Un Avion

@BAP_Jasma Imagines

You only had one thing on your mind lugging your case to the gate; why had you let yourself feel like this?

Yongguk had always had a soft spot in you heart, and you had your place in his. You'd grown up loving each other, had a fake wedding aged 6 and had played mummies and daddies countless times. You both believed it wound happen, too.

Why hadn't he told you his feelings when you'd told him? You knew he felt the same way. But you were beginning to doubt. If he loved you as much as you loved him he'd stop you going to France because he wouldn't cope without you.

Half of you wanted him to, because you were scared. Moving to France was great for your career but you were terrified. Your skill for the language wasn't great, but your biggest worry was being there by yourself, without him.

You sat in the chair messing with the little bit of plastic on your bag's handle, waiting for your flight to be called out. Your mind ran through your last days in England for two years; Yongguk had been quiet, quieter than you'd known him to be. But he still hadn't said anything, he'd just said bye and hugged you at your leaving party, just like everyone else. Like he was like everyone else.

You sighed and shut you eyelids tight as if to block out the past. Your life had to move on without clinging on to your childish dreams. Your new flat was nice, you'd get the gist of the language soon enough. You'd meet new people, and you'd meet the one you'd spend the rest of -

"(Y/N)!" Your eyes opened to see Yongguk, sweaty and harassed with his hair in a mess, running towards you. You nearly choked in shock."Yongguk?" You replied hoarsely.

"(Y/n)," Yongguk bombarded into you like a tank and hugged you so hard you nearly fell over. "I'd thought I'd misses your flight. I was so scared."

"What are you doing here?" You whispered, aware of all the stares you were getting.

"I'm sorry I was such an idiot these past few days. I just want to say that I feel the same way. I've always loved you. Always, ever since we had our first wedding, and our first baby. I've always wanted to make that a reality. I just couldn't stop you focusing on your dream, I didn't want to confuse you. But I thought, if I didn't want to confuse you, I must do the simplest thing. I can't let you go, so I'm coming with you." He waved his boarding pass in your face. You gaped and began to cry.

"You are?""Yes. I've not got the details sorted yet, so I'll stay with you for a bit if you like and help you settle in and then I'll start work, my boss says I'm transferrable over to France!" He grinned his gummy smile and kissed a tear sliding down your cheek. "Are you happy or gutted?"

"Happy." You didn't know what else to say apart from leaning in to kiss your true love. His lips responded as they were always meant to, and the room erupted into cheers. You both pulled away and smiled at each other, embarrassed by all the attention

"Flight 217AC to France, now boarding."

"Come on, we have 'un avion' to catch!" Your fingers intertwined with his as you lugged your cases to the gate.

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