Attack of the Crazy Shawols

Tutoring an Idol

Okay, before we start, let me just say that I'm so sorry!!!  I guess I accidentally took a month-long hiatus and didn't even realize it!  I finally got a job and am working a lot, but I've been writing a lot in between breaks!  I'm so sorry and I hope you guys will forgive me!  Oh, and I'm hoping you like the chapter, too!  I promise I'll keep up on writing again like I used to!

Oh, and do you notice the slight "Night of the Living Dead" reference in the title?  Clever, aren't I? ;)


"Let's go!" Jonghyun yelled, "I'm so hungry right now!"

Gianna ran upstairs and saw Minho, Taemin, and Jonghyun waiting at the door.  "There you are!" Taemin smiled, "We've been waiting for you!"

"I'm sorry guys.  I was... cleaning myself up real quick."

"Well, come on!  I'm hungry!"

"Can I at least change?"

"NO!" he yelled, "I'M HUNGRY!"

"Fine," she smirked, "I'll be the dirty one."  She walked over to them and opened the door.  "Well, let's go!"

The guys all followed her out and onto the porch.  There was one problem though:  no cars, no drivers.

"Crap!  I forgot to call the driver!" Minho sighed.


"It's okay!" Gianna smiled, "It's nice enough to walk anyways."

"But it's gonna rain soon," Minho said, concerned, "And with all the Sha-"

"Then we better get going!"  Gianna ran to the gate and encountered another problem:  Shawols.  Hundreds and hundreds of Shawols surrounding their house like in a scene of "Supernatural" she had seen once.  In the show, the people were in their house and a huge swarm of bugs blanketed their house, covering every inch.  What the heck is this?!  Attack of the Shawols??

"Oh my God!" Gianna yelled, backing up from the gate.  The guys ran up to her.

Minho chuckled.  "I tried telling you!"

"Oh, shut up!" she joked, "How are you guys going to get dinner now?"

"Don't worry," Taemin smiled, "We have another way out."

She furrowed her eyebrows and Taemin sighed.  "The back."

She scoffed.  "Really?  Don't you think there will be Shawols back there, too?"

"Well, if you wanna get pummelled by Shawols again, go ahead and take the front gate," Taemin chuckled, taking the guys to the back gate.  Gianna smirked and ran over to the guys.  Taemin looked at her and smirked.  "So, you decided not to get killed?  That's good!"

"Oh, shut up," she replied, standing on her toes and messing his hair up.  She chuckled as he tried combing his hair back to where it was with his fingers.  "So," she asked, "Where are we going anyways?"

"To get food!" Jonghyun smiled, "Where else?"

"No, where are we getting the food?"

"Minho's taking us somewhere... no clue where, though, because he won't TELL US!!"

"I'm not telling you until we get there!"

Jonghyun crossed his arms and made a pouty face.  "But I wanna know!  My stomach's rumbling!"

Minho shook his head.  "Nope, I can't tell you!"

Jonghyun sighed and unlocked the gate.  "Fine, but when we get there, you'd better OH MY GOD!!!"

When Jonghyun opened the gate, there was a group of ten girls standing a few feet away.  They had these... well, how does someone say it while being nice... extremely creepy and stalker-ish smiles plastered on their faces.  And when that gate opened and they saw their precious Bling Bling, Minnie, and Flaming Charisma, their smiles somehow got larger.

They started talking to each other.  "Is that... really... JONGHYUN?!"





"Who cares about the girl?  Should we say hi?"

Suddenly, the girls started running to the gate.  The guys all yelled and slammed the gate closed, locking it behind them.  Taemin was stumped by how they knew what they were doing.  "HOW DID THEY KNOW ABOUT THE BACK GATE?!"

Gianna chuckled.  "Well, did anyone say anything on their social networks?"

They all shook their heads.  Then, out of the corner of Gianna's eye, she say a familiar face in the window laughing hysterically.  She turned to the guys and sighed, pointing to the window.  "I think I know who did it."

The guys pulled out their phones and started checking their Me2Day's and Twitters, when they suddenly found the thing that gave away their shopping trip to the world:

Jonghyun looked up at the window and saw Key laughing again.  "KEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!"

Key couldn't stop laughing, then yelled, "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO MAKE ME LOSE!!"


Key ran away from the window.  "Now what're we gonna do?!"

Minho sat and thought for a moment.  "Well, it only said that you and Taemin would be shopping.  So, how about you guys go stock up on some groceries that we need, and Gianna and I will go get dinner."

Jonghyun shook his head.  "That's not fair!  I'm hungry, and I haven't hung out with Gianna alone yet!  Everyone else has!"  He crossed his arms and pouted.

Gianna chuckled.  "Well, since we're going to the amusement park on Sunday, then you can ride some of the rides next to me!"

He thought about the deal.  "Okay, you got it.  LET'S GO SHOP, TAEMIN!"

"OKAY!  But how are they gonna get out?" he asked, pointing to Minho and Gianna.

Gianna smirked.  "I have an idea."  She ran into the house and grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a scarf, wrapping it around her neck.  She ran back outside and over to the gate, unlocking it and stepping out into the giant crowd of Shawols.  It seemed like millions of them were out waiting for them to leave.  When she walked out, she heard a unanimous "AWWWWW!!" rumble around her.  A girl walked up to her as she was walking away.  "Excuse me," she said, poking her shoulder.

Gianna turned around and looked at the girl.  "Yes?"

Another girl came over to her, not sounding as nice as the first girl.  "Who are you, exactly?"

LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE.  "Uhhh... I'm the maid."

"The maid?"

"Yep, those boys can't clean up for themselves if their lives depended on it."

"Okay, whatever.  So... where's Jjong and Minnie?"

She looked around and whispered, "There's a gate on the other side."

The girls around her gasped.  "Thank you, but why are you being so nice to us?"

She scoffed, "I'm not being nice.  I just wanna get out of here.  I do have my own places to go, you know."

The girls squealed and yelled, "GUYS!!  I KNOW WHERE JONG AND MINNIE WILL BE!!"

After that, all the girls surrounding her screamed as loud as they could.  Hell, they probably could have broken all the wine glasses in a wine glass company if they wanted to.  They ran off as fast as they could, leaving Gianna alone in front of the gate.

A few moments later, though, her phone started ringing.  "Hello?"

"YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!!!"  Jonghyun yelled through hundreds of fans.  "WHY WOULD YOU TELL THEM ABOUT THE BACK?!"

"I didn't!  The maid did!"


Gianna chuckled and hung up the phone.  Then she called Minho.  "Hey, I got it cleared!  You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute."

She walked across the street and sat on a bench.  She started twiddling her thumbs, waiting for Minho to step outside.  Suddenly, she saw the gate creak open and Minho sticking his head outside.  "Why are you across the street?" he yelled.

"I didn't know how long you'd be!"

He smirked and shut the gate, then ran across the street.  He sat on the bench next to Gianna and smiled.  "So, what're you hungry for?"

"Oh, so it wasn't gonna be a surprise?"

"Well, not for everyone!"

Gianna stood up and smiled.  "Well, I know how to make a mean chicken cassarole."

"Then it's settled," Minho replied, throwing his hands in the air, "We'll make a cassarole!"  Minho then started to run away and Gianna started after him.

"WHY ARE WE RUNNING?!" she yelled, trying to get his attention.

"We gotta get to the store!"

Gianna eventually caught up to Minho, her legs aching from all the dancing and running she did all day.  Stupid Onew making me dance... and Minho, too, for making me run.

They showed their pace, trying to talk on their way down.  She still noticed that even though she had been there for almost a week, he still wouldn't talk to her at the house with everyone around.  She turned to him and smiled.  "So, the cassarole isn't very hard to make, so if you want I can make it as soon as we get home."

"No!" Minho replied, "I'm gonna help, too!"

Gianna furrowed her eyes in confusion.  "Now why would you wanna do that?"

"Well, first of all, you shouldn't scrunch your face like that.  You're too pretty for wrinkles."  He placed his thumbs on her face and tried pulling the wrinkles, making her chuckle.  "And second, I feel like it.  So you can't stop me."

"But I thought you were bad at cooking..."

"Sure, I am.  But it won't stop me from helping!"

Gianna shook her head.  "I guess.  But when we cook, you better listen to everything I say or else it won't turn out right!"

"When don't I listen to you?"  He pointed to a building up ahead.  "We're going in here."  Minho then did something a little surprising:  he reached down and lightly grabbed Gianna's hand.  She stopped dead in her tracks, quickly breathing in hard and feeling her heart beat right through her chest.  He turned to her and suddenly let go, placing his hands on his head and rubbing the sweat away.  "Oh, God... uh... I'm so sorry.  I wasn't thinking and-"

"No," she smirked, "you're fine."

As they walked up to the building, though, she started to recognize it from an earlier excursion.  "Hey, I came here with Taemin a few days ago!"

"Oh, so you can't come with me anymore?"

"I can still come," she laughed, "I'm just saying that we came here!"

He walked to the door and opened it for Gianna.  She walked in with Minho behind her and saw a similar sight from when she and Taemin went:  no one but the employees and a completely spotless store.  "You called to have the store cleared out, didn't you?"

"Sure did!"  He ran over to the freezers on the side of the store and smirked.  "So what do we need for this cassarole?"

Gianna thought back to all the times Jack made it for her, but could not remember the ingredients.  She pulled out her phone and, though it was probably early in America, dialed Jack's number.  "Can't remember, huh?"

"Oh, shut up," she playfully replied.  "He always answers, so I'll know in a minute."  But the longer she waited for Jack to pick up his phone, the more worried she got.  Jack always answered his phone for Gianna, and the only time he didn't answer was when he was at very important meetings, which were extremely rare for him, especially at 8 am EST.  She hung up her phone and set it back in her pocket.  I hope he's okay.  "Well, we'll just have to guess the ingredients."

"Fine with me!"

Gianna then started thinking of everything she could remember that went into Jack's 'famous' cassarole.  "Well, there's rice, cheese, brocolli, and... chicken, I think?"

Minho chuckled.  "Well, Onew's gonna love you for the chicken."

"Oh, I totally forgot about that!  But that's mainly it, so if you want, you can grab that and I can get some spices!"

Minho nodded and walked over to the back freezers to get the chicken while Gianna turned to the spice rack.  What spices are good on chicken?!  Confused, she grabbed one of each spice on one of the vertical racks.  She walked over to the register and grabbed a small basket to put the spices in, then walked over to Minho and smiled.  "Did you get everything?"

"Almost," he replied, putting his things in the basket, "I just need to find the cheese."  Minho walked to the back of the store and searched for the cheese; Gianna smiled and placed her things on the counter, looking at the smiling woman behind the register.  She started grabbing the items and scanning them when suddenly she asked, "So... are you guys, well..."

Oh, don't say it.


You said it.  Why did you say it?!  She chuckled and turned to find Minho searching through all the compartments in the store to find a block of cheese.  "Nope, not dating," she replied, turning to the woman, "just real good friends."

The woman smiled.  "Okay, you can hide it for now, but pretty soon, you're gonna have to let it out."

Gianna shook her head and watched the woman scan the rest of their items.  Suddenly, she heard Minho run up to the front of the store, yelling, "I found it!  I found the cheese!"

She chuckled, taking the block from him and placing it on the counter.  He then placed his hands on Gianna's shoulders and smiled.  "Did you find everything?"

"Yeah," she replied, "Now it's all up to the cooking-"

"Which I'll do good at!"

The woman gave Minho and Gianna their groceries and gave them the total amount of them.  Minho pulled out his wallet and gave her a few bills.  "Thank you," he said, "and next time we come shopping, we'll give you more time to clear people out."

"Oh, it's okay," the woman replied, "You're welcome here anytime."

He and Gianna smiled and waved as they left the store.  As they descended to the house, Gianns looked at Minho and smiled.  "Are you sure you wanna cook this?"

"Yeah!  I know I want to!"

"But what if we mess up?"

"Well, we can just-"


The two of them turned around and saw an exhaused Jonghyun and Taemin running across the street, holding a small book.  "What is that?" she asked, pointing to the book.

Jonghyun proudly held it up for Gianna and Minho to see.  "A book for winners."

He opened up the book and pointed to something, then looked up at Gianna with a smirk on his face.  "Hello, Gianna.  How are you?"

She chuckled.  "Really?  You spent your grocery time buying an English book?"

"Yeah!" Taemin replied, "What is your favorite... oh what is that word... color?"

Jonghyun and Taemin started skimming through the pages and saying random phrases throughout the book.

"How old are you?"

"Do you like animals?"

"Are you talking to me?"

"Phone number, please?"

Gianna shook her head.  "When are you guys going to stop?!"

Jonghyun scoffed.  "NEVER!"

"Actually," Taemin replied, "we'll stop when you tell us we won."

"Where are the apples?"

"Cars are cool."

"I stubbed my toe."

"Where is the strip-"

Gianna's eyes suddenly got big.  "OKAY YOU WIN!"

Jonghyun and Taemin high-fived each other, while Minho stood with his hands on his face.  "They do this all the time."

"I can tell."

The two of them then started dancing on the sidewalk, yelling, "WE WON THE CHALLENGE!  WE WON THE CHALLENGE!"

Jonghyun suddenly stopped and grabbed his stomach.  They all could hear a rumbling come from his stomach and they laughed.

"Hey, I told you I was hungry, but because of 'the maid', I couldn't get food!"

Gianna shook her head.  "Then stop dancing and start walking, Oppa!"


"Finally, chicken!"

The six of them sat at the table, eating Gianna and Minho's improvised chicken and rice cassarole.  The boys kept eating the food, not even looking like they were taking breaths in between bites.

"THIS IS SO GOOD!" Jonghyun yelled in-between spoons, "You did so good, Gianna!"

"Oh, it wasn't just me," she replied, pointing to Minho.

"Well, I better not eat this," Key joked, pushing his plate away and bringing it back to him.

She shook her head and took another bite of cassarole.  "So, I found a winner for our challenge today!"

Taemin and Jonghyun stood up and started dancing like they did on the sidewalk.  "Oh, stop rubbing it in!" Key yelled, pushing Jonghyun into his chair.  He laughed while Key sat back into his chair and made a pouty face.

"Well, I'm just saying, since they won, I'll buy them whatever they want tomorrow.  And the losers get to ride the big roller coaster!"

"What?!" Key yelled, sounding nervous as ever.

"That was the deal!  Now we're leaving at noon tomorrow, so you better prepare yourself real quick!"

Key shook his head and stuffed more cassarole in his mouth, saying "I can't believe you did this to me, Gi!"

"I'm doing it to you, Minho and Onew!"

Onew slapped his forehead.  "I forgot the English today, didn't I?"

Gianna got up and placed her plate in the sink, shaking her head.  "Nope, you forgot."  She went to start dishes when Minho piped in.

"I'll do those for you."

She smiled.  "Are you sure?  I am here to help out, too."

"Yes," he replied, placing his chin on top of her head and putting a hand on her shoulder, "Why are you so stubborn?"

She slipped away and smiled.  "Because I can be."  Gianna walked over to the staircase and smiled.  "Remember, boys.  We leave at noon, so don't be late!  Goodnight!"

Gianna walked up the stairs and as she shut her door, heard the agonizing moans of a scared young man who didn't want to ride the big coaster.

"Oh, Key," she whispered as she shut her bedroom door.

Finally done!  Like always, comment and vote! :)  And tell other people who might like the story, too!  All support is appreciated!


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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥