Wake-Up Call

Tutoring an Idol

Hi, guys!  I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while!  I got major writer's block and I was really sick (stupid sinus infection...) so I didn't want to give you crap work!  I hope you all will forgive me! :)


A piercing beep echoed throughout Gianna's room at 9:00 the next morning.  Finally, she thought, my first lesson.

She crawled out of bed and grabbed a pair of pink slippers, then exited her room and quietly tip-toed downstairs and into the living room.  She opened up the box full of her teaching material and pulled out their books, notebooks, pencils, markerboard, stand, and markers.  She set the stand by the couch, placing the markerboard on it.  After that, she found her English book and opened it up to the first chapter, "Basic Conversations".  "Well, this should be an easy day," she chuckled to herself.  Gianna grabbed a black marker from the box and wrote their topic down.  Suddenly, she had an urge to write all over it and it ended up looking like this:

When she finished, she looked at the board and suddenly got nervous.  She had realized that that day might make or break the rest of her stay.  What if they don't like how I teach?  If I'm bad, I might have to go home!  I've only been here for a few days and I sure don't wanna see Ronnie at this moment.  Plus... I've been having fun here.

She then thought of an idea that could win their hearts:  Win the guys over with their stomachs.  I'll make them breakfast!!!

Gianna bolted to the kitchen and started looking around, trying to find something that they would like.  She didn't know how to make the meals they made, so she thought Well, since this is English class, why don't I make them American breakfast?

Gianna searched the cupboards and found a box of Bisquick.  She furrowed her eyebrows at the box and shook her head, saying "Who's eating Bisquick in this house?  Because it sure isn't me..."  She decided that since the box was almost gone, they would have to deal with pancakes instead of their traditional breakfast of rice and vegetables.  As she was mixing the mix in a bowl, she thought she could hear footsteps coming downstairs.  Her eyes suddenly got wide and the mixing stopped.  OH MY GOD... MY NIGHTGOWN!

She had forgotten that her nightgown was a little shorter than she had thought, and now that one of the guys was coming downstairs, it was too late for her to change.  OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAAAAAP!!!!

Gianna hurridly looked around for something to cover herself with, when she saw a large blanket draped across the couch.  "Thank you!" she whispered as she wrapped the blanket around her.  She quickly ran back to the kitchen and continued mixing the pancakes when the person coming from upstairs peered in.

"Good morning!" Taemin said.  He looked at the blanket around Gianna's waist and chuckled.  "Why is there a-"

"I'm cold."

He put his hands up in defense.  "Okay, I was just asking."  He then looked at the bowl and smiled.  "Are you making us breakfast?!"

"Yeah," she smirked, "you're technically going to school, and breakfast is important!"

He shook his head.  "Okay then.  So, why don't I help until the rest of the guys wake up!"

"No, that's fine!  I can do it!"

He shook his head and shrugged.  "Suit yourself!"  Taemin then sat at the table and played with a pen that was sitting there.  "You're lucky I got up this early, by the way.  I don't wake up until noon when we have nothing scheduled!"

She scooped some of the mix into the skillet on the stove, then turned to Taemin.  "What time did you guys get home, anyway?"

"About... 3, I think?  All I know was that Minho was conked out on the couch and you were in bed.  So Jonghyun and Onew tried waking him up and Key and I went to bed.  I don't remember when they finally hit the sack, though."

She shook her head, flipping the pancakes.  "What did you guys do last night?"

"Oh, we went to the restaurant with Sunny and Sooyoung and had a late dinner, and we were waiting for Minho to come but at like... 1, he called and said he wasn't coming."

That's around the time I went to bed... "Oh!  Well anything funny happen?"

He chuckled.  "Well, Onew does this duck sound and the waitress came up and asked what we wanted to drink.  He just starts doing his duck noise and she freaked out!  And then we got a new waitress!!"

Gianna held in her laughter, trying not to wake the other guys up.  "Are you serious?!" she asked.

"Yeah.  And Jonghyun and I were talking about places to take you before you have to go back and Jonghyun said the amusement park and Key almost had a panic attack in the restaurant!  And then he spilled his drink on his lap and almost got it on Sooyoung's dress!"

"No way!" she laughed, "Why's that?"

"Because he hates roller coasters!"

She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer.  It suddenly burst out like a roll of thunder:  loud... very loud.  Taemin, trying not to laugh as well, suddenly joined in, saying in between breaths, "Your laugh... is so... FUNNY!"

Gianna placed some of the finished pancakes down and continued laughing when suddenly, she accidentally dropped the blanket she was covering herself with.  Taemin stopped laughing and his eyes got big, seeing what she was hiding.  "Oh, so that's wh-"

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!" she whispered, quickly grabbing the blanket and wrapping herself again.  "This never happened.  Got it?"

"Got it, jeez..." he chuckled, "I wasn't gonna say anything, anyways.  Now, if I was Jonghyun, I probably wo-"

And that's when Jonghyun peered into the kitchen, saying, "What about Jonghyun?"

Taemin threw up his arms.  "Gianna interrupts me, Jonghyun interrupts me... when won't anyone interrupt me?!"

"I don't know," he said, scurrying to Gianna and her mound of pancakes.  "Are these ours to EAT?!"

"Of course!  You can have one if you want!"

He smiled and grabbed a few plates from the cupboard, then placing two of the pancakes on his plate.  Taemin ran up next, grabbing two for himself.  They both sat at the table and ate their pancakes.  "These are delicious!" Jonghyun said with a full mouth.

"Oh, yeah they are!" Taemin added.

Gianna smiled.  "Thanks, guys.  Eat up!  If the rest of those boys aren't up soon, they won't have time for breakfast!"  She looked up at the clock and saw that it was already past 10.  "Oh, nevermind!  They're late!"

Taemin stuffed more of the pancakes into his mouth, saying, "We should wake them up."

"Yeah," she shrugged, "but how, exactly?"

Jonghyun and Taemin exchanged devilish looks.  "Okay, now don't tell me you guys are up to something..."

Jonghyun turned around and gave Gianna a funny look.  "And what if we were?"

"I would... well... I might help?  Depending on what it was..."

Taemin chuckled.  "I have an idea!  Get the smoke alarms and set them off!"

Jonghyun suddenly jumped out of his chair and ran to the closest smoke alarm, pulling it right off the wall.  "What are you doing?!" Gianna whispered.

"Waking the guys up!"  Taemin grabbed another alarm and ran upstairs and into Gianna's room.  Jonghyun climbed up the stairs and stopped at the top.  Taemin then peeked his head out the door and whispered, "Are we ready to go?"

Jonghyun turned around and saw Gianna coming up the stairs, as well, running to her room and pushing Taemin out and shutting the door in his face.  "What are you doing?!"

"Something!"  She found a pair of sweat pants and threw them on, then opened the door and saw Taemin standing there.  "You went to put on-"

"Shut up."

"Okay!"  He smirked at her as he walked back into the doorway.  "Can we go now?"

"When I say three," Jonghyun said, giggling.  "One... two... THREE!"

Suddenly the loudest beep anyone could have ever heard pierced throughout the house.


Key was the first one to run out of his room.  He screamed and ran over to Jonghyun, taking the smoke alarm from his hand and throwing it across the hall.  Taemin was laughing in Gianna's room while Gianna jumped in her bed and hid under the blankets.  "I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" she yelled.

Minho stumbled out of his room next.  Taemin was the only one left with an alarm, so he ran into Gianna's room and picked him up, carrying him out and taking him to Key.  Key took Taemin's alarm, as well, and threw it on the ground.  The guys started yelling and arguing with each other, saying "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"  "YOU NEEDED TO WAKE UP FOR THE LESSON TODAY!"  "I WAS GOING TO!"  "WHEN?!  WE'VE BEEN WAITING AND IT'S PAST 10!"

Gianna walked out of her room and to the boys, sticking herself in the middle of the arguement.  "Guys, stop!" she yelled.  They did as they were told, then turned to her.  "Arguing isn't going to help you go back to sleep.  The quicker we get downstairs and start, the faster you guys can go back to bed."

"Okay, well then let's go!" Key smiled.

She suddenly looked around, noticing someone was missing.  "Where's Onew?"

Jonghyun grinned.  "He's still sleeping."

"He didn't wake up from those alarms?!"  she asked, puzzled, "His room's right across from mine, though!  He must've heard it!"

"Nope," Minho replied, "Onew is a real heavy sleeper.  It takes forever to wake him up."

"Well then, how do we wake him up?"

"With babies or extra loud noises."  Taemin laughed.


"We'll explain later."

AN:  If you don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to babies, click here.

She shook her head.  "Okay, since we don't have babies, what do we do?"

They all looked at each other and smiled.  "Invade the room!" Jonghyun yelled.

They all slowly crept to Onew's door, quietly opening it and peering inside.  Gianna had never seen the guys' rooms, since the doors were always closed.  Once they opened the door, though, shw saw that the room was pretty much spotless.  Surprising, she thought, I thought it'd be a disaster in here.

They quietly tip-toed into his room and made their way to his bed.  Onew was almost completely covered up, but the top of his head and eyes were peeking through the top of his blanket.  Gianna looked at the boys and her eyes got wide.  "He better not be or I'm gonna kill you all."

"What about our lesson?" Key asked, trying to act cute about the situation.

"We'll have to wait!" she chuckled, "Now where's that smoke alarm?"

Taemin suddenly gave Gianna a shocked look.  "Wait... you wanna wake him up with the smoke alarm?"

"Well, you guys did say that loud noises wake him up."

"Yeah, but-"

"Just get it!  It's already 10:30 and we haven't even started yet!"  She was starting to get irritated with the guys that they didn't wake up and didn't listen to her note.  She didn't want to go home, and she thought that if this lesson wasn't taught, there was a huge chance that she would.  "Guys, I know we've had fun the past few days, but I'm not your babysitter.  These lessons are important, and if you guys are going to keep doing this, I might just have to go back to-"

"NO!" they all yelled.

"I'M GETTING THE ALARM FROM THE BATHROOM!!!" Minho screamed as he ran out of Onew's room.

She smirked and folded her arms.  "Thanks, guys."

Minho came back a few moments later with both the alarms:  the one from the bathroom and the other Key threw by the staircase.  Taemin ran up to Minho and stole both of them, running up to Gianna and handing her one.  "Here," he said, "he didn't wake up naturally, so you can be his alarm."

"I don't want him to hate me, though!"

Key and Jonghyun chuckled in the corner, then Jonghyun smiled.  "Then kiss him and he'll be fine."

She ran over to him and smacked him on the shoulder.  "NO!  WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF THAT?!"

"Actually," Key added, "I did."

She, in return, smacked his shoulder as well, then stomped back over to Onew's bed.  Taemin smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Alright, but remember... equals death."

"Okay... one..."

Please don't be .


I'll kill you too if you're .  I swear to God.




Nothing.  He didn't even budge.  Again.


Still nothing.  Gianna looked over at Taemin.  "What do we do now?"

He shrugged.  "I don't know..."  Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and looked at the guys.  "I have an idea!"  He picked Gianna up and threw her over his shoulders.  She tried squirming away, but he had her in a tight grip.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she yelled.

"If this doesn't wake him up, I have no clue what will!"


Then, at an instant, Taemin pushed Gianna off his shoulders and dropped her on Onew, making her land across his chest.  Onew suddenly shot up from his deep sleep and got wide-eyed.  The rest of the guys laughed.  "GOOD MORNING, LEADER!" they yelled.

Gianna looked at him and meekly smiled.  "This wasn't my idea," she whispered, feeling herself become beet red by the second, "Taemin... he, uhh... he-"

"Don't worry," he replied, ruffling her hair, "I forgive you."

She smiled.  "Well, that's good.  Because we have lessons today and I didn't want anything to be, well..."


"Yeah... awkward."  She crawled off the bed as the guys still chuckled.  Onew crawled out shortly after.  Gianna looked at him, noticing the one thing she wanted.  THANK GOD YOU HAVE CLOTHES ON.

"Taemin, that was AWESOME!" Jonghyun yelled, patting him on the back.

Minho shook his head.  "You better hope you aren't in trouble!"

"Oh, it's okay," Onew replied, slipping a pair of slippers onto his feet, "I'll get my payback... he just won't know when."

His eyes got big.  "What are you thinking of doing?!"

"I don't know," he replied, stepping out of his room, "but you'll see."

Onew headed downstairs.  While everyone else was upstairs, they heard Onew yell, "OH, PANCAKES!"  Minho and Key looked at each other and grinned.  "PANCAKES!"  They ran downstairs as well, leaving Gianna, Taemin, and Jonghyun in Onew's room.

The three of them looked at each other with awkward looks.  Jonghyun quickly left and yelled, "TOO MUCH AWKWARD!!"

Taemin looked down and shrugged.  "I'm sorry."

She chuckled, messing up his hair.  "You're fine!  Now, let's go."  She lightly grabbed Taemin's wrist and dragged him downstairs.  As the guys sat around the table eating breakfast, Gianna stood by the doorway and smiled.

"Since we're an hour behind schedule," she said, pointing at the clock, "Classes start in five minutes.  So get eating!  We have a lot to learn today!"

Thank you so much for waiting for this next chapter!  Anyways, like I said at the end of the last chapter, I made a new poll!  Key is out since no one was voting for him, but here's how the votes stand so far:


-Onew:  9 votes
-Minho:  6 votes
-Jonghyun:  1 vote (known)
-Taemin:  3 votes (known)
-5 floater votes (meaning five people didn't comment and say they voted for Jonghyun or Taemin, so to be fair, these five don't count.)


I'll try and update as soon as I can to make up for the wait! :)


Oh, and have you guys seen the news that Super Junior's SS3 is coming out soon?!  Oh, how I am excited!  Yes, I'm an ELF, too!! YAY ELFS AND SHAWOLS!


Well, until next time (which is hopefully very VERY soon), like always, comment, vote, and subscribe please!! :D



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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥