Good Thoughts


                    Hyuk woke up very disoriented. He had actually fallen asleep! And it was past ten! The news. He scrambled to get his phone form his backpack. He scrolled through the latest headlines but there was absolutely no mention of him. He tried international websites too. Still nothing. He never pegged Hongbin as someone who enjoys torture. Was he prolonging the release of those pictures to make him squirm? If that was the case, it was working. He had no plans to clean up in this place so he quickly checked out and went to N's place. He was in time to see N coming out with big sunglasses on. They matched the ones Hyuk had bought on his way there to hide his eyes.

"On to work?" He asked N

"Yeah", N's voice was a bit hoarse

"See you later tonight then"

"Sure" and N hurried off. Hyuk knew something was wrong but a thing at a time first. He got into the apartment and locked the door. He took a very deep breath and went to shower.Then went to school. He came back that night to find N home. The next night was the same, N stayed home, and the next and the next. He was still trying to find a way to break the news to N and Leo about those photos and at the same time, he was wondering why there was not a whisper about them. He made up his mind. Dealing with someone else's problems would take his mind off his.

That day, he had no classes so he was home when N got in. Once N had changed, eaten and relaxed, Hyuk got in. They were in the parlour with N on the recliner and Hyuk on the adjoining sofa. "What happened?" Hyuk asked without prelimanaries

N ignored him and kept his eyes closed so Hyuk asked again and once more, he was ignored. He got up softly, tiptoed over to N, then launched his attack of tickles. N quickly broke down laughing, "Stop stop! I will tell you". Hyuk freed him and let him speak. N quickly sobered looking at Hyuk who was seated at his feet, patiently waiting. "Your brother is an "


N took a deep breath debating how much to tell his young brother in law. Hyuk came to his aid, "Remember I have heard and seen you both go at it. So you can tell me anything".

N flushed then blurted it out, "Your brother wanted me to sleep with Ravi while he watched". Then he covered his face in embarassment. "I shouldn't have said anything"

But Hyuk grabbed his wrist, "You should have. Our family is not conventional. You know that and anyway, I would have found out somehow. You saved yourself time"

N leaned back on the recliner wearily, a leg hanging over, "Hyuk you have no idea how hurt and furious I was"

"I know. And to think he chose Ravi at that"

N popped his head and Hyuk laughed adorably, lightening the mood. Then he grew somber again."I was recently given to understanding that none of us treat others well, N."

"What do you mean?"

"You are so hurt about this, can you imagine how hurt Ravi must be?"

"But you never cared for him", N noted, surprised at Hyuk's empathy for Ravi

"Yeah, but you did. He is your childhood friend and you are busy wallowing. Think how he feels to receive the short end of the stick time and time again"

"I was always clear with him. I never lied to him"

"Neither did you let him go"

"I don't like this. You are supposed to be comforting me. Not making me feel tier you know"

"I am going to comfort you by saying my brother can be the worst. He had no business putting any of you three in this position"

"You bet he didn't" N replied regaining his fervor from gaining the moral high ground again. Until Hyuk brought him back down, "Yet you agreed to play around"

"I didn't, he---" N began only to be cut off by Hyuk, "Admit it N. For a moment there, I bet you liked knowing you had that kind of power over my brother. And when he did not play along the way you wanted, you realised what you had done"

"At least I realised" N muttered

"I know Leo did too later on so what you need to do is go over there and stop crowding me"


"Yeah, you are always home. I can never bring anyone over"

"What about Hongbin?" N asked

Hyuk started fidgeting with a loose carpet thread and said something softly. N bent to catch that, "What? I didn't hear what you said"

Hyuk looked up and spoke loudly, "I said Hongbin and I will be releasing some softcore  pictures soon".

N looked so confused Hyuk started explaining, "You know, softcore, like kinda but not , people in adult situations and---"

"I know what softcore is" N snapped, "What I don't know is why you two are doing that"

"I am not. He is. With me in it"

N shook his head to clear it. "You know what? Let me deal with your brother, then I will deal with you". N got up to get ready before going out. At the door, he warned Hyuk, "You better be here when I get back" and he left.

            Hyuk tried to watch tv but could not. He could not study either. He was really worried and finally he gave up. He called Hongbin who picked it up after a couple of rings. "Hongbin?"


"Why have you not released the pictures?"

"Are you that eager to debut?"

"Hongbin, you won. I am really scared. I don't want those pictures out there"

"There are no pictures out there"

That stopped Hyuk, "What? But I saw you click send"

"Yeah, I was emailing my agent a reply to the itinerary he sent me"

Hyuk took a moment to take it all in. He took so long Hongbin got impatient, "Look, if that is it, I have to go. I am busy"

But Hyuk needed to understand, "Then why take all those pictures? What are you going to do with them?"

Hongbin sighed impatiently, "I had planned to do as I told you but it was not worth it and besides, it would have hurt me too, ok? I destroyed them all, negatives included. Now I really have to go. Bye. Don't call or look for me anymore" and he hung up with a finality that kind of surprised Hyuk. It was a while before Hyuk too, took a seat back and just sat there.

           When N got in, it was to find Leo in his office working. But immediately Leo saw N, he got up and wen to him to hug him, "I was an and I am sorry. Say you forgive me"

". You took the wind out of my sails Leo. I was coming to read you the riot act".

"You can if you still want to" Leo offered as he pulled N out of the office to their bedroom.

"Why are you always this confident?" N asked Leo,once in the bedroom.

"Because I know you love me", Leo promptly replied while he started undressing N. This was ridiculous N was thinking, yet he allowed Leo to take him to bed.  He was never good at confrontations anyway. Leo took his time with N, he did not rush anything and by the time they were done, N was out of breath, Leo was still ready to go. "I am not an athlete like you Leo", N reminded him breathlessly

"Former athlete and you can just lie down while I do all the work"

N was obliging when his phone rang. It was Hyuk's ring for his phone. He picked it up while Leo was working on him down there. Leo stopped to speak, "You are really going to talk with my brother while I go down on you?"

"It's a text message" N replied as he read with one hand and pushed Leo's head down with the other. Leo obeyed. Hyuk was saying that it had all been a joke, the pictures and all that, and N should not rush his time at Leo's because he, Hyuk will still be at the apartment when N got back.

"Your brother has a funny sense of humour", N observed in a hitched voice because Leo was doing so much

"Can we not talk about my brother now?" Leo asked as he came up on N to nuzzle him and get between his legs. N's legs fell open because he got his second wind back. He probably will not be going back to the apartment this night. Or any other night, he considered seriously. It was time to stop fooling around and come back to the home he shared with Leo and...That was the end of his thoughts for a while once Leo entered him.

        Meanwhile, Hyuk put his phone aside. Obviously, N would not be coming back tonight. He still planned to not go out or invite anyone over either. He put on the tv and watched it feeling better than he had in a long time. He knew things were going to be good from now on.

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BomShen #1
Wanted more for Hyuk and Hongbin. It ended so abruptly for them.
Chapter 13: I bet Sanghyuk must be so frustrated seeing Ken in his brother's house; he didn't like Ken, did he???

You finished all chapter in one day? Woaaaa daebak.....

Hmm, what a complicated relationship, eh? Taekwoon don't want to let Hakyeon go, but he's cheating, and vice versa, ('though for hakyeon I'm not sure he's cheating on Taekwoon)

And you really made Sanghyuk a great jerk here xDD

I'm glad you write this story, thank you! :D
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???
Ehh? I didn't see any changed, but why update notice keep appearing???