Concert for the Lost Boys (Part Three)

Tutoring an Idol

400 views?  I can't believe it!!  Honestly, I didn't even think I'd get over 100 views!  Thanks for helping me out and continuing to read the fanfic!  I love you guys! :D

A big group of people came running from the stage exit and shuffled to the tables.  The girls tried finding SHINee, but there were so many people running around that it was hard to find them, even though they thought Key and his bright red outfit would be easy to find.  Sooyoung stood on her toes, saying, "Where are they?"

"I don't know," Sunny replied, "Do you see them, Gianna?"

"No..."  They kept looking until they heard a familiar voice yelling in the crowd.  "GIANNA!  SUNNY!  SOOYOUNG!  WE'RE OVER HERE!"

"Was that... Jonghyun?" Gianna asked.

"I think so!"  The girls pushed through the crowd, following Jonghyun's voice and ended up at a table by the building's exit.  Once they got there, Jonghyun was on a chair waving his hands, while the rest of the guys were sitting in their chairs laughing at Jonghyun's antics.  Sunny and Sooyoung sat on the table, while Gianna made her hug-rounds, hugging each one of them and saying, "You guys did great!  I'm so proud of you!"

Taemin chuckled, obviously embarassed by the hug.  "You sound like our mother right now, Noona."

The guys started laughing.  "No, I don't!  I'm just telling you how well you did!"

"We also saw you dancing out there," Onew chuckled, "Maybe we can teach you some moves!"

"What?" she sarcastically asked, "Were my moves not good enough?"

"Yeah, Onew!" Key added, "Were they not good enough?!"

"I never said that!"

"But you implied it!"

Onew shook his head.  "Whatever... but don't you think it'd be nice to learn, Gianna?"

She smirked.  "Yeah, it sounds nice."

Yoo Jae-Seok suddenly ran in and said, "Guys, we have a big crowd out there ready to see you guys.  You ready to go?"

Everyone started talking and preparing for the fans, getting out their pens and papers from under the tables.  Sunny looked at Gianna and said, "We'd better move.  Some fans get crazy."

"Oh, I know.  I have experience." she replied, remembering the Shawols throwing her to the ground just a few days before.  She turned to the boys and smiled.  "Okay, I'm gonna move, but I'll see you guys soon!"

They smiled and waved, then the girls moved to the side of the room, where no one would see them, and watched the flood of fans storm through the door.

Fans ran every which way to get too all the tables.  She could've sworn one of the girls was pushing people out of the line just so she could get one of the Super Junior member's autographs.  Another girl was running all over the room and buying product after product, just so that she could have something for the groups to sign.  But even with all the crazy commotion, the groups still were very calm.

Though the groups looked happy, she couldn't take her eyes off her roommates.  I guess I can call them my roommates now, right?  She watched as the guys were acting so cute to their fans.

One little girl, probably less than 8-years-old, ended up at Taemin's line and started dancing when she got in front.  "Look what I can do!  I practiced!" she said while doing some of the dance to "Lucifer".  Taemin got up and smiled, ushering the girl to get behind the table with him.  She did, and he and the little girl started dancing together.  The fans started freaking out and screaming, while Gianna, Sunny, and Sooyoung watched from the back.  "How cute is he?" Sooyoung asked.

A few moments later, she glanced at Onew and noticed that he had this big smile on his face.  It was one of the most addictive things she knew of as of then.  She started giggling when Sunny nudged her.  "What'cha blushin' about?"

"Nothing," she lied, but she knew Sunny probably figured her out by then.

Gianna then looked over at Key and Minho, who were just having fun while signing their books, tickets, t-shirts... anything they wanted.  So generous, she thought.

For the next hour, the girls sat and watched as the groups signed autographs and took pictures with their devoted fans.  Even Jonghyun started giving hugs!  Gianna looked at the girls, surprised at what she was witnessing, and said, "You know, these guys are exactly the same as they are at home."

"That's what's so great about them," Sunny replied, "They have all this fame.  Girls at every angle ready to kiss the ground they walk on.  Hit after hit being produced.  Excellent comebacks!  But they're still one of the most humble groups I've ever met."

She smiled at Sunny.  "I think I'm lucky living with them, huh?"

"Yeah," Sooyoung chuckled, "You wake up and there's no one trying to steal your makeup!"

"But at the same time, boys are messy!"

They all smiled at each other and looked back at the swarms of fans.  Yoo Jae-Seok finally came back and announced the ending of the meet-and-greet, and Gianna could have sworn she heard a roar of moans across the center.  The groups exited the center as the fans finally headed home, so Gianna, Sunny, and Sooyoung snuck back into the dressing room hallway and waited for SHINee to emerge.

Twenty minutes it took for them to get their clothes changed and makeup removed, but they finally exited clean and like they never perfomed.  Jonghyun ran out of the dressing room first, yelling "FINALLY!  NO MORE TIGHT PANTS FOR TONIGHT!!"

Key walked out, saying, "I don't actually mind my pants."


The rest of the guys walked out of the dressing room and looked around.  "Why are we talking about pants?" Onew asked.

Sooyoung shrugged.  "No clue."

They all started walking out the door when Minho said, "Hey!  We should celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?" Gianna asked.

"The concert... DUH!" Jonghyun sarcastically replied.

They all chuckled, except for Gianna, who lightly punched Jonghyun in the shoulder, then Key thought of an idea.  "How about we go to Top Cloud?  They have great food!"

Everyone agreed to going, except for Gianna.  Because of all that dancing, her feet and legs were sore, not to mention from trying to sing all those songs.  "Actually," she said, "I'm getting a little tired, so I'm gonna head home."

Jonghyun ran over to Gianna and gave her a big hug, yelling, "What?  Why did you get tired?!"

"Because I had fun, that's why!"

He looked at her and grinned.  "Okay, that's a good excuse."

"Is that okay with you guys?" she asked.

They nodded.  "It's okay if you're tired," Sunny replied, "We'll make sure we don't have too much fun without you."

"No, go have fun!  But remember, we start tutoring tomorrow!"  She waved at the guys and exited the Stadium, running to the edge of the sidewalk to find a taxi home.

A group of taxis passed by, but the more Gianna tried waving them down, the more the taxis ignored her.  Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.  Shocked, she jumped and turned to the person standing next to her.

"Minho?  I thought you were going to the restaurant?  It was your idea to celebrate."

He smiled.  "No, I didn't want you going home alone."  He walked a few steps ahead of her and smiled.  "Shall we?"

Sorry that the chapter isn't as long as they usually are... less reading for you! :)  Oh, if you didn't see my request on the last chapter, may you please go back and read it?  It's very important for the fairness of the poll!  Thank you!! :D


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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥