A Discovery in the Basement

Tutoring an Idol

Gianna's first thought:  Abs.  Everywhere.  Half .  Oh, my God.

Gianna's second thought:  Why, exactly, are there clothes flying everywhere?


The guys all stopped in their tracks, looking at Gianna and Taemin standing at the door with their eyes wide and jaws on the floor.  Key decided to break the silence, saying, "We forgot that we have an interview at Kiss the Radio today, so we're kinda freaking out."

"WE HAVE TO GO TO KTR TODAY?!"  Taemin yelled.  He ran upstairs and shut his bedroom door.

Jonghyun suddenly yelled from upstairs, "WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!"


"CRAP!"  He ran downstairs and into another room, exiting with his pants.  The guys were running all over the place, getting everything they thought they would need.  Gianna, however, was so tired from the early trip to Ki-baek and Babtol's that she laid down on the couch.  The groceries can wait.

Minho sat on the edge of the couch and said, "Tiring day so far, huh?"

She looked up, seeing it was Minho, and smiled.  "A little bit.  What's Kiss the Radio, by the way?  Is it some sort of TV show or something?"

"No, you're close though," he replied, slipping on his boots, "It's a radio show run by another K-pop group.  Do you know Super Junior?"

Oh, not them again.  "I've heard the name, but never their music."

"You should.  They're real good."

Onew ran downstairs and sat on the chair, putting on his shoes.  Gianna looked up at him and grinned.  "Sorry if we took long, Oppa."

He just shook his head.  "It's fine!  We didn't even know about this until about fifteen minutes ago."  Once he was done, he looked at Gianna and said, "Did you want to come, or did you wanna stay home?"

If this is actually Super Junior they're talking about... and Henry's in this Super Junior thing... I should just wait.  But I do want to see him, too.  OH, WHAT TO DO?!  "Uhh, I'm just going to stay home.  I'm kind of tired and I haven't called Mr. Yeshion yet and told him I was here."

He smiled.  "Okay, then.  Tell him we all said hello!"  The rest of the guys ran downstairs, trying to throw on their shoes and jackets.  Key ran over to the window and tried fixing his hair in the reflection.  Jonghyun ran over to Key and dragged him away from the window, while Key was screaming, "I NEED TO FIX MY HAIR!"

"YOU CAN DO THAT IN THE CAR!"  He and Key ran out the door, Taemin and Minho behind them.  Onew grabbed a piece of paper and wrote all their numbers down.  "If you have a problem, call one of us and we'll help you out, okay?"

"Okay, Oppa.  Thank you!"

He grinned.  "You're welcome.  See you in a few hours."  Onew ran out the house, locking the door.  Gianna then sat up, realizing she was alone.  In SHINee's house.

She sat for a moment, then decided to put up the groceries.  She really didn't know where anything went, so she just put things that she thought needed to be cold in the refrigerator and the things that didn't in the pantry.  After putting those away, she thought, Better call Mr. Yeshion.  I don't need him having a heart attack.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and called Mr. Yeshion.  Then she saw the time:  12:49 pm.  Crap... it's probably almost 2 in the morning there... I'll just leave him a message.

As she expected, there was no answer from Mr. Yeshion, but his answering machine was up, so she left a message.  "Hi, Mr. Yeshion!  This is Gianna Solecki.  I just wanted to let you know that I got to Seoul okay and I'm all moved in.  I won't be getting my stuff for the next couple of days, but I'll keep in touch when it comes to how things are going.  By the way, the boys said hello... and they're real nice, just like you said.  Well, hope to talk to you soon."  She hung up the phone and set it on the table, then laid on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

About an hour later, Gianna woke up to a loud THUD downstairs, somewhere she thought never existed.  She got up and looked outside, not seeing the car she and Taemin were in.  They aren't home yet... so what was that?

Gianna went to a door next to the pantry and opened it.  She peeked inside and saw a large staircase going downstairs, but the room looked empty from where she was standing.  "I don't think they'll mind me going down." she said.

She walked downstairs and saw something she never thought she'd see:  a practice room.  Right in their house.

Her eyes got big and her jaw just dropped.  "OH MY GOD!" she yelled, "WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!"  Then she thought for a moment.  I'm not a dancer, that's why!

She heard another crash coming from the room in the back.  She ran over and opened the door, revealing a small, but very beautiful recording studio.  Again, she screamed "OH MY GOD!  THIS TOO?!?!?!  THEY COULD HAVE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS PART AT LEAST!!"  Gianna saw the coat rack that fell over, so she picked it up and placed the two jackets back on it.  Of course it would've fallen over... these are some heavy coats!  She walked into the recording booth and looked around.  A traditional microphone was hanging from the ceiling, along with dozens of instruments scattered around the room and some guitars on the wall.  As she was skimming the guitars, she saw one that caught her eye, the guitar she always wanted:  a Gibson Hummingbird.  She gasped at the sight of it, instantly grabbing a chair and taking it off the wall.  It looks so brand new... I wonder why no one's touched it.  She took the pick off the strings and started strumming the guitar, hearing the most beautiful sounds coming from it.  I have to play this.  I really do.  No one's here anyways, so why not?

She looked around some more and found a harmonizer pedal below the microphone.  Perfect!  Now I can do harmonies!  She grabbed a chair and sat in front of the microphone, placing the guitar against her body and strumming again.  I know... I haven't sung Simon and Garfunkel in a while.  And at last, after months of not performing, Gianna started playing Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence".

AN:  The artist below is named Kina Grannis.  I totally recommend that you listen to her!  She (in my opinion) is one of the greatest independant artists out there, and I'd be so happy if you'd support her like I do.  The song ends at 2:29, so if you don't stop it by then, you'll just hear her talking about stuff. :)

Here's the link, since I can't get the audio-only on here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJy22lxqC8s

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

"Fools", said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence

In the sounds of silence

As that last note was strummed, she took a deep breath.  I can't believe I just did that.  She then said her little mantra out loud.  "I can't believe I just did that."

Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from the speakers inside the recording studio.  "Yeah, me either!  And you said you weren't ever going to sing."

Gianna turned around and saw no one in the room.  The lights were off on the other side of the room.  She placed the guitar on the chair and opened the door to the other side.  And who did she see on the other side, exactly?

"How long were you in here, Onew?!" she yelled.

He chuckled.  "Just about a minute.  I had heard some noise down here when I went to get my jacket and heard you singing."


"You left the microphone on."  Onew pointed to a lit-up sign on the wall.  It was a big, red "ON-AIR" sign.  "When the light's on, it means the microphone and speakers are on, too."

She started to panic.  "Wait, that didn't record, right?!"

"No," he replied, shaking his head, "but if you wanted it to record, I could d-"

"Don't.  Even.  Think.  About it."

He laughed, shutting the door to the recording studio.  "Okay, I was just joking, anyways!"  Onew smiled.  "By the way, you sounded great... seeing as you won't sing in front of us."

"Well, my singing voice is like a unicorn.  When you see it, you usually never see it again."  She winked, exiting the recording studio, Onew following her.

As they were walking upstairs, Onew looked at Gianna and gave her a confused look.  "How did you find this place, anyways?"

"Your heavy jacket fell down when I was taking a nap and I heard it from upstairs."

"Oh," he replied, "sorry my jacket awoke you from your beauty sleep."  He chuckled and ruffled her hair, messing it up.  She tried putting her hair back in place, but he messed it up too much.

"Thanks," she sarcastically said as they opened the door.  

When they got into the door, the guys were all laying on the floor or couch, tired and falling asleep.  She could have sworn Jonghyun was sleeping, but his eyes were kind of open and his tounge was hanging out, so she didn't know if he was actually sleeping or trying to play dead.  Minho was on the ground cuddling up with one of the throw pillows from the couch, while Key and Taemin were fighting each other for the couch while falling asleep.  Gianna chuckled; it was one of the most outrageous fights she had ever seen.

She looked over at Onew, who yawned and ran for the recliner.  Gianna looked around at the guys and smirked.  "I'm guessing early bed time for you guys, right?"

Key, with half-open eyes, looked at her and nodded, then laid down and fell right asleep.  Taemin was too tired to care, so he just laid down on the other side and went to sleep as well.  Onew was falling asleep, as well, but looked up at Gianna and said, "We'll be up in a few hours."

"Okay, but don't feel bad when you aren't up, okay?  I'm going to take myself a nap, as well."

He smiled.  "Okay, good night."

"More like 'good afternoon'."  She walked upstairs and cuddled up in her bed, taking a nap.

Gianna was up in two hours.  The first boy that woke up was Minho.  At midnight.  I really hope they don't do this often...

And... finished!!!  I'm loving all the feedback you guys are giving me, and PLEASE keep it coming!  It really inspires me to keep going when I know people actually are interested!  Thanks for sticking around and I'll see you soon! :D

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omg the poster from the foreword is dana paola, she's a mexican actress lol couldn't help but comment on that, sorry
RanniBoBanni #2
PS: LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! (Now I know how it should be done... =_=)
RanniBoBanni #3
XD Idk WHO I should vote for, anymore... UPDATE SOON!!!
Sounds cool
Onew The Klutz teachin Gianna how to dance? Shouldn't it have been Taemin The Dance Machine???
IM STILL VOTING FOR ONEW!! They seem to have more chemistry......................
Onew's so cute XDDDD
RanniBoBanni #9
So cute~!! This is one of the few fanfics I can actually wrap my mind around. Your so awesome!!! Keep it up! Hwaiting!
@WhiteRoseFlame: I didn't know that! That's actually really cool! And I totally forgot about the banana milk when I wrote that chapter... maybe I'll slip it in somewhere! :D<br />
@alwaysbelieve93: Thank you! And who she ends up with depends on the votes! So keep voting and maybe Minho or Taemin will get her! :D<br />
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Thank you all for the comments!! ♥