His Kiss

The New Boy

Luhan POV

I watched as Kris took a bite from the bread Xiumin hanged on his mouth. It touched !! I am sure it touched !!! They stayed in that position for at leaset 3o seconds and Xiumin is closing his eys. I slam the binoculars and stand up. Before I barely move a step, Sehun hold my hand.

Hyung, where are you going?

To the tree.

I snap at him, I am in a hurry before the both of them get away. I force my hand out so Sehun will let go, but he doesn't.

Aih hyung... why so fast?

He is full of aegyo, he must have think that it is a joke.

Hunnie, you are cute but I am not in the mood right now.

I force my hand hardly this time, harder than the before and then Sehun let go because of my force. I walk fast to my car but after a few steps, Sehun catch my hand again.

Is that tree that important to you?

He is finally serious now, I don't used to like it but I think I am more cofortable with it. I turn back and look at him.

Look babe, I have something to do there and I don't want you to get into this.

Sehun let go my hand, it falls lightly with my heavy weight. Sehun smile, this time it is not friendly. It only take a few seconds for him to shoow his diffrent expression, annoyance.

Hey, are you sure that that tree is way important than me? I am not in the mood to be formal right now.

Ok, please, let me go this time..

Answer me, if you want to have some thing to do at the tree, what is it?

I keep quiet..

Is it about Xiumin thing?

I move my head in any comfortable reaction. But not nodding or waving.

Hey, listen here. You know that I am your baeb, you know that I will always be there for you, you know that if you got problems you can approach me whenever you want. What is on your mind now? Xiumin? After these past years we have go trough together?

Baeb, I understand everything ok, just, ok, I love you, that is what I am gonna say.

I know Sehun is relaxing or tensing becuase I have not say that to him like em... for ages !! But Sehun try to not to let it show. But it show a little bit, I am grateful for that.

Look, I am your boyfriend, I am your everything, I am perfect to your eyes, I am fabulous to you and nothing can ever go beyond me. Understand?

I nod but in disagreement, he don't know that.  He look into my eyes deeper 

look here baeb. I am not angry at you for playing with other kids except for me, I am just sad to see that you don't really need me, you are getting far from me and that is the only thing I am worried about. I wish that if you can go to dreamland with me for a moment..

He stop and look down, I decide not to speak and stare at him back. That is when he attack me, his lips touching mine. I never feel his breath this close before, his eys is closed and both of his hand is holding behind my neck. He move his hands slowly until he touch the skin under my shirt. I bet he can feel the nacklace but I am to frozen to remove his hand. I stand there, I feel like I am in a galaxy while Sehun just open his mouth tasting mmy upper lips. For a while, that is what I thought, I open my eys and slowly push him bak telling him that I am done. What just happen ?? I use my hand to wipe my lips, it is wet.

There, I stole your firt kiss. Now, no matter whta, you will remember me !

I wipe it again, I feel like crying. No, it is not the time, yuou should like it. I try tohold it back and stay calm.

Ok, just give me  minute.. ok? babe, ok? Just, I need to go.

I turn away quickly and sprint to my car. What just happen? I am not ready yet. In the car, my tears start to flow.





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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 3: It's really difficult to read
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 30: xiuhan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 30: This is sooooo sweet. I cannot!!! Im sorry if i didnt comment before because im lazy? Hahah but i NEED to comment on this last ep.
thunderfrost #4
Chapter 30: Silent reader until now. Ok, this story has one of the worst grammar mistakes ever, the way you choose to tell the story using colors is hideous. BUT THE STORY IS SO ING GOOD I SENT EVERYTHING TO HELL BECAUSE I JUST COULD NOT NOT READ IT!

I highly HIGHLY recommend you to change te coloring thing to real conversations.

Longer updates.

Better grammar.

But please, keep with your ideas because they are too damn good.

CONGRATS for your ending, it's sweet
Chapter 30: *claps* I love the ending! I am a little sad that it has come to the end. This was a very cute story. I hope to see more of your stories ^^
Chapter 28: Have I ever commented? I don't think so but anyway I am so happy Onew appeared!
jongtaexiulu #7
Chapter 27: what just happened???????
Did luhan accidentally drink that "love" potion??
jongtaexiulu #8
Chapter 22: Im so curious yeah!!!
(shinee randomness........)