

Ravi was waiting for N in the parking lot. As N was getting in and shut the door, Ravi asked, "Did he sign?"


"He must still want you then".

"No. It is a power trip. He knows how much I need this divorce. Argh! Ravi, he is driving me crazy! How did things become like this?"

Ravi laid a hand on N's arm to comfort him, "We still have some studio time. Let's make use of it. It will distract you".

Ravi was a rapper and composer and N was a singer. They were not yet headliners but were slowly and surely working their way toward it. N remembered Leo asking him to quit music and do something more concrete, whatever concrete meant. N had stuck to his gins. That was probably what helped Hyuk stick to his because Leo, in his quiet way, could be very imposing. N ran his hands through his hair. He wanted to leave the country for futher opportunities and did not want to carry this baggage along.

                        Leo got a call from his brother to come pick him up. He also got a message from Ken remonding him about dinner that night. And messages from his parents reminding him about one family obligation or other. He had all this to deal with and N was aggravating him over a signature. N was all about clean in everything, even breaks, Leo thought bitterly as he picked up the divorce papers and put them through the shredder. N really thought he would make things that easy after all the hurt he was causing him? He had another thing coming. He knew N wanted to leave the country for some music bit. That had to be why he had been pushing to make their break official and legal now. He had not before, but now that it suited him, he expected Leo to just accomodate him? So selfish. He was finally able to resume work and finish sooner than he expected, then left to go pick up Hyuk. His tall, gangly, cute and awkward baby brother. At least he dreamed of that. Hyuk was not gangly or awkward, Leo thought as he watched Hyuk jog toward him and vault into his convertible.

"What have I said about doing that?" Leo demanded

"Don't remember, remind me", Hyuk replied cheekily and Leo ignored him as he drove away. Hyuk popped a CD into the car's stereo. "You gotta hear this. N gave me a demo of his piece before it hits the airwaves":

It took all of Leo's strength to be calm and not fling that CD out. But he had to admit, the music was very good. N had a very beautiful voice, especially when paired with Ravi's rapping. Ravi who had been in N's life before Leo was. Had been present when they dated, when they married, when they seperated. He was so lost in thought Hyuk had to shake him before he realised he nearly ran a red light.

"Wake up Bro! Please. I got a date with this beautiful girl. I need to be alive for it, thank you"

"I am so sorry about that Hyuk. Look I gotta get ready for tonight, so you'll get the car", Leo informed him.

"For real?! Yeah", Hyuk was very excited. He was rarely allowed to drive Leo's convertible

"Yeah" Leo repeated dryly, "Ken is coming to pick me up"

"Oooh" Hyuk cooed, "It's getting that serious huh? How does he compare to N?"

"Shut up, brat"

"I am curious", Hyuk continued, ignoring Leo, "Ken, N. Even their names rhyme. It must mean something right?"

"You know what N's name is so stop".

"Ok" Hyuk agreed, "But make sure you don't change your mind later about the car"

"I won't", Leo promised as he arrived their driveway. He parked smoothly and let Hyuk take the reins. "Be very careful or else".

"I will!" Hyuk yelled as he zoomed off before Leo was done talking to him. Leo prayed for his car

             Ken came to pick him up on time and they kissed after Leo opened the door. Ken was handsome, reliable, successful and sure. He was also a punctual person. N would take forever. Leo conveniently forgot he was often the reason N was late. "Let me get my watch and we can go", Leo said. Ken whistled, "I am going to be envied. Handsome, rich , y, the whole deal".

Leo smiled. Had it been N saying that, he would have felt self conscious. With Ken, he calmly said thank you.

"The only thing missing is your single status".

"Ken", Leo began and Ken shook his head, "Don't worry. I am not fussing about it. i know the score".

Leo exhaled then paused when Ken added softly, "It would be a welcome bonus if it happened though"

Leo bent to kiss Ken passionately, "Don't worry about my marital status, Ken. We are together, that is what matters". He looked into Ken's eyes until he got flustered and said, "Let's go".

But dinner was not a success. Leo could not focus and when Ken brought him back, he gave a weak excuse for Ken to leave. Ken took the hint and obliged him. Leo felt bad for hurting him but right now his head was on fire. Ever since he was a child, whenever he was very stressed, he suffered crippling headaches. One of them was coming on now. Immediately he shut the door behind Ken, he rushed to get his pills. He was prescribed some very heavy duty pain killers. He discovered the bottle was empty,  he could barely move. He called Hyuk but it went to voice mail. He tried to bear it but finally he closed his eyes and called N.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???