Intro that 'Other' World exsists

My Princess's Servant

Raymond stared hard at Ah-Yat. That old man, somehow gave him a sense of authority. He backed down and perched back on the window. 'I'll wait for the explanation...sure I will...take your time oldie...' Raymond silently cursed.

Ah-Yat coughed. His health didn't seem to be as well as it was, since the last time Tavia had properly visited with her father. "Grandpa, father chased me out the house."

His husky voice answered, "I guessed he'd do something like that. The Yeung family originated from a very different world altogether. We somehow ended up in debt, actually it was thanks to me. I married the one women that I knew would soon bring chaos. Your grandmother XinXin was also a royal princess."

Tavia gasped, "royal princess?"

"It's not as simple. It's completely different, it's not like you are a descendant of the Queen of England kind, although the concept is similar. It 's more like, DNA and blood you inherited from your grandmother that makes you the next royal princess."

"WOW, I'm a princess," Tavia exclaimed, "royal but...what princess?"

Ah-Yat chuckled now, "what princess, it'll be revealed very soon but understand, our family is in great peril and danger at the moment. It is time I repaid my debt for marrying your grandmother I guess."

"but why?"

"Tavia, from here on you just have to accept everything that's to come or what your told that sounds unreasonable," Ah-Yat urged.

Sarcastically she nodded, "sure, anything stranger than this already-"

"There probably is something, to you," Mike interupted, "If that is what Mr. Yeung is about to reveal."

Ah-Yat gave look of approval. "Well, I'll let your two precious knights explain for the time being should I? I'll chirp in if neceassary. Listen up Tavia."

Mike cleared his throat. He directed his gaze towards Tavia, who now to him looked more and more promising to be his master or princess. "There are two worlds amongst this world-"

Tavia raised her eyebrows, obviously already lost.

Mike continued, "the human world, which is this world we are in now and the 'other' world which humans doesn't know exsist. Well the two worlds aren't connected physically but you can transfer from one world to the other through portals. The main thing here is, Soul Knights originate from the other world." Mike looked at a blinking Tavia, "y-you don't belive me?"

"No," Tavia replied bluntly, "but I have to accept it as truth anyway, so just continue."

"Well, me and Raymond come from that other world. Remember the weird fox guys that attacked us, they were from the other world too. In short, we're not humans..."


"I've breifly told you about Soul Knights, how a part of our soul is sealed in that coin so we can be called out by you when you chant the number. I've previously explained, we unite our souls fully so we appear before you after you summon us. You, I guess already know how to summon us and..."

"Cut her some slack," Raymond suddenly shouted over Mike. "get to the main parts, and leave others out, we don't have all the time in the world here."

Mike bit his lips, "you explain it then, Mr. Smart-."

Raymond sighed. "The other world is known as monster world, well at least that is what you humans call 'us'."

Tavia gulped, "well, I didn't expect you to be humans but monster as in..."

"I'm a monster which powers goes by the faces of the moon," Mike sounded.

Ah-Yat's eyes gleamed, "a powerful being to have as a knight, your lucky, Tavia."

Tavia looked at her grandfather. She couldn't help but rant now, "I'm lost, what monster? I mean, monster as in what, you know that word could probably mean lots of things. You can literally describe a murderer as a monster, though those two are defineatly not normal, I still don't get it."

Ah-Yat laughed, "work it out yourself, use your brains more, you'll defineately need it more than ever." Turning to Raymond, "inspire me Mr. Black Knight and you are?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I am unlike Mike. I've been suffering from extreme amnesia ever since I could recall."

Tavia quietly growled. She didn't like being ignored. But considering she didn't understand, she decided to paitiently listen.

A concerned look crossed Ah-Yat's face. In his eyes there was a glint of fear, "You say you have no memories, surely..."

"Only scraps of it, like I remember being close with Mike when little but too be honest, it's very vague and with each passing day, I think I'll eventually..."

Ah-Yat held up his hand to stop Raymond. "It's ridiculous but I prefer you to keep forgetting and can only pray you'll never remember."

Both Mike and Tavia was stunned by the cold words. They both hissed at the same time, "that's too harsh. It's cruel."

"What am I?" Raymond asked, his eyes filled with fire, "What am I?"


Rainie now steadily held the tray full of tea and cakes, ready to go upstairs and join the others. Without five more steps from walking away she heard a knock on the door. Then there were several knocks. "Who could it be?" The knocks became louder and sounded much more desperate. Rainie balanced the tray on the side and ran to the door. Sliding the chain she opened the wooden door and peared out into...nothing. White, everything was white, covered by fog and nobody was stood at the door.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
prodinius_0623 #2
Chapter 30: I hope you will update soon .
LoveYou12345678 #3
aaaaahhhh i loved it!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #5
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Chapter 1: love how we have the same title for a fanfic lol
themisberry #7
Chapter 30: hi! im ur new subscriber..i lovee ur story..plez update soon..
Huhuhu please update soon I really need you to update
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon
coming-on #10
nice story