Crowding Around

My Princess's Servant


Uneasy, Jiro stood at the corner of the dimly lit room. The flames from the candle flickered everywhere, creating a barrier of mirage around the unconcious floating body. The body with a shifted soul. "Genie, you really did do it to him?"

Genie looked at Jiro, her childhood friend with somewhat confussion, "Raymond Lam is one mysterious guy but when I first met him, he showed me infinite power."

"From young I understand you very well but-"

"I know, I don't really know what he is," Genie finished, "but he's an easy target to manipulate because part of his original soul was already missing- weak in other words."

Jiro sighed, "just remember our promise about Mike."

Genie smiled slyly, "I'll try not to hurt him. I'm only after the blood of the royal ones and considering that girl is the easiest target..."

Jiro nodded, "I'll send the assassins."


Rainie's heart was pounding against her chest. She felt the grip on her wrist tighten and with it the anxiety from Tavia. "Wait!"

Tavia finally stopped running, "Rainie, I'm sorry, I want to get there quicker."

Rainie tried to stay standing but her energy was already used up. During the morning, Tavia had summoned Mike again to inform him that they were going to find Tavia's grandfather. After that, Mike left and Tavia had been pulling Rainie in a run to their destination. Finally with some breath, "Tavia why must me be in such a hurry?"

Tavia slouched onto the floor besides Rainie, "my father only told you and me to leave and go anywhere with as much people as possible. He didn't explain anything and gave me those coins. Then out of nowhere we both learn those metal cirlces can summon a weird knight-"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I mean, those coins- when young I remember it belonged to my grandmother. I saw her having them so, though she's not here anymore...but if father would'nt explain any of this non sense to me-"

Rainie suddenly felt a surge of light shine upon her, finally catching on to Tavia, "maybe your grandfather has answers to all this crap."

Tavia stuck her tongue out, "exactly and it gives us a place to go too."

Feeling that there was more purpose to what they're doing, Rainie stood up, all fired up. Ever since 10 years ago, she had vowed to stay with Tavia and serve her as servant to princess. No matter what weitrd encounters they'll have, she won't run, she'll always be beside her princess. Rainie outstretched a hand towards Tavia. Then her eyes widened as she looked closely at Tavia's shocked face.


From the corner, a dark figure watched. Lips curling. The moment had arrived, there weren't much people upon the side street. He clicked his teeth, the others were in position. They motioned in a stratigic way, encircling their prey. Soon, they had already formed a barrier trapping Tavia and Rainie.

'Royal princess hey,'

he mused to himself.

He watched one of them scrambling to get hold of the other. They were scared, how exciting. His tail flicked once and the others crowded in more.

"W-why, what should we do?" one asked.

"I don't know Rainie- a-aren't they foxes..." the other uttered, "why are we surrounded by foxes?"

The girl who was named Rainie took a step away from his pack of foxes. Even in this animal form, they were already afraid- this was perfect. But which one is the one Genie wants?

His thoughts and guessing ended there. He watched the other girl reach in her pocket, portraying a silver coin. She tossed it and his fox eyes followed. "999" was what that girl called.

A silver light ignited from the metal. The fox swayed it's tail twice, his foxes moved, backing slightly away. Then without a doubt, the Silver Knight appeared before him. They stared into eachothers eyes, the recognition of what they were was an amazing attachment. He couldn't help but laugh now, as he peered into Mike's eyes. 'My fox eyes against your wolf eyes- perfect...'

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
prodinius_0623 #2
Chapter 30: I hope you will update soon .
LoveYou12345678 #3
aaaaahhhh i loved it!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #5
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Chapter 1: love how we have the same title for a fanfic lol
themisberry #7
Chapter 30: hi! im ur new subscriber..i lovee ur story..plez update soon..
Huhuhu please update soon I really need you to update
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon
coming-on #10
nice story