Coma Part 2

@BAP_Jasma Imagines

Beeping. You weren't sure if it was still beeping or if the shrill noise was just in your head. The lines between what was real and what was in your head had blurred now anyway.

It wasn't a good thing. The beeping was never a good thing. You'd been kicked out of the room though you said you wanted to stay.The little nurse was surprisingly strong as she swiftly escorted you out of the room into the corridor and sat you in a seat. You were aware of someone patting your back as you cried into your hands and offering you a cup of tea. You assumed she'd got the message when you'd not stopped sobbing and hadn't lifted your head.

Worry and panic affects people in different ways. For you that was crying, silently and subtely (well, as close as you could get to subtle). You'd always been a crier. Junhong had always teased you when you'd cry over a soppy movie, whilst just eating popcorn casually and laughing at the technical mistakes of the character's outfit or the set. You'd cried to him that he should be more appreciative of the motions and you'd both enjoy hours of banter together that would leave you both happy and cuddled up on the sofa until the early hours of the morning. Them evenings were your favourite things. Had they been snatched away?

You weren't sure how long you were sat in that chair in the same position in a corridor of the hospital. You might have fallen asleep; you were exhausted from worrying till all hours every night since the accident. But someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"(Y/n)?" It was the little nurse. "Junhong is stable. He gave us a little scare, his blood pressure went sky high! But it's back down to normal now and you can come back in and see him for a bit before it's time for you to go home. Do you want me to ring anyone to take you home?"

Junhong always took you home. Home to your house where you'd sit down for a film and a cuddle.

"No it's OK, I've got my car in the carpark." The nurse nodded and took your hand.

The beeping had stopped. It continued in your head because of the fear it could happen again. But his face was the same as before; still, emotionless but still incredibly beautiful and handsome. You sat in your seat and took his limp hand.

"Oh Junhong, you really scared me." You whispered as you laid your head next to his. "Don't do that again, eh? I was panicking like mad. And if you'd seen the puddle I made from my tears you would've teased me like nobody's business." You kissed him lightly on the cheek and watched his eyelashes flutter like two little butterflies. It made you smile.







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