Just a Little


" You left without  a word", Hongbin told Hyuk at his school campus.

"Didn't wanna wake you", Hyuk explained as they walked on. Hyuk was feeling unsure about this.

"Why did you come here, Hongbin?"

"You came to my company building too. Whats the big deal?"

Hyuk stopped walking, "You know it was to mess with you. So what is this? Payback?"

Hongbin stopped walking too, "No. You seemed out of it last time we saw each other. I just wanted to be sure you were alright".

"I'm fine", Hyuk snapped then took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I'm just edgy and I don't know why".

"Sure about that?" Hongbin asked softly as he came closer to Hyuk and played with his top buttons. Hyuk swatted his hands away, "Stop that".

Hongbin did and asked instead, "Want to come over to my place?"

Hyuk thought about it then nodded, "Yeah". It wasn't as if N would be home anyway. Lately N was rarely there and when Hyuk went by Leo's, he heard sounds he did not want to hear . It was also great, Ravi not coming around anymore. His only regret was not rubbing it in when he had the chance.

So, after school, Hyuk would go to Hongbin's and spend the night. His school's policies were not that restrictive and he had improved and impressed his teachers very much. He was at Hongbin's one night, waiting on him to sort through pictures from his photoshoot that day, thinking how odd, he felt at home here as well. He was smiling at the thought when he saw a manila envelope sticking out from a pile of other envelopes. It looked like the one he saw the last time. He picked it up out of boredom and curiousity, when suddenly it was snatched form him. "Do you go around touching people's personals like that?" Hongbin demanded.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't going to open it anyway", Hyuk said as he stood up. He paused before speaking again, "But now, I am curious. What's in it?"

"None of yours", Hongbin replied as he turned around to put it away. Hyuk would have let it go like last time but Hongbin seemed too on edge, restless, over this. Hyuk came closer, behind Hongbin and bent to whisper in Hongbin's ear, "You can't hold out on me forever you know. Ask my brother in law. I am a ferret about things like this". Then he startled Hongbin by nipping his earlobe. "Hey!" the older one exclaimed, startled. He was smiling now as he turned around to face Hyuk. Yet Hyuk could read his eyes. They did not match his smile, but Hyuk missed his dimples so he decided to let it go. He pulled Hongbin to himself by the string of his sweat pants and Hongbin quickly warned, "Don't nip me"

"Why? You didn't like it?" Hyuk asked as he rubbed his forehead against Hongbin's and Hongbin answered, "I did. It makes me want to do the same to you".

Hyuk stopped swaying with Hongbin, "Then do". For a moment Hongbin looked unsure, as if he had not expected Hyuk to agree so easily. Hyuk's hand was firmly on Hongbin's waist and he used the other to tilt Hongbin's face to his. "What are you playing at? Last time you told me you were not into me or this"

Hongbin shrugged, "I changed my mind"

"Nah, something is going on". Hyuk won't let it go so Hongbin took a deep breath and stepped out of Hyuk's arms. "Can't you just let things be and enjoy this"

"Not this way, but for now I will" Hyuk decided and he pulled Hongbin back into his arms to kiss him. He wanted it sweet and slow but Hongbin grabbed his face and grappled him. They fell on the floor with Hongbin on top who knelt up and Hyuk sat up too so they could pull each others tops off. He was already trying to get Hongbin's pants off when he got a good look at him. Hongbin's eyes were unfocused, he was sweating heavily and panting very hard. He was out of it. Hyuk grabbed his wrists while he was struggling to get Hyuk's jeans ed. "Your damn buckle is a hassle", he was muttering.

"Hongbin, Hongbin", Hyuk called, but he was not listening. He had started rubbing himself against Hyuk. "Hongbin, I said stop! Damn it!" Hongbin stopped, came to himself, flushed and finally scrambled to get off and away from Hyuk. Hyuk got up, but more slowly as he buttoned his pants, yet removed his belt and tossed it aside.

"Whats the matter with you? You don't want me like that so why go through all----?" Before Hyuk could finish his sentence, Hongbin took him by surprise and ground his lips to his. "Kiss me Hyuk, kiss me",  he kept begging against Hyuk's lips. Hyuk was trying to calm him down. Finally, Hyuk was able to escape and stood afar as he told Hongbin, "I am going home. Tonight is not going as planned". Hongbin had calmed down somewhat and sat down without saying a word. Hyuk waited. Finally Hongbin got up to get that manila folder, tore it open and flung its contents at Hyuk.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???