Chapter 21: The After Wedding Shock

Call Me, Text Me
Hello readers…I know I haven’t posted in a long time
So very sorry…I have school and everything…
But those who have been reading…thank you so much for the support…
I’m almost done with the story…
So please stay tune…

For now…enjoy the chapter !! :D
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Chapter 21: The After Wedding Shock

Today was the day, a life changing moment for everyone. So Hee stared at herself in the mirror, her hair was in a loose up-do and the bride’s maid dress was a creamy rose pink. She lifts her eyes now staring at her face. The make-up she put on herself was plain and simple but the expression written on her face wasn’t glowing with everything.

There was a knock on the door. So Hee turned around and answered.

“Come in.”

It was her mother. “So Hee you should head down…um…you have the ring?”

So Hee nodded her head with a plain smile. So Hee’s mother could see everything, the sadness was behind it all.

“Cheer up honey,” So Hee’s mother replied gently, “I know you’ve been through a lot…but let your mind become free…let the happy and joyful aroma in your soul.

So Hee’s yes filled with tears that ran down from her lids to the end of her chin. Her mother’s words were touching but does she really know the reason why the tears are falling? So Hee’s mother came in the room and kissed her on the forehead, then pulled out a white handkerchief and gently patted it on So Hee’s traces of tears trying not to ruin her flawless make up.

“Don’t let tears be the sign of grief…they should always be for happiness,” So Hee’s mother says as she places the handkerchief in So Hee’s hands.

Of course her mother knew, every good mother understands their daughter’s feelings. So Hee’s mother gently pats So Hee’s cheeks and brought a smile from the sad expression she wore during her stay in the room. So Hee hugs her mother tightly.

“Aiya…it’s time for you to go…I know you want to thank me…but there’s a wedding out there and you need to be out there,” So Hee’s mother replies with exhaustion.

As she went to the back to head into the ceremony she stood by the side of Yoobin’s family. She looked down the aisle waiting for Yoo Bin to come. So Hee peered to the groom’s side and saw how handsome he was. Well, he wasn’t Ji Yong that’s for sure.

Over the past few days after her breakup, she was introduced to Yoo Bin’s future husband. He was a really sweet young man. Vanness Wu is his name. Tall, handsome and a famous actor in Taiwan. Yoo Bin was always so happy while they were together no wonder they were getting married. In truth, they’ve known each other pretty long. They were under the same company in Taiwan. During Yoo Bin’s depressing modeling days Vanness would be the one trying to cheer her up. That time she had to leave Ji Yong after school.

Vanness always liked Yoo Bin but could never really confess to her because she had someone else to her liking. Then Yoobin went back to Korea because of So Hee’s debut in the fashion industry, Yoo Bin was chosen to be So Hee’s icon model. Vanness on the other hand was sad about the fact she was going to leave but happy at the same time because she was going to expand her career. But then Yoo Bin came back to Taiwan not so long before she even left. Vanness was happy she came back but why so sudden; and of course it was that Yoo Bin couldn’t handle the double life she had, modeling and personal life, again he went to comfort her. Then that was then after, Vanness wanted to change Yoo Bin’s life as well as his.

So Hee smiled watching how anxious he was waiting for Yoo Bin to come down the aisle. Right then the music began and the doors opened, Yoo Bin came walking down with her father with the veil over her head everyone sitting down looked back towards Yoo Bin. You could hear the people sigh of awe from the beauty of Yoo Bin.

This was finally going to happen. As she made her way to the groom, you could feel their connection with each other the moment they joined hands. Vanness lifted her veil up and over her radiant face. That was then the father began with the words of matrimony.

It was all happening the point where the father asked if anyone didn’t want the couple to be wedded. No one rejected. And so it goes…the father began his words again the phrases that would wed the couple.

Everyone watched happily, others watched with tears streaming from their eyes of so much joy. There was nothing that was going to come between the both of them, Yoo Bin and Vaness. This is going to be one happy memory.

So Hee was feeling the urge to cry but she held it in. So Hee was grateful to be Yoo Bin’s maid of honor. Now the couple was to give each other their rings and become husband and wife. Then finally the father gave the last phrase that everyone waits for.

“You may kiss the bride.”

Right then and there Vanness locked his lips with Yoo Bin’s. Everyone was ecstatic with happy cries and nonstop applause. So Hee smiled with so much joy. She was glad to have shared this moment with Yoo Bin. Nothing can ever replace this happy moment she’s experiencing now.


So Hee waited outside with the rest of the family and friends where they chatted about how lovely the couple was. So Hee just smiled among the crowd. She was happy really, but not for herself. Suddenly she felt a warm palm resting against her shoulder. So Hee looked behind and surprisingly it was Seung Hyun.

“Seung Hyun,” she spoke.

He only smiled without showing any of his teeth. The both of them still communicated even though they broke apart. Then the wedded couple came out of the chapel waiting on the stops now. Yoo Bin was the happiest woman and her husband Vanness is now Yoo Bin’s beloved companion.

“Okay, now is the bouquet toss,” Yoo Bin exclaimed smiling contently.

Yoo Bin turned around and tossed her bouquet. The people gathered around and huddled with their arms reaching for the falling bouquet. So Hee was in the crowed pulled into the huddle as well. She tired to get out but the people around her just wouldn’t budge.

“Excuse me,” So Hee fussed out struggling to get out.

As So Hee struggled through the crowd the bouquet landed right in her hands. To her surprise she never expected to catch the bouquet. The crowd around her finally moved and applauded for So Hee. So Hee smiled embarrassingly, she didn’t want the bouquet really.

Yoo Bin and Vanness came running down the steps excitedly.

“So Hee, thank you for everything, you deserve to love too Hun,” Yoo Bin says as she hugs So Hee. “Do let me know when you and your future husband have the wedding.”

So Hee didn’t know what to say. Yoo Bin pulled away from the hug and kissed So Hee on the cheek and went into the car with Vanness. So Hee just watches the car drive away. Is this really true? So Hee thought, will she get a happy ending?

Seung Hyun pats So Hee on the shoulder for a gesture of congrats for catching the bride’s bouquet. Too bad So Hee was not going to be his little bride, he thought.


There was the happily married couple dancing and having a great time. So Hee played with her chicken bone, picking at it with the fork. There was a tap on her shoulder, So Hee quickly turned to see who it was and again it was Seung Hyun.

“May I have this dance,” he asked with a slit smile forming after his question.

So Hee forced a smile and only shook her head, but Seung Hyun didn’t take that answer as a no. Instead he just took her by the hand and pulled her into him as they swayed with the slow music being played. So Hee was confused and stumbled every step she took as Seung Hyun danced with her. She couldn’t push Seung Hyun away, it probably might make their situation look like they’re making up but in reality, So Hee understood that Seung Hyun wanted to dance on last time.

Yoo Bin glanced over towards Seung Hyun and So Hee. She knew about So Hee and Seung Hyun’s breakup. This dance is probably going to be the last for the two of them. It seems that maybe So Hee will never really love anyone but Ji Yong. The thought made Yoo Bin shed diminutive tears, how could Ji Yong have left without saying a thing? How could he? Yoo Bin rested her head on Vanness’s shoulder. She thought within herself, the person who hurt So Hee most was her being with Ji Yong. And Ji Yong, how could he have been so blind to not have notice So Hee, that idiot.

It was ungrateful that Yoo Bin didn’t say a thing about Ji Yong leaving either. Not letting So Hee know anything. Ji Yong left with the impression of finally realizing he had feelings bottled up for So Hee over their years together for the longest time and Yoo Bin denied that fact. And for that denial Ji Yong left.

“Hey Hun, are you okay,” Vanness asked noticing Yoo Bin sniffling.

There was only a nod from Yoo Bin she didn’t want Vanness to see her crying.

“I’m good, just every emotional now and very happy to have you by my side,” Yoo Bin says trying to hide the fact she was crying. “I just wished I would have been a better friend to So Hee.”

Vanness understood what YooBin meant, of course he did, Yoo Bin would never hide anything from Vanness. He understood the situation. He looked across the dance floor and spotted So Hee and Seung Hyun.

“Well you don’t need to worry about anything sweetie, So Hee will become better in not time, you’ll see,” Vanness replies then rests his head on Yoo Bin’s. They slowly swayed with the music.


“Okay everyone gather around, it’s time for pictures,” Vanness called out for the people.

Many people joined in for the picture. So Hee was right next to Yoo Bin and the family. The picture was taken by one of Vanness’s family members. Soon after the picture was taken the photographers for Yoo Bin’s wedding were here. The newly weds were excited and now getting ready for picture taking.

Everyone wasn’t huddling to get in the picture anymore, it was more where the crowd was to act natural or pretend the photographers were not there. The pictures were going to go in the Weddings Magazine issue where there will be an article of Yoo Bin and Vanness’s ceremony. There were about five photographers, they just snapped away with their frames.

So Hee went out to the eating area then to the grass where the children played amongst themselves ignoring the elders not having to worry about anything. Then two little children caught So Hee’s attention. The boy and little girl exchanged white roses. The sight brought a gentle smile from her face. Then suddenly there were flashes of light from the side aiming right at her angle and the two children. Again there were flashes of light from the side aiming right at her now. She turned around and the photographer was taking more pictures.

So Hee quickly moved away from getting in the pictures. The photographer watches her walk out like a scenery from a movie through the lenses of the camera. Soon after, a couple of shots were being snapped away by the photographer. The photographer then pulls the camera down away from his face slowly just watching So Hee walk away farther and farther away.

It wasn’t long before So Hee could feel something in her gut that was different. She turned around and saw the photographer. She became shocked and quickly turned away and walked back to where everyone was.

“Oh…my gosh,” So Hee thought within herself. This can’t be, Ji Yong just took pictures of her. He didn’t even say a word. And she didn’t even reply back to his subtle motives.

So Hee walked to her table and grabbed her things having the intension to leave immediately. Was this actually happening, So Hee was going to run away from her long lost love? Or is she just afraid of him?

“So Hee, where are you going,” Yoo Bin called right before So Hee could leave.

Yoo Bin with Vanness by her side both stared at So Hee. Soon after all the rush the person who So Hee was avoiding came to the three of them. That was then Yoo Bin understood: she looked towards Vanness and gave him that look signaling giving off the sign that Ji Yong her ex boyfriend was their photographer? For the wedding? And this was going to answer everything? Was this going to help So Hee?

Vanness cleared his throat. “Well then I guess we’ll be leaving the two of you alone.” He gently took Yoo Bin’s hand into his and thy both went.

Now it was just So Hee with Ji Yong. So Hee could feel his gaze upon her. They spoke uttering the same word.

“Um…” they both looked up to each other but only So Hee stared back down.

This moment was too much for So Hee to handle that her heart was beating so hard she was about to give in.

On the other hand Ji Yong stared at her, So Hee, the girl he knew from so long ago was now a woman, beautiful and delightfully exquisite to the eyes. Ji Yong approached So Hee slowly and wrapped his arm around her gently resting his weight onto her. So Hee’s face was in his chest. She could smell his scent, the familiar scent back in the high school days, this time her heart was coming out of her chest. She could feel her ears getting warm. So Hee closed her eyes listening to Ji Yong’s heartbeat going in a fast rhythm. She knew Ji Yong was as nervous as she was. But then as So Hee listened to the flowing rate of Ji Yong’s heart, she heard his voice.

“Why didn’t you call me back…or text me?”

So Hee pulled back slowly from his response. Ji Yong looked down gazing upon her expression of unsettledness. Then Ji Yong saw her eyes fog up with tears right at the rims of her eyes. The tears then welled down her lids and slowly streamed down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” So Hee uttered under her breath and pulled away from Ji Yong’s hold.

She went and left the place not looking back at Ji Yong. He stood at his place and watches So Hee walk away. He sighs as his head slowly falls forward in disappointment at himself. It seems his presence still makes So Hee uncomfortable but he had to get to her before it’s too late. Ji Yong looks up and decided that he can’t let her run off like this and follows after the only person who really understood him in times of need, this was when So Hee needed him and he knew that in his heart.

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okay…please do leave comments…feedbacks…
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For those who still are reading and commenting after such a long while from my very late post
Thanks for the support guys… :D

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 25: Though I'm not a fan of WonderBang... You, author-nim, really impressed me! I love the story!!!!
mudkip118 #5
wow, interesting, really.
I read this in 4 day and Im in love with this story it's so heartfilled
i really like your story its reall wow im speechless...
xIntellectualBadass #8
Haha , I remember reading this on winglin !
namwustar #9
new reader xD<br />
great fic! I love it, and I do love this HeeDragon couple <3333<br />
too bad I can't see TooBin together, but well... overall this story is good ^~~^<br />
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keep writing a good one ^~^
I'm not a huge HeeDragon fan since I prefer GD with Sunye and Sohee with Taeyang, but I like this fic! ^^ I really love the title for the last chapter too, made a lot of sense.