Concert for the Lost Boys (Part Two)

Tutoring an Idol

Okay, so here's the results of the poll so far:  Onew- 50%  Minho- 30%  Jonghyun- 10%  Taemin- 10%  Key- 0%.  Keep voting guys!  It's really going to help as I write! :D  And if you think she should end up with someone else, comment below and I'll consider it!!  But no crazy stuff like "HOOK HER UP WITH HER BROTHER!"  Because that's crazy. :D

"Gianna, it's me... Henry."


She turned around and saw him, the new and improved Henry Lau, the chubby-cheeked boy she used to be friends with over four years ago.  Sure, his cheeks weren't as cute and puffy as they used to be, but show business takes a toll on the body... right?  It even looked like he grew a few inches, too... or were those inserts?  And puberty and four years of no contact made her realize, Man, he's manned up!  Puberty was good to you!  Gianna smiled and walked over to Henry, giving him a small hug.  "It's so good to see you, Henry!"

"Yeah, you too!" he replied, "So, what're you doing in South Korea, anyways?"  Gianna explained everything... that she was rooming with SHINee and teaching them English for their world tour.  "Oh!  Well, that's great."

"Yeah..."  she looked at Henry and pointed at his cheeks.  "No more chubbiness, huh?"

He laughed.  "It's still there!  Just... not as noticable.  And your hair isn't as big as it used to be!"  He grabbed a piece of Gianna's hair and flung it in the air.

"Well, it's called a brush."

"Could you have used one of those in Canada?"

She playfully punched his arm.  "Hey!  I used a brush!  I just didn't do my hair like the other girls!"

He smiled, then started chuckling.  "I can't believe it's been four years since we last talked.  So, everything's good, right?  No boyfriends?"

"Nope, no boyfriends," she lied, trying to cover up Ronnie.  What he doesn't know won't kill him, right?  "And life's pretty good.  College, working at the daycare we went to as kids...-"

"APPLES OF GOLD?!" he asked, surprised, "IS MS. CAULKINS STILL THERE?!"

"...she's my boss."

Henry started laughing.  "I can't belive she's still there!  She taught us stuff as kids!"  He then stopped laughing and got a serious look on his face.  "Wait... you're not doing music anymore?  I thought you were going to the performing arts school for musical theater?"

Gianna remembered what she told Taemin the day they went shopping, the one thing Henry told her that ruined her passion for music.  I'll always be better than you.  "Not after the last time we saw each other."

Henry didn't remember what happened then, until she looked at him and said, "You know... that you're better than me."

His eyes got wide.  "I was 17.  We were kids!"

"I know," she replied, "but it still hurt.  I wish you would have said you were sorry, at least.  A letter... a phone call.  You didn't give me anything to contact you, and I lived in the same house for two years!  I couldn't do anything, but you could have."

"Well, does an 'I'm sorry' count now?"

Gianna looked at him, knowing the tone of voice he said it in.  Four years and that voice hasn't gone away.  "What do you mean?"

"I'll make it up to you sometime.  We can go around Seoul and sight-see or I'll take you to lunch or something when you're not busy."

She smirked.  "Okay.  But it still doesn't make up for what you said... not yet."

Henry gave Gianna another hug.  "It is nice seeing you again, but I have to go get ready for the concert.  It's a big night."

"Okay," she replied, starting to walk away, "Good luck, Henry."

"Thanks.  It was great seeing you, Gianna."  He turned and ran down the hallway, going into another door and shutting it behind him.

Now that's the Henry I remember from Willowdale.

Gianna ran to the stadium and saw that a lot of people still hadn't shown up.  Thank God... I thought that took forever.  She saw Sunny and Sooyoung sitting in the fourth row, front and center of the stage, and ran over to them.  Sunny stood up, excited to finally see her, while Sooyoung said, "Where were you?!"

"Oh, I found someone and we started talking..."

"WHO?!" they asked.

I don't think I'm ready to tell them yet... "I'll tell you guys later.  So, I don't really know what the Lost Boys Foundation is... do you guys know?"

"Yeah," Sooyoung said, "it's a charity for boys down in Sudan... orphans, I think.  It's a real great cause."

"It sounds like it!"  Suddenly, there was a roar from the back.  As Gianna, Sunny, and Sooyoung turned around, they saw hundreds and hundreds of fans run to their seats, their squeals almost ripping their eardrums.  "ARE THESE FANS OR CRAZY PEOPLE?!" Gianna asked.

Sitting calmly, Sunny replied, "You get used to it!"

Close to showtime, the fans started squealing even louder.  They just got louder and louder until a man walked up onto the stage.

"My name is Yoo Jae-Seok, and welcome to the Lost Boys Foundation Charity Concert!"

A roar of cheers and screams flooded the stadium, something Gianna wasn't used to.  The announcer told the audience about the chairity concert, adding that "Since this is a charity event, these performers are taking time off their busy schedules to help those in need.  All the money from your tickets and Olympic Stadium merchandise will go straight to the Lost Boys!"

Again, more cheers.  I just want the concert to start, she thought.

"Anyways, let's get to this!"

Suddenly, three white screens dropped from the ceiling.  Two were playing a music video, while the middle screen showed a picture of a group of girls called "Miss A".

Sunny and Sooyoung started clapping.  "They're so good!" Sooyoung yelled though all the screams.  Sunny leaned to Gianna and said, "These girls are a little new, but they're so talented.  I definitely see them going far in the business."

There was a big explosion and the four girls emerged to the stage, singing a few of their songs:  "Love Alone" and "Breathe" were so upbeat that Gianna started dancing in her seat.  Once their last song "Goodbye Baby" came on, the three girls were already out of their seats dancing.  Once Miss A was done performing, a preview video for another group came up on the screen, with a new group's picture in the middle.

Gianna smiled.  Nice matching outfits, boys. she thought.  Then she noticed that their name wasn't on their picture.  "Who's that?" she asked.

"That's U-KISS.  They're pretty new too, and they just replaced two members.  I met one of them today,"  Sooyoung giggled.

Sunny leaned over and yelled, "Which one, Hoon or AJ?!"

Sooyoung smiled and pointed at the younger man at the end.  "AJ."  Sunny laughed.  "I hope you didn't try anything!"

"No!  I was just welcoming him to the Stadium!"

When the music video ended, the lights suddenly went out.  There were a few girls that screamed and yelled "I DON'T LIKE THE DARK!!" but then the lights came on at crazy-blind-the-world levels and U-KISS was on the stage.  The fans started freaking out even more as they started singing "0330".  Then they went crazier to "Someday".  Sunny and Sooyoung got up and started dancing by then, but Gianna just sat in her chair, taking in the music and trying to understand what they were singing.  Sure, she got good grades on her Korean exams, but sometimes, if people went too fast, she had a hard time understanding them.

The last song they performed was some song called "Neverland".  And she could have sworn on her life that someone died as the song started, because she heard huge screams and wails coming from all across the stadium.  By the middle of the song, Gianna finally got up and danced with Sunny and Sooyoung.  "Now, you gotta stay up and dance with us for the rest of the show, got it?!" Sooyoung yelled.

Not hearing what she said, she replied with a "YEAH, WHATEVER!"  Once the song was over, the fans cheered like crazy.  Yoo Jae-Seok came back and introduced the next group, while their video and picture also showed on the screen.

"Ooh, they're pretty!" Gianna said, smiling at the music video they were plaing on the screen.

SISTAR came up on the stage and gave electric performances.  Sooyoung was even bouncing around like crazy by the first song, "So Cool".  As they were dancing, Gianna turned to Sooyoung and said, "So, is all your music dancable?!  I love it!"

"I don't know," she replied, I guess what ever you like!"

They continued dancing through "Push Push" and "How Dare You".  They were dancing and jumping around so much that they were almost getting tired.  They sat down during the last minute of "How Dare You", when the girls started asking Gianna some questions.  "How are you liking the concert so far?"

"Oh, it's a lot of fun!" she replied, wiping her forehead of sweat, "I don't think I'd have this much fun without you guys!"

Sooyoung smiled.  "Yeah, we're just the 'fun' types."  The girls all started laughing, then realized, "Oh, SISTAR's done!"

"I wonder who's going to be next?"

They looked up at the center screen and saw five boys that looked pretty familiar.  Didn't they wear those exact same outfits when I went to say hello to them?

Sunny and Sooyoung started nudging her shoulders.  "Look, it's your boys!"

"Oh, shush!" she replied.

"They haven't been around for a while, but I know for sure they're gonna go far, too," Sunny said.  Sooyoung nodded in agreement.  Gianna sat in anticipation for the first time that whole concert.  Finally, I get to see them perform.

No big entrance, they just came out and said hello.  Then their lastest song "Hello" started.  Gianna found herself humming to the song, since she had heard this one and many others on her flight.  She watched as the guys danced and smiled.  They have really addictive smiles, she thought as she caught herself smiling from ear to ear.

She suddenly saw Minho waving... at her.  Is that my signal?!  What do I do...?  She gave a small, undetected wave to him and he winked.  She suddenly could feel the butterflies in her stomach.  Oh, Minho.

After that, they performed "Lucifer", another song Gianna loved to dance to on the plane.  The girls got up and started dancing to the song.  When she looked up at them, she noticed that Onew and Jonghyun were laughing.  They better not be laughing at us, or they're gonna get it back home!

Key grabbed the microphone suddenly and yelled, "We're gonna end with an old song tonight.  YOU READY?!"  She could swear that those girls yelled so loud that even God above could have heard them perfectly.  She could have sworn her ears popped, too, but Sunny and Sooyoung looked oblivious to the screams as they danced to their last song "Ring Ding Dong". 

"I remember this one!" Gianna yelled as she started singing the song with the girls.  She noticed the dance they were doing.  Curious, she looked at the girls and said, "You wanna try the dance?"

"YEAH!" they yelled.  They started trying to do the "Ring Ding Dong" dance and noticed quickly that they were doing terribly.  How they noticed?  Gianna saw Key laughing so hard that he couldn't sing.  And he was looking right at them.  When the song ended, they gave a small bow while the rest of the crowd cheered their faces off.

Yoo Jae-Seok came back one more time, saying "Okay, this is the last group!  Now remember, there's a meet and greet down in the main ticket hall where you can meet these guys!  I promise you, they're great people and you'll regret it if you don't meet them tonight!"  The fans screamed as the last group's picture came up on the screen.

So this is Super Junior.  They're pretty cute.  Except Henry... he just matured.  But he looks good.  Gianna looked over at Sooyoung, who was grinning from ear to ear.  "These guys are so nice!  We've worked with their main group, but Henry and Zhou Mi are super nice, too!"

"Did you know that Henry plays violin and piano?!" Sunny asked, "He came from Canada, too!"

I know all this already... please don't tell me about him again.  "No, but that's pretty cool."  Then, just as they weren't expecting it, the lights went out again, then blinded them with beams comparable to staring at the Sun when there's no clouds outside.  She saw the guys dancing to a song they called "Super Girl", and the three girls decided to try and copy their dancing, as well.  though terrible, again, they still tried.

After "Super Girl" came a slower song called "Blue Tomorrow".

"Thank goodness for the slower song!" Sooyoung said, "I need some rest!"

They sat and listened to the song in it's entirety.  Gianna looked over at Sooyoung, who was sniffling.  "Are you crying?" Gianna asked.

"No!" she lied, "Just... I have a stuffy nose."

After that song, they sang the last song of the evening, "Perfection".  Though another dance track, they were so tired from all the dancing they did that they stayed in their seats and swayed to the music.  Once they hit their big finish, Yoo Jae-Seok yelled, "OKAY!  THAT'S THE SHOW!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OUT AND SUPPORTING THE LOST BOYS FOUNDATION!"

Sunny nudged Gianna's shoulder, saying, "Let's get out of here before everyone goes ape-crazy while trying to leave."

Gianna nodded and, along with Sunny and Sooyoung, exited the arena and went into the meet-and-greet hall.  "So," Sooyoung said as they entered the hall, "What did you think?"

She had a big smile on her face.  "I LOVED IT!" she happily replied.  The girls laughed, saying, "Well, I'm happy you decided to come."

"Maybe next time I'll see Girls' Generation perform." Gianna said with a wink.

Sunny nodded.  "Maybe.  Now, I wanna know how long we have to wait for this meet-and-greet to start!"

Okay, I don't wanna sound like a naggy old person, but since Jonghyun and Taemin don't have seperate voting buttons, may you please comment if you voted for Jonghyun or Taemin so it's a little more fair for them?  Otherwise it's a little unfair for the rest of the options (even though Key is losing terribly right now).  Thank you very much!!

Next chapter should be up by Sunday (I'm giving myself a needed 24-hour break)! :D

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥