( I just let it be like this first because I cannot think of a right title for this chapter )

The New Boy

Xiumin POV

Kris bite off the bread and eat it nicely and leave me go blank. I don't know how long have I been day dreaming but I blink as Kris clap his hands in front of me. I look at him, he is smiling. 

How long we need to stay here?

I don't answer, I finish my bread that is left on my mouth.

Let's go now, I lead the way out.

Kris stand up, I want to too but the leafs under me is too comfortable. Kris put down the lamp from the branch and take away the blanket and keep it in his bag. After hhe brush of the dust that is covering him, he use his left hand to hold the lamp straight and his right hand to pull me up. I finally stand up. While we are walking, Kris is in front of me, leading the way, holding my hand that is warm after using the blanket. I follow behind him. I remember what I promise to Luhan. Uh oh, I am in big trouble. I overtake him and I sprint foward while pulling Kris behind me with the lamp still on his left hand. When we are finally out, I tell him that I am in a hurry and I go away as fast as I can. I walk straight home without stopping, I lock myself in my room for a while. I stand in front of the mirror, I pull one side of my shirt, it's still there, and I betray him.

Luhan POV

I planned to go to the tree at first, but I ask my driver to send me straight home. I look out of the window, I can see my reflection, my eyes are a little bit swollen and my cheeks are bright red. The only thing that catch my eyes is the colour of the silver that is now visible just right on top of my collar bone. I still can see his face when he receive it, he seem to like it. 

The next day...

I walk to school, I don't ask my driver to send me there, I am not in the mood to. I wake up extra early and ready extra early too. I walk to school with all of my buttons button up. I am not in the mood to feel comfortable. 


I look back, Sehun smile at me for a second and lock my hand with his as usual.

Do you like it?

I don't answer.

You don't.

I smile at him for a second and look back front.

I have thigs to do, you may get back to class now.

I nod, Sehun let go of my hand and go towards his classroom. I turn away to go to my classroom. I reach the door, when I want to come in, Xiumin want to come out. We both stop and stare each other for a short time and Xiumin want to continue going out of the classroom but I stop him by holding tight his arm.

Ya !

Let go ..

Xiumin swing his hand to let his arm free, I don't let go.

What do you think you are doing?

Walking out of the classroom.

 I am not in the mood now Xiumin.Did you do something with Kris?

His eyes widen in surprised, he must not know that I know it.

Do you mind let go?

Yep, he is nervous.

Yes, I do mind alot Xiumin. Now answer me, did you do something with Kris yesterday?

He is quiet for some time.

Yeah, yeah I did.

What did both of do ?

We talked.

Is that it?

We talked under a lantern that was hanging right above our head in the darkness ok.. I am out.

He try moving, but I don't let go.

You really did that? How romantic.

Xiumin try not to look at my angry eyes.

Oh, maybe do it with your boyfriend.

I let him go, I hate him now.


He go away.

What the

Xiumin POV

Obviously, Luhan hate me now. He keep ignoring me for a whole school period.. I wonder what is the reason when I die.






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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 3: It's really difficult to read
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 30: xiuhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: This is sooooo sweet. I cannot!!! Im sorry if i didnt comment before because im lazy? Hahah but i NEED to comment on this last ep.
thunderfrost #4
Chapter 30: Silent reader until now. Ok, this story has one of the worst grammar mistakes ever, the way you choose to tell the story using colors is hideous. BUT THE STORY IS SO ING GOOD I SENT EVERYTHING TO HELL BECAUSE I JUST COULD NOT NOT READ IT!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you to change te coloring thing to real conversations.

Longer updates.

Better grammar.

But please, keep with your ideas because they are too damn good.

CONGRATS for your ending, it's sweet
Chapter 30: *claps* I love the ending! I am a little sad that it has come to the end. This was a very cute story. I hope to see more of your stories ^^
Chapter 28: Have I ever commented? I don't think so but anyway I am so happy Onew appeared!
jongtaexiulu #7
Chapter 27: what just happened???????
Did luhan accidentally drink that "love" potion??
jongtaexiulu #8
Chapter 22: Im so curious yeah!!!
(shinee randomness........)