

           Hyuk did not deal well with his brother's headaches. They terrified him. He had to forget this night  so he went to a popular night club and had himself a crazy time. He and this very beautiful girl he met hit it off right away and they went to a secluded corner to make out. Hyuk was very much into it when he felt a stare. He opened his eyes while still kissing her and saw Hongbin watching him. He deliberately closed his eyes again and kissed her even more. He opened his eyes seconds later and Hongbin was gone. Hyuk was no longer in the mood. He begged her forgiveness and left the club. Outside, the air was fresh and crisp, he breathed in deep. Then he saw Hongbin from the corner of his eye. He was walking with some friends and Hyuk jogged over and pulled Hongbin aside.  One of his friends exclaimed in surprise and was going to intervene when Hongbin stopped him, "It's ok. I know him. You guys go on. I will catch up" After some hesitations, they agreed and left Hongbin with Hyuk.

"That's not your usual it people crowd", Hyuk commented as the group was further away.

"What do you want Hyuk?"

"I want you to stop following me or staring at me. It makes me uncomfortable"

"Fine. But just to let you know, I haven't". Hongbin was already turning around to leave, when Hyuk grabbed his arm, "Don't go"

"Hyuk, you are exhausting".

Hyuk did not answer, he kept looking pleadingly at Hongbin and something in his eyes spoke his sincerity to Hongbin and he relented. "Let me tell my friends I am going with you". Hyuk nodded and waited for Hongbin to get back. When he did, Hyuk said, "Let's go to your place. I don't want to go to N's tonight". Hongbin nodded and they did so.

           At his place, Hongbin let Hyuk shower and lent him a simple white tshirt and black sweatpants. He came to join Hongbin in the living room when he was done. "Feel better?" Hongbin asked.

"Yeah", Hyuk answered wrapping his arms around himself because Hongbin was brisk and business like. Hyuk tried not to blame him. Afteall, he had not acted well with Hongbin. But it still hurt.

"So what's the matter?" Hongbin asked

"No, you tell me first why you attacked my brother. Obvioulsy you don't hate him. You even respect him. I don't get it". Hyuk finished as he came to sit across Hongbin on his recliner.

Hongbin smiled a genuine smile, a real smile and Hyuk saw it. "You are dimpled!" He exclaimed. Hongbin flushed, self conscious and answered Hyuk's question, "I begrudge him. It's simple as that"

"Huh?" Hyuk was confused

"I entered the company as a model, primarily. But I had aspirations to be a singer. N was a mentor and I hoped he would choose me when he made it, but he chose Ravi in the end".

Hyuk heard no bitterness in Hongbin's voice though. It was matter of fact and he said, "You have to understand, Ravi and N have known each other a long time"

"I know", Hongbin whispered but Hyuk did not hear as he took their silence to look around. He got up to go pick up a manila envelope out of curiosity, "What is this?" Before he could open it, Hongbin had joined him and snatched it away. "None of your business"

Hyuk looked at him a moment before shrugging, "Ok, don't get mad but if it's that magazine, what do you still care anyway?"

"I care cause I am  not into men and that thing keeps printing lies"

Hyuk raised an eyebrow in unbelief at what Hongbin had just said and Hongbin laughed, 'I was just and you were there"

"You were more than ," Hyuk said, "you were very eager"

Both looked at each other a moment, consideringly before Hongbin turned away saying, "There is food. Come eat" and walked off. Hyuk stared at him going for a while before following.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???