes were held for a few seconds, both displaying a manic grin.


“Yah! Stop smiling at me like that! Its scary!” Sungmin said, now laughing. “Its not my fault I couldn't sleep.”


“I'm sorry hyung, you're just too cute” he said, reaching out a hand, placing it on the other shoulder and bowing his head slightly. This elicited a blush from Sungmin; going unnoticed by Kyuhyun who was too occupied with his giggle-fit.


Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Kyuhyun spoke again, voice cracking half way though from the threat of an eruption of giggles: “Why couldn't you * cough * sleep?”


“Nervous about today I think.”


Oh Yeah. Remembering what the day was, Kyuhyun jolted his head up, all traces of his laugh gone, replaced by a serious face.


“Oh yeah, of course. It'd slipped my mind completely. Maybe we should try to go back to sleep then?”


“I can't sleep,” Sungmin declared matter-of-factly.


Trying to reason with him, Kyuhyun offered: “Well you can't run around tidying and cooking, you'll use up all your energy and be no good tomorrow. Why don't you try sitting down and relaxing. Maybe you'll fall asleep.”


Kyuhyun was right, there was no way he could stay awake and expect to be okay for tomorrows big event. Giving in, he said: “You're right. But I don't feel like getting into bed, I will relax on the chair.”


“You should lay on the sofa to relax, that way if you fall asleep, you will be comfor.....”


“I won't fall asleep.” Sungmin was adamant.


Giving up, Kyuhyun made his way over to the sofa and d down. “I'll lay here then. I want to sleep, but I don't want to leave you on your own. I can keep an eaaaayyyee (yawn) on you too.”


Making his way to the chair and laughing, Sungmin replied: “how can you keep an eye on me while you sleep?”


“Just you wait and see. I have my methooooooods (yawn)” his eyes fluttering closed.


“Oh just go to sleep,” a gentle smile gracing his lips as he watched the younger falling asleep. He continued to watch him until sleep overtook his protesting body.






The sun rose awakening the new day. There was not a single cloud to be seen, giving the sun full permission to blanket the land. The dorm was now fully illuminated by the rays pooling through the window, seeping everything in brilliant light. It spread through the living room and onto the bodies of the two room-mates who lay sleeping peacefully; one star-fishing on the sofa, one with his head hanging at an awkward angle on the chair. Drool trails were clear to be seen down Kyuhyun's chin. Charming.

Waking to the sound of a large crow crawing outside the window, Kyuhyun sat up with a start. What the hell is it with noises disturbing my sleep?! Angered, he launched an unsuspecting pillow in the direction of the noise. Take that! Pleased with himself and convinced he'd quelled the sleep-disturbing beast, he laid back down facing outwards on the sofa, only to notice Sungmin was awake, and looking at him with a very puzzled look on his face.


“What was that?” he laughed.


Too embarrassed to sleep now, he sat up and protested: “I've hardly had any sleep: first you stop me, now a god-damn bird, so don't laugh at me!”


This didn't stop him, he just allowed his head to drop back in another giggle-fit, only to be snapped out of it by a pain in his neck. “Owww!” he yelped, holding his hand against his neck, eliciting a laugh from Kyuhyun.


“Karma” he concluded, a smug smile plastering itself on his smug face.


“This is your fault,” the older said, pointing a harsh finger at him. “I wanted to tidy, you made me sit here..... and I'm injured” he added – just remembering – holding his hand up and pulling his best sad aegyo face.


“We've lived together long enough now for you to know that face isn't going to work on me. There's no sympathy for you here....” he laughed again, this time a low almost evil laugh.


Still pulling the same face he looked away, announcing: “letting an almost mortally injured man sleep so uncomfortably, that's low even for you. You are an evil man Cho Kyuyhun. What if I'd have died. What then?”


“I would have gone and gotten in bed. Its cold out here you know. Did you want me to die of hypothermia? Did you think of that?” He pointed his finger in accusation.


Sungmin couldn't control himself any longer and let out a loud, hearty laugh that had a domino effect on Kyuhyun, causing him to do the same. He really loved these little exchanges they had.


After calming down from the giggle-fit, Sungmin realised what day it was. “Kyuhyun, what time is it?”


“7:38, hyung. I guess we should make a move” answered Kyuhyun after taking a look at his watch.


“Yeah. I'll make breakfast.” Sungmin then busied himself preparing bacon and eggs for two. “Gotta have a big breakfast to prepare ourselves for a big day,” announced Sungmin, the mother in him shining through.


“Uh huh.... Just don't smash any more plates. The last thing I want is for that to interrupt my breakfast!”


Sungmin replied with a swift evil-eyed stare before going back to making he food. So cheeky, he thought. Food nearly done, he shouted to the younger: “make yourself useful and set the table,” which Kyuhyun did – with protest – but did non the less. When all done, he put the food out and they both tucked in, Kyuhyun devouring everything on his plate like it was his final meal. Sungmin, on the other hand, didn't feel very hungry at all, in fact he felt quite sick. He put this down to nerves and offered Kyuhyun his food, which he accepted willingly and without prompt.


“I could eat a horses neck!” He exclaimed.


Sungmin just drank his coffee and watched on amusedly.


When there was not a scrap left, they both prepared themselves for the day ahead. Kyuhyun offered to wash the plates, so Sungmin showered first. When finished, he made his way from the bathroom to his bed room, only to be stopped by a pair of eyes near the hallway that were burning into his wet skin. He was adorned in only a towel that hung precariously around his waist; his hair dripping droplets of cold water onto his skin that landed and slid painfully slow down his body, leaving a trail behind it. Stood with his side to the onlooker, he turned his head slightly to look through his peripheral, disturbing his hair which sent more torturous droplets cascading down his now goose-bump covered skin. His chest rose and fell in rhythm with his heavy breathing, only adding to the effect. Kyuhyun was frozen to the spot, witnessing the sight before him. What a convenient time for him to be making his way to his bedroom after finishing all the washing. Woken from their stupors by a distant car horn outside in the street, both parties scuttled away: Sungmin to his room, Kyuhyun to the bathroom. After closing their respective doors with more force than was necessary , they synchronously threw themselves against said door and let out a breath it felt like they'd been holding since the encounter. Kyuhyun, more effected, banged the back of his head repeatedly on the door, his mind being cascaded with thoughts: what was that? Why has it had that effect on me? Its only Sungmin, I've seen him like that lots of times before and its never had that effect. I know I like him, but that was intense. I don't know how much more of this I can take! What should I do????


Sungmin, on the other had, was thinking: Why was he looking at me like that? Why couldn't I move. That happens all the time! What's changed? Why am I reacting like this?..... I think I might have..... liked it.....


Recovering from their mental battles, they both finished getting themselves ready for whatever the day had in store for them.






It was 8:52 when a knock sounded though the dorm. A hurried-answer-the-door-quickly knock. Panicked, both men rushed out of the room and towards the front door not noticing each other until, once at the door, they both reached out for the handle. As if it was on fire, Kyuhyun jumped away from the door, allowing Sungmin to open it.


“Come on guys!” Shouted Hankyung bursting through the open door. “We need to go! We're already late. Why didn't either of you answer your phone?!”


Shocked, Sungmin stuttered “O-oh, s-sorry hyung. I guess we were so busy getting ourselves busy that we didn't....”


“Never mind. Lets go. Your are ready aren't you?” Hankyung interrupted, flicking his eyes in between the two men before him.


“Just need to get my bag,” both answered in unison, pausing after to look at each other, then looking away quickly in embarrassment.


“Go get them then. Chop chop!” It was clear he was stressed.


Bags in hand, they made their way down to the waiting car following Hankyung. Everyone collected and rounded into the car, they set of to their destination: the Music Bank studio.


Arriving in little under an hour, everyone filed out of the car and into the building. Sungmin and Kyuhyun hadn't spoken for the whole journey. Nerves? Embarrassment from earlier? Once inside their dressing room they dropped their things and started to prepare for the evenings ceremony. Sungmin skulked over to a wall and dropped his things, bending over and reaching into his bag for his bottle of water. When fully stood up again, he heard a gentle – but with sinister undertones – purring next to his ear. He knew exactly who it was and his skin felt like it was burning.


“Ummmmmmmmmm, Sungmin ahhhhh. How've you been?” Asked Sungmin in a sultry voice, knowing exactly how to set Sungmin's nerves on edge.


Twitching slightly from tension as he moved his head to face Heechul – but not make eye contact – Sungmin gave a short reply: “fine.” He reeeeally didn't need this today.


“mmmmmmmmm good” Heechul purred, placing a hand on Sungmin's shoulder. “Keep it like that”, a smirk playing on his lips. Torture over for now, he turned and walked away. Over at the other side of the room, Kyuhyun witnessed the whole exchange, a bubbling feeling rising in his stomach.





Hair done. Make-up done. Clothes changed. Nerves on edge. It was time. Standing in a circle, they all took it in turns to extend a hand into the centre; the preceding placing their hand upon the previous.




Ritual done, they made their way out to the stage. The time of reckoning was nigh.


Once on the stage b with artists, they stood silently waiting for the Winner of the most popular song to be announced. Anticipation hung thick in the air as feet nervously shuffled.


“And the winner is......”


A strangling pause that seemed to last far longer than it did in reality ensued, adding to the tension until....




The crowd were first to react, erupting in a wild wave of screams and roars that filed the whole room. Next were the other nominees who joined in the cheering. Then Super Junior themselves – as if it took a while to sink in – reacted; some covering their mouths, others letting out a shout. Overjoyed, they instantly grabbed onto the closest member, bringing them into a tight hug. Happiness was clear as each member moved around the stage, pulling into a strong embrace any member who they had not yet hugged. They ended in a big group hug, happiness radiating from the thirteen men who huddled together tightly in a searing embrace. It was only after they'd been like this for a while that Kyuhyun realised who he was stood next to. It was Sungmin. Chaos all around him, his thoughts seemed to unfog. In a moment of madness he reached towards him – shadowed by the other euphoric band-mates – and nuzzled gently at his neck. Sungmin, feeling the pressure on his neck, moved away slightly in shock, looking in the direction of where the feeling came from. All Kyuhyun saw was Sungmin, his face searingly close to his, and in that moment, he did the only thing that was in his mind. He leaned his head forward and kissed him tenderly on his lips. Sungmin, initially shocked, relaxed into the kiss closing his eyes. His head still swirled from the announcement and the euphoric atmosphere that engulfed him. Sheltered from view, they stood, lips joined innocently for mere seconds, but what seemed to them like hours. A stolen moment that would send their world cascading into madness.


Broken from their stolen kiss by the sound of Leeteuk's voice spilling though the crowd, Sungmin pulled away and turned his head to face the audience, a wide smile spreading across his face at the words he could hear. Their leader was crying, spilling out is heart with love and 'thank you's', overwhelmed by the result. The crowd continued to cheer as the members hugged their leader, truly touched by his words. This was a magical moment for all of them; their hard work had finally paid off.




Ceremony over, everyone made their way back to the changing room, and instantly proceeded to slump down on the floor, joined in an unmoving smile that was still evident on their faces. Sungmin, on the other hand took the opportunity to go to the bathroom. When there, he looked at himself in the mirror. His heart still beat quickly, threatening to pound though his chest. In an effort to calm it, he the cold tap and splashed his face generously with the cold, soothing water. Moving his hand away from his face, but leaving his fingers resting on his lips, he stared down into the white sink, eyes going wide as the full realisation of what he and Kyuhyun had done hit him. His heart continued to pound, soon joined by his stomach doing tipple-over-tales as thoughts rushed through his head. Unable to contain himself, he shouted:














Sorry for the wait. I really don't like the end to this chapter. I mean, I like how it ends, I just don't like how I've written it. Maybe seems a bit too rushed...... Anyway, thank you for reading :D :D













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Kyumin_ninja #1
Chapter 33: cuuuteeee....
i really like siwon character on this fic,it's different from the prince-like character that often described on him..
and also.. i'm really want to replace eunhae position,they are their to witness kyumin moments,i'm so envy at them.
they doing a great job in way to make their otp together again..
i dissapointed though,cause heechul doesn't say his apologized to kyumin couple,after all he was the one that make them feel the hell -when they separate with each other-
O my I have been looking for this fic!

I was scrolling through your list of stories and I saw this one.. Read it a couple of months ago but didn't had an account that moment so I couldn't subscribe -.-

But I found it now and subscribed, sincerely hope I won't lose it again!! :)
Chapter 33: The whole break-up was horrible, and the awkward and tense air was too much, but I'm glad everything ended well. Nice job!
Chapter 33: It took me three days to read, but overall, it was really good. Thanks for writing it and posting it on AFF
Wow congrats
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats for being featured randomly! :)
Congrats :3