Saying Goodbye

Tutoring an Idol


It took Thursday night and all of Friday, but she finally packed everything she thought she would need for however long she was staying in Seoul for.  By time she was actually done packing, it was 2 am!  Crap!  I leave at 6!  She took a quick power nap, waking back up at 5:15 to take a quick shower and tidy herself up for Mr. Yeshion.  Walking into her room and grabbing her bags, it finally hit her.  This my last day in the United States for a long time.
She peeked into Jack’s room and saw him half-awake in his bed.  “I wanted to be up for when you left.”
Gianna smiled.  “Well, you wanna make me breakfast one last time?”
“Oh, fine,” Jack replied, “Only because you’re leaving me.”  Gianna couldn’t help but laugh.  “Don’t make that an excuse!”
Because it was almost 6 and Mr. Yeshion was very prompt, Jack just threw waffles in the toaster.  He sat at the table across from Gianna and sighed.  “What am I going to do around this house while you’re gone?”
“I don’t know,” she smirked, “Clean it?”
Jack chuckled.  “I’ll learn how to properly clean just for when you come home.”
“I’m not surprised that Ronnie hasn’t talked to me since Thursday.  Throwing that huge temper tantrum and all...”
“Like I said, screw Ronnie.  I don’t care that he has money and a nice house.  He’s not right for you.  Maybe this internship-thing will make you understand that.  Maybe you’ll find your friend again.”
“We’re not gonna go out, Jack!”
Gianna suddenly saw water flooding his usually dry eyes.  “Jack!  You’re crying?”
He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears.  “I’m just thinking about something.”
“Well, first dad… then mom… now you.  I’m going to be the first cat man pretty soon.”
Gianna got up to hug Jack.  “I’m not mom.  I’m not dad.  I’m coming back as soon as I can, and that‘s a promise.”  As Gianna’s pancakes were just about finished, she heard a honk from outside.  Jack walked over to the window and saw an older man in a black Cutless.  “Mr. Yeshion?”  Gianna walked over to the window and saw the man sitting in the car.  “Yep, that’s him.”  He smirked at her, wiping the trail of water his tears left.  “At least you get to leave me in style.”
Jack reluctantly took Gianna’s bags down to Mr. Yeshion’s car.  He was all happy at that early morning, and neither Jack or Gianna could understand why.  “Good morning!  You have a big day today!”
Gianna weakly smiled at Jack, then smiled at Mr. Yeshion.  “Good morning, sir.  Thanks for picking me up.”
“Hey, anything for my brand new intern!”
Once all of her bags were in the car, Mr. Yeshion looked at Gianna and saw she wasn’t just ready to leave yet.  “I’ll give you two a minute,” he said, getting into the car.
As soon as Mr. Yeshion’s door closed, Gianna hugged Jack tighter than she ever had before.  She had tried holding her tears all morning, but she couldn’t anymore.  “Jack, I don’t think I want to go anymore!”
He chuckled, trying to hold his own tears back.  “You’re gonna do great.  I know it.  Wanna know why?”
She looked up at him and attempted a smirk.  “Why?”
“Because you’re my sister.  And I love you.”  He squeezed Gianna when he yelled, “Oh, I forgot to give you something!”  He ran into the apartment, leaving Gianna clueless.  When he came back, he was holding a napkin with something inside of it.  Gianna grabbed it and opened it, revealing the two chocolate chip waffles left in the toaster.  “You’re gonna have a long flight.”
Gianna laughed, tears still falling and grabbing her breakfast.  “Thank you, Jack.  I’ll call as soon as I land.”
“You got it, Gi.  I’ll be waiting.”  He ruffled her hair, messing it up, then shooed her into Mr. Yeshion’s car.  She shut the door, watching Jack back up from the car.  “You ready, kid?” Mr. Yeshion asked.
Gianna set her waffles on her lap and wiped her face.  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”  He started the car and Gianna looked outside her window.  She smirked at Jack and waved at him.  He started making a funny face and waving weird, which made her smile.  Suddenly, the car started moving down the road and turned, making Gianna’s sight of Jack unseen.  I miss him already.

And she's off!  Next up, who will she be teaching?  And how exciting is a flight to Seoul?!

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥