Telling Jack and Ronnie: Part 1

Tutoring an Idol


Gianna quickly drove home, still trying to decide who to tell first about her internship.  Throughout the car ride she thought, Jack or Ronnie… Jack or Ronnie… why can’t I choose between Jack and Ronnie?!
When she got in her driveway, she saw that Jack’s car was there.  Wonder what Jack’s doing home.  At least I don’t have to choose anymore.
She scaled the many floors of her apartment complex and finally got to hers.  When she opened the door, she could smell burnt macaroni and cheese fermenting throughout the house.  “JACK!  YOU NEED TO REMEMBER TO WATCH YOUR FOOD!
Jack poked his head out from the bathroom, hot steam seeping out the door and him dripping wet.  “I did!”
That’s why I come home and it’s burnt, knucklehead!  And don‘t ever take a shower while cooking food!  That causes accidents!
Gianna was living with her brother, Jack, for the summer because she couldn’t live in the dorms at East Stroudsburg, plus she didn’t want to live with dear old mother.  Jack was more of the fun-loving, cheer-you-up kind of guy, and always made Gianna’s day, whether it be cleaning her room for her or just taking her to work.  Jack came out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans and a ruffled t-shirt, throwing his hair around with his towel.  “Why’re you home so early?  It’s only noon.”
Gianna looked at Jack and sighed.  If she had to tell him, it’d better be that moment.  “Don’t freak out, okay?”
“Why would I freak out?  It’s not like you-”
I got an internship in South Korea and I leave Saturday.
Jack’s jaw dropped.  He ruffled his eyebrows and dropped his towel, just trying to figure out what to say.  “Uhh… well, congratulations!  I wish you would’ve heard about this earlier, but hey, I understand.”
“I got the call this morning… and they need me.”
“Totally understandable.”  He walked over to Gianna and ruffled her hair.  “And I trust your judgment, okay?”
She smiled.  “You do?”
“Yeah, I guess so.  You’ll be interning, so you’ll at least be working with someone… hopefully living with someone.  And doesn’t your friend live down there, too?”
Gianna gave him a confused look.  “I have a friend that lives in Seoul?”
“You don’t remember him?  From Willowdale?”
She still was confused, and Jack just sighed.  “You know… Willowdale.  Toronto… Canada.  Where you lived for almost eighteen years of your life until you decided to move in with me and go to East Stroudsburg…”
Her eyes got wide.  “Oh!  I know who you’re talking about now!”
“Maybe you should re-connect with him.  You guys did hit it off before he left.”
“No way,” Gianna replied, “He was only a friend, nothing else.  I’ll try calling him once I get there, though.”
Jack nodded.  “Fair enough.  You should tell me how he’s doing when you talk to him.  I bet he’s doing better than all of us.”
Gianna smirked and looked at her phone, thinking about someone else she should talk to.  “What should I tell Ronnie?”
Pfffft.  Who cares about Ronnie.”
Gianna gave him an irritated look.  “I do, Jack.  I can’t leave him hanging when I leave and not tell him where I’m going!”
“But I don’t like him!” Jack whined, “He doesn’t seem right in the head, Gianna.  I feel something extra suspicious about him.”
“Jack, just give him a chance.”
He shook his head and stomped off to his bedroom.  “Whatever!  Go tell little Ron-ster that you’re heading to Korea and see how he likes it!”
“I will!” she yelled back.  She dialed Ronnie’s number and waited for him to answer.  Once the ringer stopped, all she heard was a hoarse “Hello?”
“Hey there.  Sorry I called… I know you’re sick but I need to see you.”
She could hear Ronnie stretching.  “Babe, is something wrong?”
“No,” she lied, “I just need to talk to you.”
“Okay.  I actually wanted to see you too.  Come by after work?”
“I’m already out of work, so whenever you want me.”
“Hmm…” he thought, “How about right now.”
Gianna smiled.  Ronnie was always a very at-the-moment guy.  “Okay, I’ll be there soon.”  She and Ronnie hung up and Gianna placed her phone in her pocket.  “Hey, Jack!” she yelled.
“I’m going over to Ronnie’s to tell him about… you know…”
“Yes, Korea!  I’ll be back!”
Tell Ron-ster that I said to shut his mouth when he starts blabbing about how it’s a bad idea for-
Gianna started laughing.  Grant it, she loved Ronnie, but she loved Jack making fun of Ronnie even more.  “Jack, stop!”
She could hear him chuckling in his room.  “Okay, I’ll see you soon, Gi.”
Gianna was about to step out of the apartment when a thought came to mind.  “Hey, Jack!  Why do you call Ronnie ‘Ron-ster’?”
He started laughing.  “Ron-ster… the monster!  Get it?!”
Gianna shook her head.  “Yeah, I get it.”
Oh, come on!  That was funny!
She stepped out of the apartment, ran to her car, and went off to see who she thought was the most beautiful person in the world:  Ronnie Dane.

So... if Jack is the brother and Ronnie's the boyfriend, who's the old friend?!  It'll be revealed later! :)

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥