Meet Up


            Ravi was feeling demented with pain. N had hurt him for the last time. He stumbled into a bar where the waitress was a little reticent about serving him. He looked very mean and dangerous. His gravelly voice was even more hoarse from all the screaming and yelling he had done before coming there, He was drinking his pain away when a familiar face caught his eye. He sauntered over to the table and sat down without an invitation. "If it isn't our local famous journalist".

Ken looked up to see this very handsome and y young man before him. He had not even noticed when the young man sat down because he was very lost in his own thoughts. The young man was worse for wear but somehow it made him even more attractive. Both were a contrast at the table. Ravi in low slung torn jeans, encased in boots and his shirt, opened enough to see a when he moved. His jewelry glinted in the light. Meanwhile, Ken was barely dishelved even though he was not too far from drunk. His suit was still impeccable, but he had loosened his tie at least and ed his collar button. Besides that, not a hair was out of place, meanwhile, Ravi had run his fingers through his, so much, most of it was standing on end and it gave him a punk rock look.

"I don't know you", Ken said, "and please, leave me alone".

Ravi smiled, "We have someone in common".

Ken looked at Ravi up and down, not really disdainfully but there was some judgement, "I don't think so".

Ravi took a swig before he spoke, "N".

Ken frowned, "Yes?"

Ravi gave him a slow half smile that had Ken knowing if he was not hung up on Leo, he would have taken this guy, Ravi home. Who knew? The night was still young. "Put aside your journalist ways and listen".

And Ravi let all his venom, frustration and anger pour out into very receptive ears. At the end, he sat back and stared at Ken whose expression had barely changed but Ravi could tell the guy was boiling. He had not drunk a sip since Ravi had been speaking and only looked down in his glass, his hand clenched around it. Ravi smiled to himself. He wanted someone to hurt like he was hurting. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Ken finally asked, "So we can comfort each other?'

Ravi laughed, "Not even close. I simply want to make him  hurt the way he made me hurt. And I know you would like some payback too".

Ken did not say anything. He was thinking. Ravi could tell Ken was warring with himself not to stoop to such antics, so he leaned in and spoke softly yet earnestly, "It is petty, foolish and childish. But it would give satisfaction". Ken looked up and met Ravi's eyes. Such soft beautiful brown eyes he thought, but right now full of anger, full of hate, full of hurt. They mirrored exactly how Ken felt since he saw N and Leo in bed together.

"So you are saying I should do this for the hell of it?"

Ravi leaned back, "Why not? It is reason enough". Part of Ravi could tell it was the alcohol talking but he didn't want to stop himself. And anyway, he knew he had Ken. "Ok", Ken finally replied, "How do you propose we go about this?"

Both spend the night with alcohol and hatching plans. Some farfetched, others ludicrous, some very possible, others not so much. It helped feel better.

        N had just arrived his apartment when his phone rang. He rushed to the kitchen wall to pick it up. "When are you coming back?" Leo demanded

N found himself smiling like an idiot, "I just got home. Let me change first"

"You can do that here", Leo whined

"You are so impatient", N teased

"Cause I need to make up for all the time we lost. Now hurry and get that delectable of yours over here. I will be waiting".

Once N hung up the phone, he looked around pleased. He could not wait to go be with Leo. Things were looking up and could only get better.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???