Dance Teacher Onew?

Tutoring an Idol

"Yep, I'm your dance teacher!"

"But... but I didn't ask for this!"  Gianna ran to the door, but Onew caught up to her and grasped her wrist.  She turned around and made a pouty face.  "I thought we were going to go running..."

"Running?!" he laughed, "Why would we go running if I told you to meet me down here?"

That is true.  She shook her head and sighed.  "Fine, I'll dance.  But if I'm bad, don't make fun of me!"

"I won't!"  Onew let go of Gianna's wrist.  "Come on, let's stretch!"

He ran to the middle of the floor and plopped down, stretching his legs out and reaching for his toes.  Gianna smiled.  "What are you doing?"

"What you should be doing!  Now get over here and stretch!"

She sighed and shook her head.  "Nope."

"Please?" he asked with his cutest aeygo.

She chuckled, then walked over to Onew and sat next to him, stretching her legs out as well.  He got up a few minutes later and walked to the boombox.  "Which dance do you think was the easiest that we did?"

She shrugged.  "Uhh... the one where you did this?"  She got up and attempted to do the dance to Ring Ding Dong.  Onew's eyes suddenly got big and he started laughing.  Gianna stopped and crossed her arms.  "I told you not to make fun of me, Oppa!"

"I'm not making fun of you!" he chuckled, "It's just that... it's not good."

She shook her head.  "I was fabulous and you can't deny it!"

"Actually, I can."

Gianna sighed.  "Okay, let's just start dancing.  I don't wanna embarass myself for too long!"

He chuckled and walked to Gianna.  "I'll show you a little bit of Ring Ding Dong, okay?"

"Don't be too harsh!"

"I won't.  Promise."

Gianna sat on the floor and smiled, "Well then, start showing me some moves!"  She pressed the 'Play' button on the boombox and saw that it was already set on the song.

But the dancing Onew shocked Gianna.  He looked focused and determined, something she had never seen of him other than at the concert.  His moves were sharp and on-tempo.  She could feel her cheeks suddenly get hot, and she covered them up with her hands and silently chuckled.  Stop, Gianna!  It's just dancing!

Once the song was over, he looked sweaty and tired.  "Wow!" he yelled, wiping the sweat off his brow, "Did you catch all of that?"

She shook her head, quickly standing up in shock.  "AM I LEARNING ALL OF THAT?!"

"No!" he chuckled, "Just the chorus part!  I mean, you did attempt Ring Ding Dong's signature dance move!"

"Oh!  Well, yes I did!  I did do the signature dance!"

"Not well, though."

"Hey!" she chuckled, playfully hitting his shoulder, "I didn't do that bad... did I?"

He shook his head.  "I'll help you out.  Come here."

Gianna stood next to him and smiled.  "Okay, so tell me what I need to do."

"Well, first off, don't be stiff."

She nodded.  "No stiffness, got it."

He started the chorus part of the dance, performing it real slow for Gianna.  Even in slow motion, he was right on, steps and all!  He smiled at Gianna and asked, "You ready to try?"

"I guess."

"Oh, here's another rule:  have confidence!  You can do it!"

She smiled and watched as Onew slowly did the dance again.  She tried joining in, but some of the moves were very hard!  After ten minutes, Gianna sat down.  "Wow, this is hard!"

Onew crouched next to her and messed up her hair.  "I know, but it's supposed to be that way!"

She wiped the mounds of sweat off her face.  "Onew, I do appreciate you doing this, but I don't think I can."

He reached for Gianna's hand and smiled.  "What're you talking about?  You're doing fine!"  

Gianna could feel herself blush again.  STOP IT, SELF!  HE'S YOUR STUDENT!!  TEACHER + STUDENT + DATING = DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN!!  "Are you sure?" she asked sarcastically, "because I saw you chuckling at me while I tried it."

"It's because you're working real hard!"

She smirked.  "Really?"

"Yeah!  I had a hard time with the dance when I learned it, too, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it right the first time!"

"That should be the next rule, huh?  Don't get discouraged after ten minutes of dancing."

Onew laughed.  "Sure, that'll be the next rule."  He stood up and held his hand out.  "Now, let's learn this dance, okay?"

"Okay," she smiled.  Gianna grabbed Onew's hand and he helped her up.  

"No quitting this time?"

"You got it."

"I DID IT!" she yelled enthusiastically, "I learned the dance!!"

Onew chuckled.  "It took long enough!"

"How long?"

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall.  "Uhh... about two and a half hours?"


"It's no problem.  I had nothing planned, anyways," he winked.

Gianna wiped her head clean of all the sweat.  "There's nothing else planned for this, right?"

"Actually," he sighed, "Yes."

She furrowed her eyebrows.  "There's something else?"

"Yeah, I wanted to teach you another dance."

"But... I danced for two and a half hours!  I'm covered in sweat, my hair is greasy, I smell like a locker room, and I gotta get dinner with Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin!"

He shook his head.  "Don't worry.  It'll only take a few minutes."

"How does a complex dance take 'a few minutes'?"

"Well, when it's... uh... uh... how do I say this...?"

"Come on," she chuckled, "spit it out!"

"Uhh... slowdancing..."


"It'll seriously take a few minutes."

She sighed.  How in the world did he figure that out?!  It wouldn't hurt, though... would it?  "Fine, but only for a few minutes."

He raised his hands up in defense.  "Okay!  I promise.  Only a few minutes."

Gianna smiled and ran to the boombox.  "What number song?"

"Number 8."

She pressed the 'Forward' button until she got to song eight.  Then she realized something as the song played.  "Wait, this isn't Korean!"

"I know," he replied, "The artist's name is Han Geng... he's Chinese!"

She smiled.  "Well, it sounds very pretty, even if I can't understand it."


AN:  Here's the song, Holding an Umbrella!  Play it, please!  It's beautiful!  Actually, I listened to this song and it gave me the idea for this chapter!  Thank you, Han Geng!! :)


"So," he asked, bowing and holding out his hand, "would you like to dance?"

She chuckled, taking his hand.  He entwined his fingers in hers, placing his other arm on her waist.  Gianna placed her loose hand on his waist, peeked up at him, and chuckled.  He was blushing!  Almost beet red!

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah!  I'm fine!"  He smiled and started swaying.  "Now, we're gonna step slow, but make sure you watch your step, okay?"

Gianna nodded.  "I'll make sure to watch myself."  She tried predicting his steps, but she had absolutely no clue where he was going to step next!  She found herself stepping on his toes and tripping on him.  It didn't help that she was nervous, either!  "I'm sorry," she would say after every mistake.

"Don't worry about it," he warmly smiled, "Just calm down and don't think about getting the steps right."

After Onew said that to her, she closed her eyes, draining her mind of English tutoring, Jack, work, Ronnie... everything.  She leaned closer to Onew, hearing his heart beating fast.  Oh, he nervous!  How cute!

She immersed herself in the dance, and the two of them danced together until the song was over.  When the last measure played and the CD stopped, they found themselves very close.  Gianna's head was laying on Onew's chest, and his arm was wrapped around her.  They looked at each other and smiled, then Onew released her from his soft grasp.  She took a few steps back and smiled.  "Well, that was... fun."

"Yeah," he said, "it was."

There suddenly was an awkward silent looming in the room.  Suddenly, she heard Jonghyun walk downstairs.  He smiled at Gianna and gave her a big hug.  "I FOUND YOU!" he squealed, "Everyone's starting to get hungry, so we should leave now."

"Okay, I'll be up in a minute!"

Jonghyun ran upstairs and shut the door.  When the coast seemed clear, Gianna quickly hugged Onew and smiled.  "Thanks for teaching me how to dance."

He chuckled.  "You're welcome.  You seemed like you had fun!"

Gianna released him and ruffled his hair.  "Of course I did!  We should do it again sometime."

"Sure!  Whenever you want."

She started walking up the stairs and turned to him one last time.  "I'll be back!"

He shook his head and smiled.  "Okay, I'll see you later."

She waved and walked up the stairs.  She could just feel her happiness swell up inside her, consuming her entire body.  I think I'm really gonna like it here.

FINISHED!!! :D Oh, hey, thank you all 20 of you who subscribed to my story!  I appreciate all of you!  And the poster you see now is going to change VERY soon!  SKID_11 is making me a new one!  So don't be freaked if you see a new poster in the next week or two!!  As always, comment, vote, and subscribe!  Or do all three... I love all three. :D


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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥