Keeping Steady


          Hyuk had never seen Leo like this. He was afraid. His brother was very intimidating but never this brutal. Hyuk's head cleared from the experience and he came to a major decision. He packed a suitcase, called a cab and left. He arrived N's apartment door bleary eyed and sloppy. N opened the door after Hyuk's knock, in an opened bathrobe and sweatpants, a toothbrush in hand and shock on his face. It was not even yet 10am.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am moving in", Hyuk announced.

"No you're not"

"Yes I am", Hyuk maintained as he walked in, suitcase in tow. "I know you and my brother are still married. So what is his is yours and that includes me. Oh hi", Hyuk finished on seeing Ravi eating breakfast at N's table.  Ravi was fully dressed, unlike N. 

"Is he your new man, N?"

"Not that it concerns you but no"

"Leo doesn't think so", Hyuk said as he dumped his suitcase in the middle of N's neat living room. Then he went to serve himself some food.

"Where were you?" Ravi asked, seeing Hyuk up close since he came in. His eyes were blood shot and his breath kicked.

"Some party. I hit Leo's car. He didn't take it well", Hyuk shrugged and his sleeveless Tshirt fell off his thin shoulder. N saw the bruises that had formed and came closer to see better. He touched them gingerly but Hyuk still flinched. "Like I said, Leo did not take it well".

N's lips tightened. He knew what he had told Leo the night before but this had to be addressed, While Hyuk ate, Ravi got up and pulled N aside. "This is no longer your problem, stay out of it".

"But you saw his shoulder, his back. Leo has lost it", N whispered, outraged.

"Yes I agree. He has, because of you and if you keep getting involved, he can't get over it", Ravi noted and N clenched his fists in frustration. "Unless, that is what you want" Ravi asked him and N looked at him angrily. "Ofcourse not. But Hyuk is like my own brother too. I can't stay out of it Ravi. I can't".

Ravi exhaled in defeat, "I knew it. I had to try at least"

"You'll watch him while I get ready?" N asked

"Sure but he is not a kid"

"Yeah, yet you will be surprised how much trouble he can get into".

"Oh yeah, I can remember", Ravi muttered.

"Hey! If you guys are done gossiping about me and have decided how to handle things, I wanna sleep", Hyuk announced from the kitchen. N came over to him, 'I really should call your parents".

"Hmmm", Hyuk tapped a long finger on his chin, thoughtfully. "You really want to let them in on the mess, you and Leo have made of things? Your impending divorce, hanging over you like an evil spectre, Leo's headaches being more frequent lately, your plans to leave the country, stuff like that? Oh and you and Leo seeing other people even though still married?"

"You know too much",N replied before going to finish getting ready. He took Hyuk's suitcase on his way, as he led Hyuk himself to the room he would sleep in. As they were going down the hallway, Ravi heard Hyuk say, "I notice you didn't deny seeeing other people. Is it Ravi?

"You are impossible. I said no. Go to sleep, I will put your stuff up". Before N could go, Hyuk pulled him in for a tight hug and said, "Thank you N"

"It's alright" N replied, returning his hug, "Just rest". N shut the door behind himwhen he left. A while later, he rejoined Ravi in the kitchen, "He can be such a brat and at the same time he is very sweet"

"Ravi smiled, "I know. Go on or you will be late"

"Thank you Ravi. I don't know where I would be without you at this time"

"Stop being mushy and go", Ravi insisted as he pushed N playfully out the door.

  After his studio session, N called Leo. "Hyuk is with me. Just wanted you to know"

"That brat!" Leo exploded, "I will come get him"

"He will be staying with me for a while", N informed Leo

"I can't impose like this N. He comes home"

"Not when you are like this, full of anger"

"Excuse me, but Hyuk is my brother. Not yours"

"Since we are still married, thanks to you, he is mine too. I gotta go. I will have him call you". N hung up before Leo could add anything.

                     Later that day, Hyuk accompanied Ravi to buy groceries, after he woke up and cleaned up. As they walked down an aisle in the supermarket, Hyuk asked abruptly, "You got the hots for my brother in law, huh?"

"What?" Ravi was taken unawares.

"I said, you got it bad for my brother in law".

Ravi could not even reply. This kid's balls were something else. So Hyuk continued, "If not why are doing so much? This is not what you do for a mere friend. I am a handfull, even I know it. Yet, here you are, doing grocery shopping and babysitting me". Hyuk put babysitting in finger quotes. "Are you hoping to score brownie points?"

You are still rude I see" Ravi said

"Yup, but you haven't answered me yet"

"And I won't"

"I simply ask because you should know he still loves Leo. They slept together last night".

Ravi stopped with the cart, "You are insolent". Hyuk shrugged unconcerned, "You knew I was a handfull when you accepted to do this for N. On top of that, N loves me very much. So no matter what happens, Leo will always be in his life because of me".

Hyuk's words were like arrows to Ravi's heart. He rallied, though. "Good for you then", he told Hyuk and even managed a small smile. "Let us focus on the groceries. N is having some company over tonight". That said, Ravi went ahead, leaving Hyuk behind who looked at him with shrewd eyes.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???