Quality Time With Minho

Tutoring an Idol

I feel like just taking Key out of the poll since no one is voting for him and make a new one... what do you guys think?

Gianna tilted her head, looking confused.  "Are you sure you don't wanna go with the guys?"

"Positive," he replied, holding out his hand.  She slowly skipped to Minho, then stopped in front of him.

"What're you standing there for?" she said with a smirk, "We should go before it gets cold."

They both started their long walk home when Gianna looked up at Minho.  "You're always the one walking with me, huh?"

"What're you talking about?" he asked.

She shook her head and chuckled.  "You don't remember when I came from the airport?"

His eyes suddenly got bright, remembering the moment he walked with her out of the airport while the rest of the guys fought for a seat in the van.  "Oh, I remember that!"

"You wouldn't have if I didn't remind you!" she joshed.  The two continued to walk and, though the silence was awkward, Gianna realized this was the first time Minho said more than two sentences to her in the day.  She turned to Minho and asked, "Why don't you talk much in the house?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when we first met, I thought you'd be... you know, talking more.  But I've just noticed that you don't really talk much to anyone."

He smirked, then replied, "I just get nervous when new people are around."

Gianna looked at him and realized, He's not telling me something.  "Are you sure that's the only reason?  It seems like there's more."

He furrowed his eyebrows, then gave a confused look.  "No, nothing else."

She smiled.  "Okay, just asking."  Suddenly, Gianna saw something in a window of one of the stores they were passing:  a picture of Seoul at night, with all the lights shining across the city and some stars glimmering in the night sky.  She ran over to the store window and looked at the picture, in awe of the quality of the picture.  "Someone took this?!" she asked, turning to find Minho running to catch up.

He looked at the picture as well, saying, "Yep, that's Seoul."

"I think Jack would like this," she said, remembering her brother always had something for photography.

Minho smiled and grabbed something from his pocket.  "Want me to buy it?"

"No!" she yelled, "I'd feel bad.  Plus, I'll just buy it when I get money."

"And that'll be when, exactly?"

Gianna shrugged, then looked down at her shoes.  "I don't know," she mumbled.

"And pictures like these'll go quick."  He knelt to her level and Gianna turned to him, seeing a warm, happy smile across his face.  "I'll buy it."  And as soon as the sentence exited his mouth, he ran into the store.

"No!" she yelled, running after him.  She opened the door to the shop and saw pictures everywhere... of animals and people and buildings.  Everything she could have ever thought of was hung up as a beautiful photograph on the wall or in a frame on one of the many display tables.  She found Minho talking to a younger man, probably the photographer, about the photograph, so she walked over to him.

"And how much would that be?" Minho asked the man.  The man walked over to the display window and brought the photograph to the counter.  "This one's small," he said, "So it'll be around... 10,000 won?"

Minho nodded.  "We'll take it."

Gianna suddenly pulled him back a few inches from the desk.  "Minho," she whispered, "I thought the picture was nice.  You don't have to buy it for me!"

"Have you ever thought of the reason that I wanted to buy it for you?"  He walked back over to the register, smiling from ear to ear, while Gianna stood in the middle of the gallery confused.  He wanted to?

After the trasaction was made, Minho thanked the young man and gave Gianna a bag with the framed photograph inside.  She laughed and gave Minho a big hug.  "Thank you, Minho!  Jack is gonna love this!"

Minho's arms were stuck in Gianna's hug, since he didn't know it was coming, so he just nodded and said, "You're welcome.  I'm glad you like it."

Suddenly, they heard the young man chuckling and the hugging stopped.  They turned to him and saw he was blushing.  "You guys are cute together," he said.

They looked at each other with big eyes, then turned to the man and tried explaining, but they were saying so much at the same time that it came out as "NOWAYBLAHBLAHBLAHNOTDATINGBLAHBLAHBLAHI'MSINGLEBLAHBLAHFRIENDS!"

The man laughed and said, "Okay, have a good night, guys."

Gianna smiled.  "You, too sir!"  She and Minho walked out of the store with Jack's new gift in her hand.  She was happy that Minho actually sounded like he cared, instead of staying in the dark at the house.

For the rest of the walk home, they just told jokes and made each other laugh.  Minho even started dancing on the sidewalk and rapping his thoughts!  Gianna tried impersonating the dances she saw at the concert, but she ultimately failed thanks to her lack of dance experience and having no idea what she was doing.

They got back to the dorm and saw none of the cars at the house.  "Do you think they're still gone?"

"Yeah," he replied, "Usually when we have nothing scheduled for the next day, we stay out and socialize for a while."

She shook her head.  "I hope they remember our lesson tomorrow!  It's fun hanging out with you guys, but I can't just hang out with you guys all the time if I have to teach you stuff!"

Minho unlocked the door and ushered her into the door.  "I hope so too."

She walked inside and put her photograph on the table, then looked at Minho.  "I'm gonna go to bed soon, but do you have any sticky notes and a pen?"

"Yeah, right in the drawer in the kitchen," he replied, "You'll know which drawer.  It's the one with the hole in the wood."

She went into the kitchen and, indeed, there was a small hole in the drawer.  She opened it up and saw the sticky notes and pens all over the drawer.  "Ooh, yellow notes!" she said as she pulled them out and a black pen.  She wrote five small notes on them, each saying:

She ran upstairs and put the notes on each of their bedroom doors.  "They better see these or they have a surprise coming to them!"  After posting the notes on the doors, she walked back downstairs and put the Post-it's and pen back into the drawer.  She walked into the living room and saw Minho half-asleep on the couch.  She sat down next to him and smiled, tapping his arm to wake him up.

He shot up fast and looked around.  Realizing it was only Gianna, he ruffled her hair, saying, "Why'd you wake me up?"

"I'm just reminding you," she replied, getting up from the couch, "Our first lesson is tomorrow at 10.  Be down here quick!  I have a lot to teach you guys!"

He smirked and rubbed his eyes.  "Okay, I'll make sure I remember."  Gianna started up the stairs, then turned to a smiling Minho.

"I had fun tonight," she said grinning.

"Me too.  We should do it again sometime."

"Yeah," she chuckled, "We should."

She continued her way up the stairs and, once she made it to the top, she turned again and said goodnight to Minho.  Gianna headed to her room and shut the door, ready for tomorrow's first big lesson.

And it's done!  So are you excited for the English lessons finally coming?!  I sure am!!  Please comment and let me know how the story's going (I'm getting kind of worried... sorry!) and I'll update as soon as possible!! :D

Oh, and I just wanted to let you know that Chapter 19 will have a new poll on it.  Key isn't getting any votes and I'm starting to get confused with Jonghyun and Taemin's votes (I don't know where 5 of the 9 came from), so there will be a new one.  And once Chapter 19 is up, the old polls are going to be replaced. :)

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥