

           N had been working very hard to make a name for himself in the difficult world of entertainment. Leo decided to surprise him at the studio with a food basket and a make out session if possible. Theirs was a young marriage and Leo found himself constantly for his husband. He arrived basket in tow, to see N and Ravi through the glass. They did not see him while they sat on the high stools laughing and practising. It was like lovemaking, with voices. Ravi rapped and N sang, his smooth voice blending perfectly with Ravi's deep, rough one. Leo envied Ravi's deep voice because his was soft, very soft. N sang a particularly long note and Leo watched Ravi watch N, who was completely oblivious because his eyes were closed. Up till today, Leo was mad at himself for not confronting Ravi right there and then. And he was mad at N for being so ually appealing. He knew the last was unreasonable but that is how he felt.

"Leo", N was saying, "Let's not waste each other's time anymore. Stop fooling around and sign them. I leave in four months". Leo nodded silently in agreement and N left. Leo followed not long after. The Master Artisan was certainly not pleased with Leo and N's work but neither cared. Leo went home, to his bedroom and opened a little chest. kept in his bedside table's drawer. It held his and N's wedding bands. He looked at them for a long time.

          Hyuk knew he had to prioritize but setting Hongbin off was simply more fun. He started coming so much to the Company building, he became an honorary member of Hongbin's little group and Hongbin's unofficial boyfriend. The more Hongbin cried out against it, the more his friends and thought he was protesting too much. After a particularly sensual shoot, Hongbin left for his dresser in his briefs alone. Hyuk had been allowed on set and immediately Hongbin left, Hyuk followed him to his dressing room. He slipped in and shut the door behind him. Hongbin was still in his briefs but he had cleaned off all his makeup. His face was so beautiful, even his skin.  All of him was beautiful. He truly was a fine piece of . Crass, but true. They could see each other through the mirror's reflection. "Hey babe", Hyuk said and Hongbin turned around. "It was a long day Hyuk. I am not playing games with you".

"How long are you going to deny the inevitable?" Hyuk asked as he leaned his long frame against the wall, by the door.

"What?" Hongbin asked confused and turned around to face Hyuk

"I saw you checking me out that morning", Hyuk explained as he leaned off the wall and walked toward Hongbin. "I don't get it. You bash my brother-in-law and still turn to him for help. You genuinely listen to him"

Hongbin shrugged, looking away because Hyuk was now crowding him and he was feeling very overwhelmed. "Can you not be so close?" Hongbin managed to ask

"Answer my question then"

"He is different", Hongbin answered lamely. Hyuk raised an eyebrow of unbelief but decided to le it go. Then he threw out carelessly, "Turn to me instead"

"After this stunt you are pulling, dragging your heels over that statement and this? Even if I was into you, it'll never happen".

"So, if I make that satement, you will go out with me?"

Hongbin looked like a deer caught in headlights again. Hyuk was beginning to like causing that look on him. He came closer, lifted Hyuk's face to his and kissed him. Then pulled back, "It wasn't that bad now, was it?"

Hongbin still couldn't speak. He was very intelligent but Hyuk would think he was slow at this rate. "It's not fair", Hongbin whispered looking away but Hyuk pulled him closer and let his hands remain on Hongbin. It felt nice, Hyuk thought dispassionately. "I know. I want to kiss you, really kiss you. Will you let me?" 

Hongbin nodded without looking at Hyuk so he did not see his smile of triumph. Hyuk had wondered if he was moving too fast. He realised he had underestimated how repressed Hongbin was. Hyuk peppered his face with light kisses that were making Hongbin weak and restless. Hongbin turned them around and pushed Hyuk backward, toward to the vanity table, against which they could lean. Hyuk's clothes were rubbing against Hongbin's body and keeping his  nerves alight. So far, Hyuk had been leading. Finally, Hongbin put his arms around Hyuk's neck and kissed him fully on the mouth.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???