One Night Two End [small NC-17 towards the end]

Call Me, Text Me
well here is the next chapter...i hope you enjoy
oh...and there is a little bit of NC-17 towards the end...
just very little...if you don't really want to read that it's fine with me...but i recommend you to read everything...
again i hope you enjoy...and thank you for waiting on my long post... enjoy ^^

Chapter 18: One Night Two End

Then wind blew softly making So Hee shiver as she walked out in the dark at the park. It seemed scary but what really scared her was how she was to ever face Ji Yong again or will she ever meet him? Footsteps were heard from the far end right of So Hee. She turned to see that it was Seung Hyun. So the park was the place that was going to make So Hee happy? She was only feeling really cold deep in her heart, adding the cold air around her only made the world seem to also be against her.

“Here, have a drink,” Seung Hyun spoke as he reached So Hee.

Without a response, So Hee didn’t take the drink; she didn’t want anything ever since they arrived at the park. There was only burden sensed in the air around So Hee. Seung Hyun took her hand and gave her the cold drink from a soda machine not so far in distance from the two.

“You know we’ve been here for a while now,” Seung Hyun explained as he stood beside So Hee, “but you’re too bothered to even notice that I’m right her to comfort you.”

So Hee turned to look at Seung Hyun with those mournful eyes of hers, but Seung Hyun only stared up into the sky. Slowly he finally turned to look into So Hee’s eyes trying to read what was in her mind at the moment. Seung Hyun only slightly broke a smile off the corner of his mouth and wrapped one of his arms around So Hee’s shoulder as he softly pecked her on the forehead.

“Did you forget that I’m your boyfriend,” Seung Hyun asked with content, “because I remember you being my girlfriend.”

Awkwardly So Hee shifts her eyes down to the ground and lightly blushed from the fact. It was true they’re going out now but was it the right time? So Hee was pretty confident that she decided to be with Seung Hyun even after her long confession towards Ji Yong. Still no change of heart?

“Um…you wanna come home with me,” Seung Hyun asked.

So Hee popped her head up and accidentally knocks Seung Hyun on the chin from hearing such a request.

“Omo…I’m so sorry,” So Hee apologizes as she rubs her head now away from Seung Hyun and bowing.

Seung Hyun shyly smiled as he covered his chin with one of his hands.

“It’s okay, things always happen and you don’t need to bow, you’re my girlfriend,” Seung Hyun replied as he chuckled.

So Hee blushed as her heart raced trying to respond back but nothing came to her mind. Seung Hyun stared at her innocent bland look as he felt a tingling warm feeling rushing up to his face for he also blushed.

“Just give me a hug,” Seung Hyun spoke as his arms opened.

The moment felt awkward and so embarrassing. How could So Hee bow, she wasn’t use to these things, she didn’t know what to do while being in a relationship, but now she knew how to be truthful when it came to feelings. She stared to Seung Hyun with his arms still open for his hug. He slightly tilted his head and lifted his eyebrows. Unable to resist his coy behavior, So Hee went into his arms and felt him wrap his manly arms around her tiny body. She only felt his warmth as she snuggled in between his arms.

“Well you can spend one night with me again,” Seung Hyun sweetly spoke as he hugged So Hee tighter not wanting to let her go.


The two couple got out of the car and looked at the tall apartment building. Seung Hyun quickly ran towards So Hee and stood beside her as he angled his arm down leaving an opening for her to loop her arm in so he could her in the building. So Hee smiled and hooked her arm to Seung Hyun as they finally go into the building. When they got to Seung Hyun’s door, Seung Hyun pulled out a sleeping eye cover and placed it over So Hee’s eyes.

“Omo…what are you trying to do,” So Hee asked curiously as she lifted the cover from her eyes to peer out at Seung Hyun.

“You’ll see soon enough, just keep the cover over your eyes,” Seung Hyun said with a big smile.

So Hee didn’t know what was going to happen but it has to be something good so she placed the cover over her eyes. Suddenly she hears the keys jingle and the key going in the keyhole. Her heart raced uncontrollably mixed with uncertain feelings of excitement and fear from what was going to happen next. Then the door opened and So Hee felt Seung Hyun’s hands upon her shoulders.

“Okay, just walk slowly forward ahead…and…stop right there,” Seung Hyun says.

Again the door was shut and So Hee slightly flinched from all the noise. She could hear the lights go on and the stammering sounds of spoons and forks jingle with each other. So Hee didn’t know what Seung Hyun was doing but didn’t dare to take a peek. Then she heard a lighter go on, then off.

“Um…Seung Hyun…what’s going on,” So Hee asked wanting to know what was he really up to.

She didn’t hear Seung Hyun respond back but heard his footsteps coming towards her.

“Okay…now you can take the cover off,” Seung Hyun said with much excitement.

As so Hee lifted off the cover from her eyes, she was awed by the sight and change in Seung Hyun’s apartment. So Hee placed the tips of her fingers over as she stared at the beautiful decorated room which there were white Christmas lights hung around the dark room and a small red long cloth on the walkway towards a small circular table with such pure white delicate fabric hung on the table and two tall lit candle sticks in the middle with a small vase in between the candles with three red roses as there were two beautiful wooden chairs tucked the end of the round table.

“What do you think of our dinner arrangement,” Seung Hyun asked with much content in his tone.

So Hee slowly removed the tip of her fingers away from and finally spoke from witnessing such an amazing sight.


Seung Hyun felt proud and achieved for making So Hee happy again and gently took her hand as he led her to her seat.

“So what would you like Miss Ahn So Hee,” Seung Hyun asked playfully.

So Hee giggled sweetly making Seung Hyun melt in the sight of her beauty and cute behavior.

“…Well kind sir…what’s on the menu,” So Hee replied with a smile.

Seung Hyun rushed over to the kitchen and opened his fridge and took out several plates with a huge lid over each and every plate.

“Well which would you like, the cold food or the room temperature food,” Seung Hyun says as he reached in the oven and took out two more plates with the same huge lid over each plate.

So Hee only smiled and spoke in between her uncontrollable laughter over Seung Hyun’s sweetness.

“Which…ever you want…to serve for us…”

The sweet laughter from So Hee made Seung Hyun’s heart jump from excitement. He puts one of the plates down and took one to the round table.

“Well then, I guess the room temperature food it is,” Seung Hyun meekly spoke.

As he places the plate on the table he lifted the lid and the aroma of the food tingled So Hee’s nose with the urge to dig in. it was on medium sized plate with an amount for one person that had a heart shaped pink sticky rice with the well cooked stir fry surrounding the pink heart shaped sticky rice.

“Omo…you made this,” So Hee asked as she giggled staring at Seung Hyun.

“Yep…straight from the heart,” Seung Hyun replied with his eyes settling on So Hee’s sweet expression.

As they stared into each other’s eyes So Hee was beginning to think that maybe Seung Hyun did really like her and that he was serious about this relationship. He wasn’t the player that Ji Yong said he was, Seung Hyun was too sweet.

“Well eat up…the food’s not going anywhere,” Seung Hyun interrupted So Hee’s thoughts.

She picked the fork from the table that laid on top of the napkin and took a chunk of the pink heart shaped sticky rice and stir fry as she gracefully ate the chunk. Seung Hyun placed his elbow on the table with his arm extending up as he rested his head on his hand dazed by So Hee eating the food he made during her show. So Hee chewed and smiled.

“This is delicious,” So Hee replied amicably, “you should eat too, here.”

So Hee took another chunk and hovered it towards Seung Hyun. His heart only fluttered for he was going to eat off from the same fork so Hee ate from. He took in the bite of food and felt himself blushing as he chewed.

“Help me eat your pretty food…I can’t wait to see what you made for dessert,” So Hee said as she ate another chunk of the food then feeding Seung Hyun again as they both ate away.


After everything, the two couples washed the dishes splashing each other and running around the apartment from getting soap on each other. It was an evening of happiness and a great way to celebrate So Hee’s debut in the fashion world. They were soaked after washing the dishes. Seung Hyun gave his pink long tee to So Hee again to change into. So Hee accepted to wear it again, but this time she’ll be changing into it not Seung Hyun changing her.

Seung Hyun got out of the bathroom, changed into his sweats and sweater hoodie with his black tank under. After So Hee came out of Seung Hyun’s room with his pink long tee, she was also wearing his gray sweats that looked huge on her. They both met eyes and looked off to their sides at the same moment.

“Um…well I hope you don’t mind me wearing your sweats,” So Hee asked.

Seung Hyun smiles and shakes his head. So Hee slowly walks out of the room and they both sat on the couch for Seung Hyun prepared a movie clip for them to watch. The movie clip started and So Hee rested her head on Seung Hyun’s shoulder. It was just a perfect night and Seung Hyun just only wished for it to last forever. But as minutes flew past, So Hee was sound asleep. Seung Hyun watches the movie then turns the volume down.

“I…love you…” Seung Hyun whispers not waking So Hee, “I love you…So Hee…”

He couldn’t understand why he fell for her so quickly but he knew that he couldn’t deny his feelings towards So Hee. Seung Hyun lifts her tiny body and into his room. He gently sets her on his bed and tucks her in. So Hee slept so angelic that it almost made Seung Hyun cry his eyes out for he’s never seen such a beauty sleep so peaceful. Seung Hyun sat along side of the bed and brushed her hair. He wanted to sleep on the bed with So Hee but didn’t want her to wake up with the wrong idea.

“Good night…I love you…” Seung Hyun whispers and leans down to kiss her on the forehead.

So he decided to sleep in the living room again. He was already at his heart’s content just being able to be with So Hee.


During those hours, Ji Yong and Yoo Bin on the other hand drank to their heart’s content at Ji Yong’s residence, which wasn’t a really good idea or was it?

The two were completely drunk from the liquor shots that they both consumed to relieve the stress around them. Ji Yong went to the living room stumbling over his steps to the couch. Yoo Bin slowly walked over and fell on top of Ji Yong.

“Hmm…honey…mmm…” Yoo Bin mumbles to Ji Yong who was underneath her, “ I lub you…please…lub me too…”

Ji Yong unable to speak only moves Yoo Bin on the other side of the couch. He blinks trying to clear his vision but all he saw was a figure lying on the couch. Then manages to say something leaning over Yoo Bin.

“So Hee…ah…I’m really…really…sorry…I lub you too..”

Yoo bin was too drunk to understand Ji Yong for he was calling out to So Hee not her. Without saying a word, Yoo Bin pulls Ji Yong on the collar of his shirt and slowly began to deeply kiss him. In return, Ji Yong twirls his tongue in the kiss only thinking of So Hee as he lifts Yoo Bin to an upright position. His mind running wild, he broke the kiss and ran his hand over Yoo Bin’s shoulders and to the front ing her shirt. As he finished he pulls her shirt down and starts kissing her on the neck making her sigh softly in pleasure. Ji Yong ran one of his hands down her s and down to her waist as he kept going down until he reached her down to her thighs making her yearn for more.

“Ji Yong…ah…make love… to me…” Yoo Bin said softly after her every slight moans, “say my name…hmmm…”

Unknowingly Ji Yong slowly moves his hand closer to her vulnerable area as he mumbles out a name.

“So…Hee…So Hee…”

“Umm…Yoo Bin…ah…” Yoo Bin replied lazily with a disappointed tone.

Then a sudden rush came into Ji Yong’s head. He was with Yoo Bin. All of a sudden he got up and ran straight to his bathroom to disgorge all the liquor in the toilet. As for Yoo Bin she laid on the couch with her eyes closes unconscious now.

Ji Yong came back out from the bathroom now with a somewhat clearer but pounding head. He saw that Yoo Bin was half undone lying on the couch. He decides to put back her shirt on her and pulls over a blanket on her for the night. This night was over for him and the same goes for Yoo Bin.

Ji Yong fell into his bed facing his body towards the bed running his blurred thoughts of So Hee. He didn’t understand anything anymore. So Hee was all he could think about making his heartache that made his emotions spill from his eyes. Finally, Ji Yong couldn’t deny that his true feelings were only for So Hee. How could he see her the same way ever again, after her confession? He reached in his pocket for his phone and pulled it out. His eyes were in pain as he flipped his phone open as the lights glared to his eyes in the dark. Ji Yong slowly dialed So Hee’s number and placed the phone by his ear as he listened to it ring.

“Hello, So Hee here. I’m not at the phone right now but you can leave your name and number and I’ll get back at you as soon as possible. Thank you.”

Ji Yong’s eyes started to well up with tears and spoke hoarsely.

“So Hee…ah…I…love you too…I love you too…please…love me again…please…So Hee…”

As he cried his heart out on the phone, he fell into somnolence.

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i really thank you for reading and waiting for my posts..
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i thank you again for reading...^^

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 25: Though I'm not a fan of WonderBang... You, author-nim, really impressed me! I love the story!!!!
mudkip118 #5
wow, interesting, really.
I read this in 4 day and Im in love with this story it's so heartfilled
i really like your story its reall wow im speechless...
xIntellectualBadass #8
Haha , I remember reading this on winglin !
namwustar #9
new reader xD<br />
great fic! I love it, and I do love this HeeDragon couple <3333<br />
too bad I can't see TooBin together, but well... overall this story is good ^~~^<br />
<br />
keep writing a good one ^~^
I'm not a huge HeeDragon fan since I prefer GD with Sunye and Sohee with Taeyang, but I like this fic! ^^ I really love the title for the last chapter too, made a lot of sense.