Beginning of a Journey

Tutoring an Idol

*Sorry I wrote so much!  I kind of got excited... Forgive me? :)


Gianna’s advisor, Mr. Jonathan Yeshion, reminded her of those fun uncles or grandpas you see on television.  He could always make her laugh, even at the most depressing times.  When Mr. Yeshion finally was quiet for a moment, Gianna yelled, “You wanted to speak to me, sir?”
He yelled back into the phone, “You almost scared my toupee right off my head!  Yes, I needed to talk to you.  And it’s real important, so are you alone?”
“Yeah.  Why do I need to be alone?”
“Because I have an offer for you.  I understand that you’re going to East Stroudsburg for the education program, right?”
“Of course!”
“Any education?”
“Yeah, that’s why you’re my advisor!”
He chuckled.  “Well, I‘m just making sure!  Have you taken any foreign language classes, by chance?”
She got confused.  “Why do you need to know that?”
“Because we need to know if you’re qualified or not.”
“Well, of course I have!  If you look at my file, I took Spanish, Korean, and Chinese.”
Mr. Yeshion laughed.  “You know you’re a smart girl, right?”
Gianna smiled.  Mr. Yeshion always said nice things about her.  “You’re too kind, Mr. Yeshion, but may you please tell me what’s going on?”
She could just tell by the sound of his voice that he was smiling from ear to ear, his graying mustache probably reaching his ears, as well.  “I want to offer you an internship.”
“Really?!” she exclaimed, “Like… a student teaching internship?!  Mr. Yeshion, I’m going to be a junior though, and-”
“I’m not finished!” he yelled, interrupting her.  “This is a very important job, and I need you to let me explain what you would do before you say yes.”
Gianna couldn’t keep her excitement in.  Where would she be going?  Colorado?  Back to her hometown in Willowdale?  Maybe Hawaii?!  “Okay, I’ll let you talk.”
Mr. Yeshion sighed.  “Thank the Lord!  Are you ready?”
“Yes!  Please, tell me!”
“Okay, you will be an English teacher…”
Gianna nodded.  English sounds nice.
“To a group of 18-22 year olds…”
The nodding stopped and the smile faded.  Say what?
“In Seoul, South Korea!”
Her eyes got wide.  “South Korea?!  Are you saying that right, Mr. Yeshion… SouthKor-”
Mr. Yeshion chuckled.  “I know it sounds like a shock, but we thought you were the most qualified.  You aced your Korean exams with flying colors and are majoring in English education so our board thought, Hey, why not?”
“I understand that, but… what about my job?”
“I already talked to Bev and she said when you come back, your spot will still be open.”
Gianna placed the phone down and sat in Bev’s big leather chair.  She spun around and watched the kids play outside.  Why isn’t it in America?
She turned back around and picked the phone back up.  “I need you to explain one thing to me before I make my decision.  Why 18-22 year olds?  Can I get someone younger?”
“Nope!” he replied, “Their last English tutor decided to go to China for some business, so they have no one.  Plus they’re coming to America soon, so they’d like to learn some English so they can talk to people.”
Well, that changes everything.  Gianna took a deep breath, thinking of the decision she was about to make.  “Okay, Mr. Yeshion… I’ll do it.”
The people in the background cheered, along with Mr. Yeshion.  “I’m so happy you are!  The bad part is, you’re leaving on Saturday.”
Wait… two days?!  “Why in two days?!”
“They needed you as soon as possible!”
Gianna nodded.  “I understand.  I’ll be ready.”
“Great!  Saturday, I‘ll pick you up at 6 am and will have your ticket!  Oh, and I should have your assignment group by then, too.”
“Okay,” she said dismally.  “Thank you for this wonderful offer, Mr. Yeshion.  I’ll do my best to make you proud.”
“Oh, you already have.”  And with that, she heard the soft click ending their conversation.
Gianna hung up the phone and sunk into Bev’s chair.  Korea?  In two days?  She got up from out of her chair and went back to her office.  She peered inside and saw Ethan still drawing on his piece of paper from earlier.  When she walked in the door, he looked up at her and smiled.  “Miss Gianna, did you get in trouble?”
“No,” she replied with a small smile, “No trouble for me!”
“Okay!”  Ethan stood up and handed her a folded piece of paper with the paper he didn’t use and the crayons.  “I drew this for you… I hope you like it!”  Gianna opened up the piece of paper and revealed such a terrible, but at the same time pretty picture.  “What is it supposed to be?” she asked.
“Me walking my cats with my mom’s garden gnomes.  Do you like it?”
“I love it,” she said, “In fact, I’m going to put it on my bulletin board for everyone to see.”
Ethan smiled.  “Thank you, Miss Gianna!  Well, snack is soon so I better go.  I’ll see you tomorrow!”  He ran out of her office and to the snacks, bumping into Bev on the way out.  Bev peeked into Gianna’s office while she sat and thought about her upcoming trip.  She went over and sat down in one of the chairs opposite her.  “You know,” she quietly said, “today is sort of your last day.”
“I know,” Gianna sighed, “I kind of don’t want it to be, though.”
“Well, I’m just here to tell you that I want you to go home.  Start packing.  Go see Jack and Ronnie.  And I promise you, when you get back, Apples of Gold is more than happy to bring you back.”
Gianna stood up and gave Bev a small hug.  “Thank you, Ms. Calkins.”
“Anytime.  Now get out of here and make me proud.”
Gianna smiled at Bev as she left her office.  She quickly grabbed her laptop and picture frames and threw them in her laptop bag.  When she was ready to leave, she forgot something on her bulletin board.  I told him I’d have everyone see it.  She grabbed Ethan’s picture from her bulletin board, folded it back up, and put it in her pocket.  Gianna took a quick look at her office one last time.  “Well,” she said out loud, “Goodbye, giraffe and apple infested office.  I’ll see you when I get back.”  She turned around and locked the door, finding the quickest and sneakiest exit so no one would see her leave.  Even better, she wouldn’t have the painful job of saying goodbye.
Her bags were thrown in the car and the cell phone was pulled out.  Who do I go see first?  Jack or Ronnie?

Oh, boy... my first cliff hanger!  Who's Jack?  Who's Ronnie?  Where is she going?!  You'll have to keep reading to find out!

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥