

                         It was just Leo's luck that as he heard N pulling in, he saw two random pills he could take. N would think it had been a ploy to get him here, even so Leo took them and anyway, the pain was blinding now. N was running up to the house and used his old keys to come in. He found Leo seated at the kitchen counter with a glass of water before him. He was still in his tuxedo. He had loosened the bow tie though and got rid of the blazer. N had always loved Leo in suits and Leo in a tuxedo made him weak. He pushed that thought aside and rushed to Leo, whose knuckles were white from gripping the counter's edge for support.

"You idiot. You forgot to get a refill didn't you?" N scolded

"Can you blame me?" Leo managed with a rasp. His throat was parched, "With all that you are putting me through?"

"If you had signed the forms form the get go, I won't need to be chasing you all over this city", N was griping while getting all that was needed to soothe Leo at such times. "Where is the hot pack?"

"In the bedroom", Leo answered, laying his head back on his arms. By the time N was set, Leo's headache was a steady tattoo and not hammering as before. "Turn around", N instructed and Leo obeyed, swinging on the kitchen stool. N started ing Leo's shirt efficiently and without thinking, like old times. As he was pulling it off, Leo lifted his head to breathe him in. N shook his head, "Even in such times, Leo?" Leo gave him a slow smile and N turned away to get the packs after saying, "Face the counter". N started rubbing Leo's back and while doing so, he said, "You can't be calling me for this anymore, Leo. You will have to let Ken know. It is his responsibility now".  Leo's broad, pale back was fully exposed and N had not forgotten it's expanse. He simply tried not to remember.  But the memories kept flooding in. Not once did they never not make love after N soothed Leo this way.

"If it bothers you so much, you can leave", Leo ground out.

"I want to help Leo but I don't think the new man in your life  would appreciate this".

"I told you before, let me worry about that. Keep rubbing"

N took a deep breath and kept rubbing. He could see colour coming back to Leo and his breathing was more steady, not as choppy as before.

'Better?" N asked. Leo nodded and N said, 'I will put these away". By the time he was done, Leo had turned around and was watching him. N washed his hands and told him, "I'll be going now"

Leo stood up. "You can't, you are not done". 

"Leo, we are seperated. Microwave yourself something. I have to go"


"None of your affair".

Leo walked toward N. N could not take his eyes off that smooth lean chest. . He was going to sleep with Leo. Both of them knew it. Leo took N's hand, tugged and led him to their old bedroom. "Your headache?" N asked worriedly when Leo pushed him and he fell backward on the bed. 

"Better" Leo said and undressed. N raised himself on his elbows, a leg propped up, to watch. Leo unbuckled his belt, ped his pants and pulled off his briefs. He placed one knee on the bed, between N's legs and came close to kiss N.

"I am not taking my clothes off", N tried again and Leo's eyes narrowed with intent. He nuzzled N's neck. It took only a couple of seconds and N was as as him.

            A long while later, N was dressing and getting ready to leave. Leo watched from the bed. "Why did you shower? Did you just cheat on someoone with me?"

"Don't give yourself that much credit" N answered. He picked up his keys, pulled out the house keys and placed them on the dresser. "Don't call me for this anymore", he said without looking at Leo and left.

           Hyuk's party ended in the  early hours of the morning and that was when he got home. Unfortunately, he had banged up the convertible really good and he was too drunk and high to care as stumbled unto his bed. He fell asleep immediately his head hit the pillow. He could swear he had just laid his head, before he was violently shaken awake. He nearly threw up.

'What the happened to my car?"

Hyuk could not see Leo well and his answer slurred, "A little mishap", then he giggled. Leo shoved him so brutally, he hit the wall very hard. It hurt and tears stung his eyes. "I am sorry. I didn't mean for -"

"As usual" Leo cut in, not letting him finish, "You never mean for things to happen. They just do. Useless!" Leo ground out before marched off.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???