
Tutoring an Idol

Another update!  I know the story might be a little drawn out, but I promise it's going to get more exciting! :)

Gianna ran downstairs to find her new students sitting on the ground in an almost complete circle.  Key stood up and smiled.  "You did come!!"

"I said I was going to!"

"Well," Taemin said, "we just thought that because we were at your room..."

"You wouldn't want to come down." Minho finished.

She chuckled.  "No, I understand!  And if I'm gonna be your new tutor, we have to have some fun, right?"

They all nodded and laughed.  Gianna sat in the space Minho and Onew left for her and grinned.  "So, since we're going to be together for a while, I thought we'd try and get to know each other!"

The boys looked at each other and started laughing.  Jonghyun looked at Onew and approached him, saying, "I've lived with you for years, yet I don't know your name.  WHO ARE YOU, STRANGER?!"  Taemin decided to join Jonghyun, targeting Key.  "WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE, YOU CRAZY BLOND HAIRED FASHIONISTA?!"

"Okay then!" Gianna yelled, ceasing the joking, "It's more like... I get to know you guys and you guys get to know me.  Does that sound better?"

"YES!" they all shouted.  Jonghyun suddenly went back to Onew and grabbed his face.  "I just had amnesia, but I remember your name!  Onew!"  He hugged Onew tight, making him try and squirm his way out of Jonghyun's grip.  "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY LEADER!!!"

"Please," Onew tried yelling, "STOP HUGGING ME!"

Minho got up and pulled Jonghyun off of Onew; Jonghyun couldn't stop laughing.  "Come on, hyung," he said, "Let's not make things awkward."

Jonghyun giggled and sat down.  "Okay then," Gianna started, clapping her hands to get them to quiet down, "Who's first?"

"Well, what do you want us to say?" Jonghyun asked.

"Just tell me something about yourself.  Since you guys know each other, I bet I'll get to know you the longer I'm here."

Onew stood up.  "Well, since I'm the leader, I'll go first."

Gianna smiled.  "Thank you, Oppa!  So, tell me who you are."

"Well, my name's Onew... I'm SHINee's leader, and I like chicken."

"Like... real chickens?"

"Yep... the fried ones are the best!"

Gianna laughed.  "Well, you should've said that!  My brother makes some good fried chicken!  I should get the recipe from him and make it sometime!"

He sat back down and put an arm around Gianna.  "Can we be best friends?"

She grinned at Onew.  "I mean... if you're only going to be friends with me because of chicken, I don't think this is going to work!"  He smirked back and took his arm off Gianna.  "Now you can pick who's next!" she said.

Onew instantly pointed at Jonghyun.  "He's the next oldest after me, so he should go next."

"Yeah, Hyung!" Taemin yelled, "Tell us about yourself!"

He got up and took a deep breath, then said, "I'm Jonghyun.  I prank people.  I can't cook."

Gianna nodded.  "Well, I used to do a few pranks myself as a kid.  Maybe you can get me into it again."

"You know I will!"  He sat back down and nudged Key.  "Your turn, Key!"

"Oh me?!" he said, standing up once he realized it was his turn.  "I'm Key.  You should remember me because I helped you move into your room!"

"Of course I do!"

Key grinned.  "Well, I'm kind of like the Umma of this house.  I cook, clean, do laundry, iron... I do lots of things for the house!"

"I did that stuff at my house, too!"

"Key's different, though," Taemin chimed in, "He doesn't know how to wash rice!"

All of them started laughing at Key, who just simply stood there, saying, "It's confusing!  I'm done now, since you guys are laughing at me.  Minho, you're next."

Minho calmed himself and stood up.  "Well, I'm Minho... and I rap in SHINee."

Gianna suddenly remembered when she was listening to her mix CD on the plane and heard the deep voice that was rapping in some of the tracks.  "Wait... that was you?!"

"Yep," Minho chuckled, "that was me.  What were you expecting?"

"Someone older, dongsaeng!"  She started laughing and Minho shrugged.  

"Sorry I was blessed with a deep voice!"

"No, I'm not saying that!  I just didn't think you were as young as you are!"

He smiled.  "Not a lot of people do, so it's okay."  He pat her head and sat down.  "Taemin, you're up!"

"Our little maknae!" Jonghyun yelled, attempting to roughhouse with him, but completely failed.  Taemin stood up and said, "Well, like Jonghyun said, I'm SHINee's maknae, Taemin.  And... hmm, let me think..."

"You are last and you don't even know what to say?" Key chuckled.

"LET ME THINK, KEY!  JEEZ!"  He stood there for a moment until he snapped his fingers.  "I'm the most polite person in this house."

Onew let out a chuckle, but quickly quieted down when Taemin looked at him.  Gianna looked at Onew in curiosity.  "Why is that funny?" she asked.

He looked at her and started giggling again.  "Oh, you'll figure it out sooner or later."

She shook her head, brushing it off as Taemin sat down.  "So," Minho said to Gianna, "We said things about ourselves!  Now it's your turn!"

"Well, what should I talk about?"

All five of them said something different for her to talk about.  Taemin asked to hear about what she liked, Jonghyun asked to tell funny stories, Minho asked about what her family and friends were like, Key asked what kinds of foods she ate, and Onew just yelled GET THE CHICKEN RECIPE FROM YOUR BROTHER!

"Guys, how about we do a 20 Questions kind of thing... one question at a time.  You guys can ask me anything... but nothing too crazy!"

All five of them shot a hand up in the air, saying "PICK ME FIRST!  MY QUESTION IS THE BEST ONE!"

She smiled.  "Okay....... MINHO!"

He did a quick celebratory dance, then asked, "Okay, I wanted to know what your family and friends were like."

Gianna smiled.  "Well, I lived with my brother, Jack, and he was always real messy.  I used to always clean up after him because I couldn't stand the house being the way he left it."

"I'm the same way!" Key replied.

"He's real funny and always has my back.  Jack's just a really cool guy, and he's pretty much my best friend.  I really can't describe him... maybe someday I'll make him come to Seoul for a few days and meet you guys!"

The guys all nodded.  "Anyone else in your family?" Minho asked.

"My mom and dad, but we don't talk.  And I don't have that many friends at home since I commuted in college, so no more interesting stories about them.  Who's next?"

All the guys except Minho raised their hands again, trying to get picked.  "Hmm... I thought I heard Taemin say an interesting question earlier."

Taemin stood up and talked as loud as he could so everyone else couldn't answer.  "WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO?"

Onew leaned to Gianna and whispered, "See what I mean by 'you'll figure it out sooner or later'?"  Gianna turned to Onew and smirked, then back to Taemin.  "I like to do a lot of things, dongsaeng."


She then thought for a moment.  What, exactly, should I tell them?  "Well, I like writing music and singing a lot, and-"

Suddenly, the guys got up and tried getting her to sing.  "No way!" she giggled, "Maybe another time, okay?"

"Oh, come on!" Taemin groaned, "We're nice!"

"I know, but still.  Anyways, I like to eat... a lot.  I'm not too picky at all and I love having a good time.  And I know I'm going to love teaching you guys some English!"  The guys started nodding their heads and cheering in satisfation.  "But that's pretty much it with what I like to do.  Anyone else?"

Key, Minho, and Taemin left their hands down, while Jonghyun and Onew's shot right back up, with both of them screaming, "I MADE UP A NEW QUESTION!"

Gianna smiled.  "Well, I'm going to pick... Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun got up and pointed at Onew.  "IN YOUR FACE, HYUNG!"

"Mostly because he looks crazy excited."

He smirked and asked his question.  "What did you think of us when you first saw that picture?"

Gianna was shocked.  I so didn't see that coming.  "Uhh... what do you mean?"

"You know... what was your first impression of us?"

She shook her head and rubbed her face in embarassment.  "Come on, Oppa!  Not this one!"

"What?  Is it embarassing?"

She paused for a moment.  "Sort of."

The guys all crept closer to her.  "I want to hear it!" Key whispered.

"Me too!" Taemin chimed in.

"It'll be a secret we keep." Jonghyun finished.

The guys all crept closer to Gianna to hear her answer, but she was shocked at the fact the question came up.  I can't tell them I thought they were cute!

"Uhh..." she started, "Well, I thought you guys looked like a fun group-"


"You guys were very stylish-"


"And that I'd enjoy working with you."


Gianna sighed.  They want to hear me say it.  "I thought you guys were... pretty good looking."

Jonghyun jumped up and started skipping around, singing, "I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!  I'M SMART AND YOU'RE NOT BECAUSE I KNEW IT!!"

Gianna just chuckled, wiping the sweat off her brow.  Well, that was embarassing.  Trying to change the subject as quickly as she could, she turned to Onew.  "Okay, so what's your question?"

He looked at her and sighed.  "I think my question is going to be as embarassing as Jonghyun's.  I won't ask it."

"Please," Gianna replied, placing a hand on his shoulder, "If I can handle Jonghyun's question, I think I can handle yours.  Besides, how bad could it be?"

Onew shook his head.  "Okay then... all of us have been talking about it and we want to get the record straight.  Do you... have a boyfriend?"


"It's kind of... complicated."

"What?" Taemin said, "Do you have like... five husbands back home?"

"NO!  I'm not like that!"

"Then how is it so complicated?" Minho asked.  The guys were actually pretty curious.  She had no clue why, but she thought she'd answer anyways.

"I have a boyfriend back home named Ronnie, and when I told him I was leaving, he got real angry at me.  He never even came to my house to say goodbye.  He acts like a big jerk most of the time to Jack and I don't really like it when he does.  But I do like him... a lot.  That's why it's so complicated."

The boys all nodded in agreement.  "Maybe being away from him for a little while will help you figure everything out," Minho assured her.

She chuckled.  "Well, let's hope so."  Gianna then looked at Key, who had his hand up just a small bit.  "Is this an embarassing question?"

"Nope!  I swear!"

"Okay, what is it?"

Key smiled.  "I had to change my question because you kind of answered it when you answered Taemin's.  I was just wondering when we were going to start our English lessons?"

"Oh!  I think I'm supposed to get my stuff in the next couple of days, but right now, no lessons."

Just then, the boys looked at each other with what seemed like the exact same thought:  plotting a plan.  "What're you guys thinking about?" she asked.

Minho turned to Gianna and smiled.  "We want to hang out for the next few days before we really have to do work."

"And," Taemin added, "We have a small concert and meet-and-great to go to on Wednesday."

Key leaned forward to Gianna and gave her the cutest face.  "May you PLEASE come with us?"

Jonghyun and Onew came over and lay their heads on each of Gianna's shoulders.  "Yeah, PLEASE?"

Gianna took a moment to think about it, but then she decided.  "Okay, I'll go."

They all jumped up and started clapping.  Taemin, Key, and Jonghyun grabbed each other's hands and started spinning in a circle, singing, "Gianna's coming!  Gianna's coming!"

"WE'RE SO HAPPY YOU WANT TO HANG OUT WITH US!"  the three of them yelled.

She smiled and watched how happy they were that she was going to go.  She then looked at the clock hanging over the door and saw that it was almost midnight!  "Wow, it's late!"

The boys all looked at the clock, too.  "It sure is!" Onew chuckled.

"Well, I'm going to head for bed.  Thanks for everything you guys have done for me today!"

"You're welcome!" they all replied.

"And if you need anything," Key said to Gianna, "let us know.  I'll show you where all our rooms are."

"Thank you, dongsaeng."  She turned to the others and gave them a small wave.  "Goodnight, guys!"

They, in reply, smiled and waved back.  "Goodnight!" Taemin replied.

Key and Gianna headed upstairs.  When they got up the stairs, he showed her where all their rooms were and where the bathroom was.  It's nice that it's kiddy corner to my room.  Not a far walk in the morning! she thought.

Gianna walked into her room and said goodnight to Key.  He gave a big grin and waved, running back down the stairs after that.  Gianna shut her door, changed into her warm pajamas, and jumped right into her new bed covered with blankets.  As she fell asleep for the first time in Seoul, all she could think was, This wasn't as bad as I thought.  I think I'm ready for tomorrow.

I think I broke my promise... I'M SORRY!  I REALLY LIKED THIS CHAPTER AND WANTED TO HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT!  But I hope you still liked it!!  Thanks for coming back and I'll hopefully have another update by the end of tomorrow!  Lots of love, Carly :)

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥