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Tutoring an Idol

Update!  Sorry this chapter is so long!  I started writing and couldn't find a good place to stop... so hopefully where I stopped is okay!  Thanks for coming back!

Oh, and P.S.:  I saw that 100 people have already seen this, and it's only been two days since this started!  Thank you so much, 100 people, and I'm so excited for all the upcoming readers! ~Carly

With all the excitement going on, Gianna was excited to get to her new home.  Throughout the ride, the boys were talking about how happy they were to have another teacher and how they were going to make her proud with their excellent English.  Hopefully these boys are as nice to me later on like they are today.

As Jonghyun drove through the busy streets of Seoul, he could hear Onew yelling in the back.  "What is it, Onew?  Can't handle the trunk?!"

"We need to go home!  These bags are crushing me!"  Everyone in the car started laughing.  "Don't laugh at me!" Onew yelled, "What did you pack anyways, Gianna?!"

"You know," she replied, "everything I'll need."

"For what?  The next five years?!"

Jonghyun slammed on the brakes and they could hear Gianna's bags toppling in the trunk.  "Stop complaining!  We're almost there, anyways."

Gianna looked outside and saw houses everywhere.  So, this is what a Korean village looks like? she thought.

"It's very pretty out here."  She turned to Taemin, Key, and Minho in the back.  "Really, it is."

"Well, thank you," Key replied, "We hope you like our home as much as you like the scenery!"

Taemin suddenly had a big smile on his face.  "We're here!"

Jonghyun parked the car on the side of the road and shut it off.  Everyone started emerging out of the car, buttoning up their jackets and protecting themselves from the cold.  Gianna looked around at her new home and realized how remarkable it was.  "I'm coming home to a gated house every day?!"

Minho opened the trunk and let Onew out.  "Do you not like it?" Onew asked with curiosity.

"No, it's not that... I love it!"

"Well then, WELCOME HOME!" they all yelled.  The boys went to the trunk and started grabbing her bags.  Gianna tried pushing through to grab things, but once she got to the car, all that was left was a small duffel bag.  When she went to get it, a hand suddenly appeared and took it, leaving her with nothing.  She turned to Taemin, who looked like he was carrying the most bags.  "I can take that if you want, dongsaeng."

"No, you're our guest!" he replied, "Happy to help!"

Gianna smiled.  "Thank you, Taemin.  But if you need my help carrying anything, let me know."

"I won't!" he replied with an evil laugh.

She shook her head and continued walking when Onew appeared next to her, carrying her biggest bag and a purse.  "He really won't tell you if he needs help," he said.

"Why's that?"

Onew grinned.  "I don't know... that's the way he is, I guess."

The others started running to the house to put her bags away, so Gianna took the moment alone with Onew to ask him a question.  "Oppa, I don't want to sound rude, but may I ask something?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and his pace started slowing down.  "Okay, what is it?"

"When we were all at the airport... and you said you should have the trunk because you were the Leader... were you kidding?"

"Wait, did you think I was joking?"'

Gianna started to get nervous.  "Well, I thought you were calling yourself the best out of everyone or something."

Onew started laughing.  Laughing so hard that she couldn't understand why.  She started to get irritated.  "Oppa, why are you laughing?!"

He tried calming down, but he just couldn't.  "I'm the leader... of SHINee, silly!"

Gianna joined Onew in his laughter.  "Okay, good!  I'm so sorry... I just didn't want to say it and you hate me!"

They got to the door and Onew took a breath, ceasing his laughing.  "I understand, and thank you for asking."

She smiled as Onew opened the door and let her inside.  When she walked in, she was awestruck by how beautiful their home was.  I thought it was going to be a disaster!

She walked in and took in the simplicity of the house.  There was nothing flashy about it, nor boring.  It was perfect.

"Let's show you your room!" Minho said.

Jonghyun got excited and grabbed as many bags as he could.  "It's upstairs!  We prepared it for you yesterday!" 


"Dongsaeng, I told you I'd carry something if you needed my help."

He just shook his head, though by the looks of it, he wanted some help.  "Nope!  You're our guest, and the host must always help their guests!"  He grabbed the bags he was carrying and trotted up the stairs.  Gianna went to go upstairs with them, but Minho stopped her in her tracks.

"You can't go up there yet!"

Gianna turned to Minho and smirked.  "And why's that?"

"Because..." he replied, "it's not ready."

"What ever you say, dongsaeng."

After a few minutes, Jonghyun yelled down the stairs, "Minho, it's okay to let her come up now!"

He nodded at Gianna, letting her go upstairs.  She could instantly tell where her room was because of all the ruckus coming from it.  When she stepped in, her room was just like the rest of the house:  not too plain, but at the same time not too flashy.  She had a tear roll down her cheek.

Taemin looked at Gianna and his eyes got wide.  "Why are you crying, Noona?!  Do you not like it?!"

She shook her head.  "It's beautiful, guys!"

Gianna could tell Mr. Yeshion told the boys some things that she would like in her room.  There was a small dresser with a vase filled with some of her favorite flowers.  They also had a few Korean books placed on the other side.  The bed was covered in extra blankets and there was a make-shift closet by the door.  Though the room was small, she still had enough room to walk around while her bags were all over the place.  Gianna turned to the boys, who were excited to hear her reaction.  "I love it.  Thank you so much."

She went to each one of them and gave them a hug.  "Okay, I'm going to start unpacking my things.  I'll come down in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay!" they yelled.

As the guys started leaving, Key was the only one who stayed behind.  "Umm... do you mind if I help?  You have a lot of bags and I feel like it's going to take you forever to unpack."

Gianna smiled.  "If you want to, you can."

Key took the offer and went right to the small duffel bag and Wal-Mart bag.  He started taking things out of the duffel bag when he came across a picture of Gianna with a man.  He picked the picture up and held it up for Gianna to see.  "Gianna, who's this?"

She laughed at the picture, forgetting that she had even placed it in her bag.  "That's my brother, Jack."

"Oh!  I thought he was your boyfriend!  Sorry..." he chuckled.   "He looks nice.  Are you guys close?"  He walked over to the dresser and placed it by her flowers.

"Yeah, we're very close.  We actually lived together for a few years.  And when we're done unpacking my things, he's the first person I'm going to call."

"Oh, that's good!"  He went to her Wal-Mart bag and found the picture of them that was in it.  "You carried a picture of us around?"

"No!" she laughed, "Mr. Yeshion gave that to me so I knew who you were when I got off the plane!"

"Well, how about you stick this on the dresser, too!  We are a pretty handsome group, aren't we?"  Gianna smiled and let him place the picture on the dresser.  After all, without them, she would never be there.

For the next two hours, all Key and Gianna did was unpack her things, putting them in the closet and dresser and stuffing suitcase after suitcase under her bed.  Once they were finally done, Key pretended to pass out on her bed.  "Wow, I'm tired!"

She sat down on the ground and pulled her phone out of her pocket.  "I am too.  Thanks for helping me out today, dongsaeng!"

He smiled, getting up and ruffling her hair.  "Anytime!  If you ever need me, let me know!"

"Well, I don't need you anymore, but I have to call my brother before he goes crazy.  I'll be down in a few minutes, okay?  We could do proper introductions!"

"Okay!  That sounds fun!  See you in a few!"  Key exited the room, quietly shutting the door on the way out, and ran downstairs.  She could hear a ruckus going on downstairs, but she brushed it off.  I'm sure everything's fine.

She pulled up Jack's number and started calling it, hoping he would answer it.  Thought it was almost 8 am in Pennsylvania and he was probably getting ready to go to work, he luckily answered it.  

AN:  Remember when I said I'd notify you of English?  Here it is!  All English conversations will be in the color GREEN!  And Korean will still be in BLACK!


"Jack, it's me!  I'm alive!"

He started laughing.  "I'm happy you're alive, Gi.  How was your flight?!"

While Jack was talking, she could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and to her room.  Then she started hearing whispers outside her door.  Silly guys... do they think I don't know?  "Very long and tiring, but it was great!  I met my students today, too, and they're all very nice!"

"Well, good!  What are they like?"

She decided to devise up a plan.  I know they're out there... so I'm just going to talk about them by name and see who cracks first.  They have to understand some English.  "Well, there's five of them.  Onew is the leader and he seems very nice.  I only talked to him for a little bit, but I'm excited to get to know him."

Suddenly, she could hear the whispering again.  Okay, they understand something... I'm gonna keep going.

"Then there's Key.  He was very helpful today when I was unpacking.  He was the only one that stayed!  I bet he and I are going to get along well."

More whispering.  She could hear conversations starting outside, and heard Minho say, "I wonder what she's going to say about me?"  Then Taemin chimed in, saying "Well her opinion about me is going to be the best."  Jonghyun decided to join the fight as well:  "Nope, I'm going to win.  The person that lets the pretty girl sit in the front seat always wins."

"And then there's Minho.  He seems a little quiet, but I bet once I'm here for a few days that he'll open up a little bit."

There was another whisper.  "I told you her opinion about me was good!"  "What are you talking about?!  Did you understand anything that she said?"  "No... but it sounded good, so that's fine with me!"

"And Taemin is the youngest one.  He also is a big help like Key is, but he needs to learn how to ask for help!"

Taemin let out a slight chuckle, saying "That sounded good, too!  Jonghyun, you're the last one left!"

Gianna decided to play around with Jonghyun, since he so confident that he was going to get the best opinion.  "And lastly, there's Jonghyun.  I mean, he was nice to me... letting me sit in the front seat..."

She could hear Jonghyun chuckle.  "This is going to be good!"

"But he kind of looks like a jerk."

Onew chucked outside.  "Jonghyun, this doesn't sound too good."  "What do you mean?"  "She called you a big jerk."  Gianna suddenly heard Jonghyun yell, "WHAT?!".  He swung the door open and started yelling, "WHAT?!  I CARRIED YOUR WAL-MART BAG!  I LET YOU SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT!!  AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!?!?!?!"

She tried holding her laughter, but she couldn't anymore.  She started laughing so hard that even Jack was wondering what was going on.  "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?!" Jonghyun asked.

She calmed down and started speaking Korean over the phone to Jack, just so he could understand what she was saying.  "I'm just kidding.  Actually, Jonghyun is a very funny guy and I look forward to doing real fun things with him."

He turned around and yelled "HA!  I TOLD YOU IT WOULD BE GOOD!"  Jonghyun looked back at Gianna and asked, "Why did you do that, anyways?"

"That's what you get for eavesdropping in my conversation!  I'll be down in a few seconds, okay?"

All the boys laughed at the joke Gianna pulled on Jonghyun and went downstairs.  When Jonghyun was walking down with them, she could hear him saying, "Next time, Gianna's sitting in the trunk!"

She got back on the phone with her brother and told him what she had said to him a few moments ago in a language he'd understand.  "Well, I'm glad you're having such a good time so far and that these boys are being so nice to you."

"Thanks, Jack."

Jack suddenly brought up a topic she thought she'd never hear him talk about.  "Have you called Ronnie?"

Gianna walked over to her duffel bag again and pulled out the last thing in it.

"No," she dismally replied, taking the frame and stuffing it deep down into her drawer full of t-shirts.  "He hasn't talked to me since Thursday.  But, I'm going to try and take your advice... find someone else here."

"Really?  Now, you gotta promise me that... because I'd love if you met someone better than Ron-ster.  Even if you're just best friends.  Anything's better than Ronnie Dane... even a rock.  Well, in my opinion."

Gianna smiled.  "I promise."

"Good."  He then told her he had to go because he was just arriving at work.  "Be safe out there.  Seoul is a big place and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't.  I've got SHINee.  They seem to think I'm decent, so I think I'm fully protected."

"Okay.  I'll talk to you soon."

They both hung up on each other, leaving Gianna with the thing she promised the boys downstairs.  "Guys, I'm coming!  Let's get these introductions going!"

Okay, I've gotta be honest... because of writer's block, this chapter took me all day, so if the chapter's bad, I'm sorry!  Forgive me?!  *does intense aeygo*  I promise that the next chapter will be shorter!  Thanks again for reading and for the support! :D

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥