Rooftop Secrets

My Princess's Servant

The night air was cold and grazing as it touched upon Tavia's bare skin. She stared deep into the city landscape that was almost submerged by bitter darkness. A burning feeling filled her abdomen, the feeling of being homesick. There were many things people did not understand, but out of those things, there were also those that could be. To Tavia, she only wanted to know what was the secret behind her father wanting her to leave home, and everything there is to the Soul Knight business. She was hopelessly dragged into the bizarre situation and she didn't like it one bit. Being attacked by thugs and foxes or half fox half humans, was this her nightmare? Beside all this, there was that unpredictable feeling of him...

The night before flashed in front of her. She was falling to the floor. Renard was making a grab for her and then it was that moment she saw the black coin. 'I can't call Mike- he needs to protect Rainie...' Tavia tossed the black coin into the air and shouted, "666."

Renard already had his hand on Tavia when a deafening screech was heard throughout the streets. Renard pulled back as something fromt he sky ascended. Tavia's eyes were wide open at the sight of bats. A swarm of bats circled the area, hindering the foxes. Then it all gathered into one distinctive spot like a whirlwind of bats and as they dispersed, a guy was standing there. Tavia felt herself collaspe as he turned to look at her. "C-Cat Idol..." Tavia screamed.

But as quickly as she screamed, Renard and his foxes were torn apart by him as well. Tavia watched in amazement. He was so powerful. As Renard fled the night streets, Tavia felt herself about to scream again but held it in.

He was looking at her, the night resonating around him. "I'm Raymond Lam. I remember you from that time too- I kissed you as Cat Idol."

Tavia stood up in anger, frustration and fear, "get away from me."

"Why- you were the one who called me out. Am I wrong?"

Tavia stared at the black coin, "couldn't be..."

A loud scream was heard faintly. "Rainie," Tavia couldn't help but shout.

At that Raymond grabbed hold of her, "Since I'm your Soul Knight, I'll help this once..."

The scene of the present returned. She felt scared and angry when she saw him again but if he was her knight, she shouldn't be scared should she? If there was a chance maybe they should talk...just like how she did with Mike...

Tavia breathed in the daunting night air and smiled, "I shouldn't be thinking about anything. That's right, I'll just take things as they come."

"Your too optimistic aren't you?"

Feeling a shiver run through her back, she quickly glanced behind her, to the sides and below the balcony to which she was standing. She didn't see anyone.

"Hey, where are your manners, Princess?"

Still looking around but not seeing a single person, Tavia crouched down, covering her eyes, "a ghost..."

Laughter followed that comment. "I'm above you, idiot."

Idiotically, Tavia turned to stare up at the roof. She screamed. A large hand clasped around and waist, then her feets were dangling in the air and she was floating. Tavia desperately flapped her hands and kicked about but she still ended up on the rooftop. She sat like a statue, her body trembling. "l-l...le-let..."

"Are you that scared of me, stupid woman?"

With that, Tavia's fear vanished as she snapped, "YOU TAKE ME DOWN THIS INSTANT. I'M WARNING YOU - CAT IDOL I-"

Raymond looked at Tavia with plea in his eyes or rather something else. Whatever it was it made Tavia stop. He whispered, "Raymond Lam...Raymond Lam...Raymond..."

Anger faded from Tavia, replaced by a sense of sympathy. She didn't speak.

"Sorry- you must've heard from Mike right? My real name is Raymond Lam, I prefer that name and identity-" Raymond sighed, lightly laying on the rocky tiles of the roof, "Cat Idol is the dead part of me."

Tavia raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to stare at Raymond, waiting for him to continue. 'This is so weird' she thought to herself, 'he's a bad guy right- why do I feel so sorry for him after seeing - his eyes and that -expression...'

"-I become Cat Idol and sing on the streets recklessly, just like the other night. I do that a lot so people start recognising me but I'm not a real Idol," Raymond continued. He shifted his sight so it was on Tavia. "It's really irritating because whenever I become Cat Idol, it means I don't remember anything- anything at all. I become a blank person with nothing..."

Tavia gripped onto Raymond's shoulder, "your not lying are you?"

"Can't you tell?"

Tavia studied Raymond and eventually she gave a faint smile. She clutched onto her stomach, laughing, "your still reckless and hateable and- something's wrong with me you know I'm- how can I be talking to you so seriously like this."

Raymond laughed too. It was something out of the ordinary. "Shouldn't you be running away now?"

Tavia shook her head, "you did save me yesterday. Hehe- I'm your master."

"Mike already warned you not to trust me and he's right you know. When I become Cat Idol I don't remember anything or anyone. I could end up kill-"

"Why are you here Raymond Lam?"

Raymond sat back up. "For now I'm my true-self, the real me. At least I don't feel controlled now so I thought thinks out clearly. I have always heard about the Princess I was destined to serve would show up. Never thought it'd be you and further more I stole your first kiss-"

Tavia slapped Raymond across the face though it wasn't hurtful at all. "Bastard."

Raymond displayed a playfull and winning smile, "I'm sorry- it's a promise I'll kiss you again when you want one-"

Tavia stood up ready to shout at Raymond for his remark but she somehow ended up in his arms instead. 'W-what is this...I better think quick...'

"You never finished what you were saying and you can let go of me - I'll sit still this time," Tavia blurted in slight embarassment.

Raymond lifted Tavia off the roof and into the night sky, "In the time that I'm aware of things and in the time I can control myself I want to be of help to my destined Princess because I am her knight- that's the painful descision I've come to after last night- even if it means to shorten the time I've left. So Tavia, I want to help you find out the truth- we'll go and find your granfather together."

Tavia stared at Raymond in awe, "even though your not hurting me now doesn't mean you won't ever but- I do need help so...I Black Knight."


Rainie bit her lips, still waiting for a response. "Mike why did you call me Rainie Yang?"

Mike clenched his fists, "Stop being stupid, your called Rainie Yeung."

At that moment Rainie lost her posture, "then who is Rainie Yang- answer me!"



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
prodinius_0623 #2
Chapter 30: I hope you will update soon .
LoveYou12345678 #3
aaaaahhhh i loved it!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #5
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Chapter 1: love how we have the same title for a fanfic lol
themisberry #7
Chapter 30: hi! im ur new subscriber..i lovee ur story..plez update soon..
Huhuhu please update soon I really need you to update
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon
coming-on #10
nice story