These Are My Students?!

Tutoring an Idol


An update!!  I hope you guys like this chapter! ~Carly


Gianna woke up to the flight attendant almost screaming throughout the airplane.  She could tell that her Walkman’s batteries died because she forgot to turn it off, plus her book was crumpled from her tossing around in her seat.  She picked up her things that scattered across the floor and placed them in the Wal-Mart bag when she found the envelope that had her passport and ticket in it.  She suddenly remembered what Mr. Yeshion had told her before leaving:  There’s a note in the envelope you need to read before you land.  She picked up the envelope and went through it until she found a small piece of blue stationary sitting at the bottom of the envelope.  She unfolded the piece of paper and, to her surprise, saw this:
    I’m sorry that I didn’t get this news to you on time, but finding out now is better than never.  I couldn’t get you your own apartment because of the short notice, but I will find you a decently priced apartment close to their dorm and pay for it myself.  Until then, you’re going to have to live with the boys.  They’re great kids and I know they won’t do anything bad to you.  If you have any problems (which I know you won’t), let me know and I’ll try to work something out.
~J. Yeshion

Until then, you’re going to have to live with the boys


You’re going to have to live with the boys.

She started to panic.  I have to live with these boys now?!  I don’t even know them yet!!  Once she realized they were almost landed, she started shaking.  The plane finally stopped on the ground and she could hear the attendant speaking:  “Welcome to Seoul, South Korea, everyone!  Thank you for flying American Airlines!”  Gianna grabbed her bags from overtop her and slowly exited the plane.

AN:  As of now, she's only speaking Korean.  If there's ever an English conversation, I'll make it.... the color green! :)

When she finally made her way to the inside of the Seoul airport, she took her phone out, ready to call Jack and tell him she was okay.  Suddenly, through all the ruckus of the people there, she heard a few people yelling and saying, "Have you seen this girl?!  I think she arrived but I haven't seen her yet."  "Hey you! Was this girl on your plane?!"  "Can we just quit and get some soup?  I'm getting cold."  "Shut up, Minho!"
Gianna stood up and tried to find where the ruckus was coming from.  Suddenly, a young man with spiky hair pointed at her and looked at a picture a younger looking man was holding.  Two other boys were holding a sign with her name drawn on it, and the fifth one cam running over to her.  She got real nervous as to who this boy running to her was and why he looked so excited.  Once he got to her, he sat down in the chair next to her panting and said, "Are you... our English teacher?"
"Yes, I am... who are you?"
The man got up and yelled, "Guys, I found her!!"  And that's when she saw the four-man stampede heading to her, laughing and screaming.  She stood up to introduce herself, but they beat her to it.
Gianna smirked.  "Hi!  I'm Gianna.  It's nice to meet you guys."
The two holding the sign put it on one of the chairs and bowed.  They both introduced themselves as Key and Minho.  The youngest looking one holding Gianna's picture said his name was Taemin.  The spiky haired boy said his name was Jonghyun, and the man that ran to her called himself Onew.
"Well, it's real nice to meet you all!"  Gianna went to grab her bags, when Key and Taemin stepped over, saying "I'll get those!"  Key and Taemin both starting picking up her bags.
"And I'll take your Wal-Mart bag, miss!"  Jonghyun yelled heroically.
"You don't have to do that for me, Oppas!"
"Actually," Key replied, "Minho, Taemin, and I are your dongsaengs.  You're older than us!"
"Yeah, you should know that!" Taemin said.
Gianna shook her head.  "Well, I'm sorry, dongsaengs.  So I'm guessing Jonghyun and Onew are my Oppas, right?"
"Oh!" Jonghyun replied, "You're a smart English girl!"
Onew smacked Jonghyun on the shoulder.  "Shut up!  You'll get her nervous.  Don't make her think we're weird!"  He turned to Gianna and put his arm around her.  "Don't worry about them.  They're not as weird as they make themselves seem."
"What're you talking about Hyung?!" Taemin yelled, "We're always like this!"
Minho laughed.  "Yeah, don't lie to the poor girl!"
Oh, crap.
"Okay, then!" Jonghyun said, killing all the awkward that was going through the airport, "I think we should go now."
"TO THE DORM!!!" they all yelled in unison.
The boys all started running out the door, but Gianna was too tired to even walk.  She suddenly saw Minho walk back and stick with her.  "Thank you, Minho!"
"Hey," he replied, "A young American walking in a Seoul airport by herself?  You could get lost."
"Yeah, and all I'd be able to eat is rice cakes and chicken soup!"  They both laughed as they exited the building and to the car.  When they got to their car, though, they realized it would only fit five people.  Adding Gianna was... 6.
Taemin and Key were throwing her bags in the trunk while everyone else was getting in the car.  By time Gianna and Minho showed up, there was hardly any more room.  "Guys!  Where's Gianna gonna sit?"
The boys all looked at each other.  Suddenly, Onew and Taemin hopped out at the same time and ran to the trunk.  "I'LL SIT IN THE TRUNK!" they yelled at the same time.
Taemin got angry.  "Onew, I never get to sit in the trunk!"
"But that's because there's only five of us!  Now there's six, so one must be in the trunk... and that should be me."
"And why's that?!"
"Because I'm the leader!"
Leader?  What, does he think he's the Pope or something?
Taemin grumbled.  "Fiiiiiine.  Jonghyun, you drive because Onew is being a jerk."
Jonghyun smiled.  "Finally!  Gianna, would you like to sit in the front with me?"
"Okay, thank you Jonghyun.  You're being so nice!"
Gianna climbed into the car and strapped in.  Once the car started moving and she was leaving the airport, she pulled out her phone.  Ready to text Jack, all she could think was "These guys are being very nice to me... but at the same time, they're crazier than the preschoolers at Apples of Gold... What in the world did I get myself into?"

And Chapter 7 is done!  I hope you guys are liking it so far and I will update as much as I can!  Speaking of updates... do you guys know who this 'friend' Gianna used to have was?  Here's a hint:  Willowdale is a real place!  If I give away any more, the person might be given away! ;) Until next time!

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥