The ArtWork


                This was not company, Hyuk thought. This was a full blown party. His kind too. At Leo's, it was often a quiet night with boring Ken as guest. N's apartment was full of people and everyone was having fun. And the girls, yes! Being in the entertainment world, N knew a lot models, rookies and so on. Hyuk was in his element, flirting and getting numbers. He knew he was cute, tall and appealing to girls and he planned to score this night. He was making his way toward  a gorgeous, tiny brunette he had made eye contact, when there was a commotion in the living room. He turned around and saw this guy. He seemed worse for drink but it didn't take away from his appeal. Some guys were blessed like that. He, Hyuk, looked like when drunk. The guy was standing drunk in a circle of people and some were trying to hush him and pull him to sit down. He ignored them and said in a loud voice, "Still living that life of abomination, N? Y'all", he said indicating noone in particular with a slender hand, "are going to hell for supporting that", His words slurred and he swayed as he continued, "Someone, pass me that bottle over there". He swayed some more and continued to spout rubbish in that vein. N was quiet, the guests were uncomfortable and Ravi took his cue form N. Keep it classy, Hyuk could imagine both of them thinking. Well that. He had heard enough. He walked over to the guy, grabbed his neck and pulled him for an open mouth kiss. The guy was too shocked to react and anyway, the alcohol had made the guy slow. Hyuk pulled away, making sure, all saw his tongue come out of this guy's mouth and said, "Babe, what have I said about drinking? I know you don't want them to know about us but enough is enough. C'mon now". Hyuk turned to their rapt audience. He caught Ravi's knowing smile and sent him a cocky wink."I apologise for my baby, everyone. We all know he cannot handle his liquor, yet he persists", Hyuk ended, squeezing the guy's behind possessively. Through out all this, the guy was still struck dumb. The rest of the guests nodded in understanding and sympathy, then immediately started gossiping. 'Was that how the wind blew for Hongbin? That explained so much now'. Ah, he was called Hongbin, Hyuk discovered before dismissing him from his mind when he saw N coming to take over. Hyuk went to get something to eat, leaving Hongbin in N's capable hands. Ravi followed to help. Both took Hongbin to a room to cool off. Ravi came out first and found Hyuk in the crush of people. "N will not be grateful for this"

"That is his problem. I wasn't going to stand by and let him be bashed by that idiot. Unlike some people", Hyuk ended, giving Ravi the side eye. Ravi flushed. "N doesn't like a ruckus"

"Like what that Hongbin dude was causing? Nevermind",  Hyuk stood up, from the wall he had been leaning against during their talk and went to mingle some more. A whole bunch of girls came to sit and chat with him, now that they saw him as "safe". Great, he just might still get some tonight. Not.

N had finally settled Hongbin who passed out on the bed in the room, when his cell rang. It was Leo. "What is all that noise?"

"A party"

"You are rewarding Hyuk?!" Leo exclaimed

"No! It was a party I had planned way before". N waved Hyuk over and he came. "It's Leo". He passed the phone to Hyuk and left him to attend to his guests. Leo kept Hyuk for a long time because by the time they were done, the last guest was leaving. , even the brunette was gone. So he helped Ravi and N clean up before Ravi left too.

When they settled, N had Hyuk sit with him a bit to talk, "Don't do that again, Hyuk". Talking back smack to Hongbin would have been too easy for Hyuk. He had to make his point in a memorable way, and he did as N had seen.

"Why?! That guy was a jerk"

"He is also the face of our company. He brings in a lot of money"

"So what? No one deserves to be spoken to like that did you", Hyuk ended passionately. N smiled at Hyuk, "You are so sweet and still naive"

"Bull N!  Don't patronize me. You aren't that much older than me and don't expect me to be quiet if that happens again". That said, Hyuk got up and took himself to bed only to find Hongbin passed out on his bed. He came back to find N waiting for him expectantly, a crossed leg swinging negligently. "I took the liberty of getting you blankets. They are over there".

"Thanks!" Hyuk snapped as he grabbed them and made for the sofa. He grumbled his way to sleep. N really loved his baby brother in law, bratty self and all. After making sure Hyuk was comfortable. he took himself to bed too.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???