Concert for the Lost Boys (Part One)

Tutoring an Idol

This is going to be a little later than I usually post, but I have a legit excuse! My laptop wasn't turning on for six hours!  So I'm trying to write this chapter as fast as I can so it can get to you guys!  Blame technology for the delay!

"Gianna..." a voice whispered in her ear, "wake up, sleepyhead!"

She woke up, realizing Sunny was standing by her dresser. "What're you doing here?!"

Sunny chuckled. "Waking you up!"

"No... seriously. What're you doing here?!"

"The boys told me to come up and hang out with you before the show," she replied. Gianna got out of bed and stretched, then went to the dresser and grabbed some socks. She and Sunny walked downstairs to a plethora of smells coming from the kitchen. "Sunny... did you cook?"

"Yeah!" she replied, "Well... tried."

Gianna smiled. "Thank you.  That was very thoughtful of you," she said as she grabbed a waffle. After sitting down at the table, she asked, "Where are the boys, anyway?"

"Oh, they went down to the stadium to practice their set," she replied, "The concert starts at 3, so they want to be perfect for tonight."

Gianna took a bite out of her waffle. It was pretty delicious, though burnt on the edges. "What's this concert even for? They only said it was a small concert and meet-and-greet."

"I know it's for a charity, but I don't remember which one... Lost Boys, I think?"  She smiled. "It's so nice that they think about others like that."

Finishing her waffle, Gianna took her plate to the sink.  "Yeah, it is real nice.  Do they do things like this a lot?"

"When their manager schedules them for concerts like this and they agree to it, then yeah," Sunny replied, putting the rest of the waffles in the freezer.  "It's usually like that for all of us.  If the manager gets us a gig, we usually go for it."

Gianna nodded, then looked at the clock, seeing it was almost ten.  "I think we should go get ready if we want good seats!"

"Yeah, let's go!  I'm going to do your hair!" Sunny replied, taking Gianna's hand and dragging her upstairs.

What's up with Sunny and dragging people all over the place?!

They got up into her room and Sunny opened her closet, revealing the clothes and shoes they, along with Sooyoung bought yesterday, and many other outfits.  Sunny grabbed the yellow dress and gladiator sandals and laid them on the bed, saying, "You should wear these.  It looks effortless, plus you'll blend right in!"  Gianna smiled and picked the yellow dress up again.  She nodded at it, saying, "Okay, dress.  Better make me look decent!"

"Oh, you'll look fine!" Sunny yelled from the bathroom.  Gianna went into the bathroom and saw Sunny grabbing product after product from her bag.  "What's all that for?" Gianna asked.

She looked up from her bag, holding a hairdryer.  "I told you I was going to do your hair!  Now sit!" she said, pointing at the toilet seat.  Gianna sat down and looked up at Sunny.  She's just too pretty, she thought, Why is she here with me when she could hang out with other crazy gorgeous people?

Sunny started brushing Gianna's hair, taking the knots out of it.  "I promise," Sunny said, "when I'm done, you won't look like a monster.  And I bet you-know-who will like it, too."

"Oh, shut up!" Gianna yelled as Sunny pulled a knot out.

It took an hour of pulling, screaming, and hair curlers, but Sunny finally finished.  She then pulled out her make up bag.  Gianna stood up, saying, "No!  Don't do my make-up!  My hair was HELL!"

Sunny shook her head and gave Gianna the case.  "I was going to let you do it, anyways.  I'm gonna go get your dress!"  Sunny then left the room, leaving Gianna to quickly put on some make-up.  She came back a few moments later and hung the dress on the door handle.  "We gotta hurry!  If you wanna talk to the guys before they get on, you're gonna have to move it!"

"Okay!" she said, laughing.  Gianna slipped the dress through the door and quickly changed.  As she looked in the mirror and did a quick look-see at herself, she was shocked at what she saw.  Sunny walked in as Gianna was looking in the mirror and squealed, giving her a big hug.  "You look so gorgeous!"

She turned around and smiled at Sunny.  "Thank you, Sunny... for everything."

"You're welcome!"  She then looked at her phone's clock and saw they were running late.  "Oh, crap!  Get your shoes on and let's go!"

Gianna and Sunny quickly pulled into the Olympic Stadium parking lot and ran for the backstage door.  As they ran in, they found Sooyoung standing in the middle of the hallway talking to a guy with spiky dark hair.  She suddenly left him, though, and ran to Sunny.  "Where have you been?!" she asked.

"I went over to the SHINee dorm and helped Gianna get ready."

Sooyoung looked at Gianna, seeing the drastic change from when they met the day before. "OH MY GOD!" Sooyoung yelled, "YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!!"

Gianna smiled, embarassed and hoping that no one noticed Sooyoung's yelling.  "Thanks, Sooyoung."

Sooyoung and Sunny suddenly looked at each other, winked, and grabbed Gianna's wrists, dragging her again.  "WHERE ARE WE GOING?!  WHAT'S GOING ON??"

"We're going to take you to see the boys!" Sooyoung replied.

Sunny looked at Gianna and smiled.  "Yeah, they'll get to see you before the concert!"


Too late.  Sooyoung and Sunny knocked on SHINee's dressing room door.  No escaping now, Gi.  Taemin opened the door, but this time he wasn't dressed in his casual clothes.  He was wearing some make-up, his hair was covered in gel, and was wearing a pair of animal print pants and white shirt.  "Gianna?!"  Taemin said, surprised.

Gianna smiled.  "Hi, dongsaeng!"  The three girls walked in to say hello to the guys, when Key suddenly jumped up and ran over to Gianna.  He was kind of wearing the same thing, except in red.  "YOU'RE WEARING A DRESS!!"

"I know, isn't it great?"

"Yeah!  You look great!"  Key called the other guys in.  "Look!  She's finally wearing a dress!"

Jonghyun ran over from the make-up chair and hugged Gianna.  "I'm so proud of you!" he said, pretending to cry, "You got over your fear of dresses!"

"I never had a fear of dresses!"  She wiggled out of Jonghyun's hug and fixed her dress.  Onew then came from the back of the dressing room and smiled.  Though he said nothing, she understood what he was trying to say.  She looked at him and gave a small wave, then he gave one back.  Suddenly, she noticed something.  "Where's Minho?"

"Oh, he went to the restroom," Jonghyun said, "but he'll be back."

"Well, we're going to go to our seats, so tell Minho we'll see him later, okay?" Sunny said.

"Good luck out there, guys!" Gianna yelled as they left the dressing room.

As they exited the dressing room, the girls started laughing.  "Did you see their faces?!" Sooyoung asked.

"They were so shocked!"  Sunny added.

Gianna chuckled.  "Oh, come on.  It's not that-"

She suddenly saw Minho walk out from one of the hallways.  And he, too, was wearing something similar to everyone else, except he was wearing black.  He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Gianna.  Sunny looked at Gianna and smiled.  "We'll be sitting in the fourth row.  Come soon before everyone comes in!"  Sunny and Sooyoung then left Minho and Gianna alone in the hallway.

She blushed as Minho was in awe.  "Wow," he said, "you look... great!"

"Thanks," she replied, "You do, too.  Very handsome."  She blushed at Minho and chuckled at the awkward silence that suddenly happened.  "Why are we having an awkward silence?"

"I don't know..." he replied, "But I know one thing... I'll give you a signal when I find you on stage."

She smiled.  "I'll make sure I let you know."  She fixed the collar of his jacket while he laughed.  "Seriously, though.  You look real pretty today."

"Thanks, Minho."  Gianna looked down the hall and saw Sunny and Sooyoung at their seats.  "I'd better go and sit, okay?"

"Okay.  I'll see you soon, then."  Gianna gave him a small wave as he re-entered his dressing room.  She then started walking towards Sunny and Sooyoung when she suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

"Gianna?  Is that you?"  She turned around and found a young man standing in the middle of the hallway.  He looked like the guy she saw at Babtol's with Taemin, but she wasn't too sure.  The young man came up to her and, as he got closer, looked more and more familiar to her.  "Gianna," he said, "it's me... Henry."

AND HENRY'S FINALLY IN THE STORY!  Oh, and more about the concert tomorrow!  Hope you enjoyed and PLEASE leave feedback!  I read ever single comment and use them all toward my writing! :D

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥