The Box of English Surprises and a Shopping Trip

Tutoring an Idol

Update:  ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK OR SOMETHING?!  I logged on just a few minutes ago to start this new chapter and I saw that there's almost 300 views on this fanfic!!  ALMOST 300 VIEWS IN ONE WEEK?!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  I THROW CONFETTIS FOR THE CELEBRATION!!!!!  (ノ◕ヮ◕ )ノ*:・゚✧

Now, for the real reason you came here... off to the story!! :D

All throughout the next day, Gianna took the time to try and get to know the boys, but they were running around because of press interviews, so again, she was alone... all day.  And the boys got back, took another nap at 2, and awoke at midnight, keeping Gianna up all night.

But when Tuesday came, a big surprise came in the mail.  Gianna wasn't even up when it came.  She woke up at around nine and walked downstairs to a big ruckus.  Okay, the ruckus was only coming from Jonghyun and the TV, but it was enough to get her downstairs.  What's going on?

She saw Jonghyun running around like a maniac, Onew and Key calmly staring at a big box in front of the door while drinking their morning tea, Minho cleaning up from making himself breakfast, and Taemin watching his morning TV.  She walked over to the box, realizing it had her name on it.  "When did this come?" she asked.

"This morning, I think," Minho replied, "I didn't bring it in."

"Well then, who did?"

"I DID!" Jonghyun yelled, running over to the box and staring at it.  "Is it a bomb?"

"NO!" she replied.

"It's real heavy, though!  So I thought, BOMB!"

Gianna chuckled and shook her head.  "No, it's not a bomb!  I'm curious as to what it is, though."  She looked around and found a kitchen knife sitting on the counter.  "Do you guys mind if I use that to open this?"

The guys shook their heads, so Gianna grabbed the knife and quickly opened the box.  Inside was a small note.


    Enclosed in this box is everything you're going to need to teach these guys English.  Please don't lose or break anything, or else it's going to take forever to send you new stuff.  Thanks again for interning down there.  Let me know how things are going when you can.

~J. Yeshion

Oh, Mr. Yeshion.  She started taking everything out of the box.  It's seemed endless!  There were Teacher's Edition and Student Edition books, notebooks and notepads, pencils, dry-erase markers, eraser, an easel-like stand, and a markerboard.  The guys all crowded around Gianna as she unpacked everything, looking through one of the Teacher's Edition books.

"IT'S LIKE A BOX FULL OF ENGLISH SURPRISES!" Key excitedly yelled.  Gianna laughed and grabbed the Student Edition books, handing them to the boys.

"Well, I guess you guys are going to be using books!  Don't lose them, or else we won't be able to have class for a few weeks!"

They all nodded as they were given their books.  She stood up and asked, "So, what day of the week do you want classes?"

Onew looked at the guys and said, "When do we not have a lot on our schedules?"

The guys shrugged.  They were always busy!  "What days do we, then?"

"WEEKENDS!" Jonghyun yelled.

"Our Fridays are kind of hectic, too," Minho said.

Key added, "Wednesdays, too."

Taemin sat and thought for a moment.  "We usually don't do things on Thursdays...?"

Onew turned to Gianna and smirked.  "Thursday?"

"Thursday's good!  Now, I know tomorrow's the concert, so if you guys don't wanna start then, it's okay."

"NO!  We can start tomorrow!" Minho and Taemin yelled.

"You didn't come here for nothing!" Jonghyun replied.

Gianna smiled, then started to put the things from the box back.  "Are you sure?  We don't have to."

"Oh, we're sure," Taemin replied, "We wouldn't have said it if we weren't!"

Key suddenly gave Gianna a weird look.  She turned around and looked at him.  "What?" she asked.

"Do you have... anything nice to wear for tomorrow?"

The guys all looked at her, curious as well.  "What do you mean... like, dresses?"

"Or nice pants.  I see you walking around in old jeans and t-shirts all the time, so I'm just wondering."

She looked down and realized, I do wear jeans and t-shirts all the time!  I don't even think I packed more than five nice shirts!  Oh crap oh crap oh crap.  Come on, now!  Spit something out before they figure it out!!  "Uhh... maybe?"

Key scoffed.  "Liar.  You wouldn't have taken so long!"

Crap.  "Okay, i don't think so, but you can go check, if you want."

"We can get you stuff, if you need it!" he yelled as he went up the stairs.  Gianna looked over at Onew.  "Should I be scared?"  He just nodded, with his eyes wide.

Suddenly they all heard Key laughing.  "WHAT'S SO FUNNY, KEY?!" she asked.

He came out with hangers full of t-shirts and old pairs of jeans.  "THIS!" he eventually said between laugh-fits.  Gianna crossed her arms.  She didn't think she would be going anywhere other than the store!  "Oh," she replied sheepishly, "I'm sorry.  If I would've known-"

"It's okay!  We can get help!"  Key ran into his room and grabbed his phone.  She looked at the guys, saying, "What's he doing?  What's going on?!"

"He's calling some girls to help you out," Taemin said, "Don't worry, though.  You're in good hands."

Key got off the phone and ran downstairs, throwing on his shoes.  "Get shoes on.  We're gonna get you some clothes."

Gianna chuckled.  "Who are you, my own personal Clinton Kelly?"

He furrowed his eyebrows.  "Who's Clinton Kelly?"

"He's... well..." Looking around, she realized none of them got the joke that Clinton Kelly is one of the hosts of a makeover show where he judges people's clothes and buys them new ones.  "Nevermind.  I'll cover him in our English lesson someday."  Gianna grabbed her Converses and slipped them on, then Key grabbed her wrist and started dragging her out the door.


"I told them we'd meet very soon!" he yelled, almost pushing Gianna in the car and throwing himself inside.  Oddly enough, there was a driver inside.  "Do these drivers live in these cars or something?"

"No, I called him," he replied, then turned to the driver.  "Can you take us to the Plaza, please?"

"Sure thing!"

Gianna looked at Key.  "Who are we meeting, anyways?"

"Some girls.  They'll help you out!"  OH THANK GOD!  NO MORE TESTOSTERONE FOR A WHILE!!

Key and Gianna eventually arrived at the Plaza Mall (traffic took FOREVER!) and ran out of the car, going to find the girls.  "Who are they?!" she asked for the hundredth time.

"You don't know them!" he replied for the hundred and first.

Eventually they got into one of the clothing stores and saw two girls standing by a rack full of dresses.  They were both gorgeous, though, in Gianna's opinion.  One had really long brown hair and looked very pretty in a light floral dress.  The other, with straight black hair, was strutting a comfortable sweater and jeans.  Key greeted the girls, then looked at Gianna.  "This is our English teacher, Gianna.  Gianna, this is Sunny," he said, pointing to the brown-haired girl, "and Sooyoung."

"It's so nice to meet you guys!" Gianna said.

"Oh, you too!" replied the black haired girl who Key called Sooyoung.  "So, what did you need us so desperately for?"

He explained the situation in one sentence to the girls:  "We have a small concert on Wednesday and Gianna can't look like a casual plain Jane."

"Hey!" she yelled.

"It's true, though.  So I'm asking you guys to help out a little bit and... give her some nice-looking clothes."

The girls lit up.  "Yeah!" Sunny replied, "We'd love to help!"

Sunny and Sooyoung took one of Gianna's hands each, skipping their way to the rest of the women's department in the store.  "Trust them," Key said, "They know what they're doing."  He turned and started leaving.

"KEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"  He just kept walking, ignoring Gianna's simple question.  "KEEEEY!"

He turned around and yelled, "I'll be back in an hour!", then left Gianna with these new girls she hadn't even known for five minutes.  Okay, she thought, these girls better not be weird or else someone *coughKeycough* is getting their hair ripped out.

Gianna suddenly heard Sunny and Sooyoung screech as they ran back to Gianna with outfit after outfit in their hands.  "You look about Sunny's size," Sooyoung said, "so we went off what size she is!"

Sunny smiled.  "Yeah, let's get you in a fitting room.  I bet you'll like these!"

The three of them went even farther into the store and found a fitting room.  Well, she thought as she walked in, if I'm going to be hanging out with them for a while, I should get to know them.  "So, what do you guys do?"

"We sing in a group called Girls' Generation.  Have you heard of it?" Sunny asked.

Oh, my God... another singing group?!  How many are there in Korea?!!  "No, sorry.  I only listened to music from America until I came here.  I'm still trying to figure out how many groups there are here!"  She walked out of the dressing room in the first outfit:  a blue floral jumper and black booties.

Sooyoung squealed.  "I picked that out!  That looks so cute!  Don't you think?"

Gianna looked in the mirror.  They're right... it is cute!  "I love it!" she replied.

Sunny and Sooyoung high-fived each other.  "Okay, shoo!  Go get the next one!" Sunny said.

As she was changing into the next outfit, Gianna asked, "How do you guys know Key and the rest of SHINee?"

"We performed with them right when they debuted a couple years ago," Sooyoung said, "They were so tiny and cute!"  

Sunny agreed.  "Yeah, I remember when they sang their first single at Star King.  I knew they were gonna make it big, and look what happened!  They're huge!"

Gianna chuckled.  "You guys have been in this K-pop business for a while now, haven't you?"

"Yeah," Sooyoung replied, "Since 2007!"  Gianna exited the dressing room again, this time in a plain yellow dress and gladiator sandals.  "CUUTE!" Sunny giggled, "I swear, you're looking so cute in everything!"

She smiled and twirled in the flowy dress.  "I love how it flows so nice!"

Sooyoung chuckled.  "Maybe you should wear that for the concert tomorrow!"

Gianna tilted her head and looked at her reflection in the mirror again.  "Maybe, but let's see with the other ones!"  She re-entered the dressing room, then Sunny said, "You know, if you want, we'll pay for everything."

"No, I can't let you do that!"

"Yes you can!" Sooyoung replied, "Because we're going to do it anyways!"

She laughed inside the dressing room, honored that these people that hardly knew her would spend their money on a young American intern.  "Thank you, guys.  I really appreciate it."

"No problem!  Let's see this next one!"  She exited again in a long cream-colored sweater dress and blue scarf, with jeans and another pair of booties.  Sooyoung shook her head.  "What?  Is it bad?"

Sooyoung just smiled.  "HOW CAN YOU PULL EVERYTHING OFF?!"

Gianna laughed.  "I don't know!  How are you too so pretty?"

They all chuckled as Gianna went back in the dressing room again.  For twenty minutes, all she did was try on clothes, look at herself in the mirror, hear Sunny and Sooyoung talk about how cute she looked, and did it all over again.  Finally, she finished trying on the clothes and carried them all out of the dressing room.  "Okay, let's go check out!"

The three girls walked down toward the register to check out.  "You know," Sunny said, "if you want, Sooyoung and I are going to go to the concert tomorrow, too.  We're not performing, but did you want to sit with us?"

"We wouldn't want you to be alone, especially if you knew someone in the audience!"  Sooyoung added.

"Well, sure!" she replied, "That sounds nice!  Thanks, guys!"

They got up to the register and checked out, their total ending up at 366,781 won.  Sure, it was only $315 in America, but when six numbers were in the equation, the feeling of guilt easily set in for Gianna.

They sat down at a bench by the store when Sooyoung asked, "Speaking of the concert, what do you think of SHINee?"

"Oh, they're so nice!  They really welcomed me in and-"

"No!  You must've misunderstood my question," she said, "I'm talking about if you like them... like, you think any of them are cute."

She blushed.  Oh, come on!  Not this again!  "Um... well, they're all very cute!  But there's some that I'd rule out.  Taemin for one, mostly because he is younger than me.  We went grocery shopping together and got breakfast on Sunday and it was real great getting to know him on a friend level.  Jonghyun and Key are hilarious, but I really haven't gotten to know Jonghyun other than the fact that he's real crazy.  And Key is just like he says:  the mother of the house!"

"What about Minho and Onew?" Sunny asked.

Gianna blushed again.  My, God, this better not be noticable.  "Minho and I haven't talked much, but he seems so nice!  And Onew interacts with me and talks to me a lot.  I mean, they're all very kind and funny... it just makes it seem weird if I find them cute!  Plus, they're going to be my students!"

Sunny and Sooyoung looked at each other and smiled, then Sunny looked at Gianna.  "Okay, think of it this way:  if these guys weren't your students and you met them by fate, which one would you want to... well, like, the most?"

Gianna thought for a moment, took a deep breath, then revealed her shocking answer.  "_________________"

I leave you with a cliffhanger and a poll!  This chapter was real hard to write, since I was incorporating new characters, so I hope you guys liked the new additions! :D

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥