Chapter 2

Is it...... love??

"Anna, calm down already. What do you think of us then? We can help you out. And you can always ask the professors if English reference books are available for their classes. Anna, we’re taking the same major. We can help you translate everything that you don’t understand. Don’t freak out, arraso?” Seohyun tries to calm Anna down while concentrating on the road. Then, Yuri did it again. She almost shouted the words of welcome from .

                          “We’re here! We’ve arrived! Anna, welcome to the Universityof Seoul,” She said, excitedly.

                          “Yah! Lee Yuri! Are you trying to give me a heat attack? I’m still young. I’ve got lots of things that I want to do and accomplish before I end my life!” nervous Anna shouts back at Yuri.

                           “Aigoo, you guys, you should stop this for God’s sake. Anna, its okay, calm down. Yuri ah, you better shut your mouth up because the more you open them, the worse Anna is going to feel,” Seohyun commanded.

                            “I’m sorry guys. It’s just that, everything is just so overwhelming. You know, it’s my first time being far away from my family. And everything here is so new to me. It’s like meeting the new world all over again,” Anna tells her friends.

                             It does feel a bit overwhelming. The furthest she ever got from her family was when she was in boarding school. Now, it’s a whole other country. Not even a country that can be called a neighbor to her county. It’s a whole other language and culture. No matter how long she prepared herself for this, it is nerve racking. Her heart is thumping hard in her chest.   

                            ‘Well,’ she thought once she steps out of Seohyun’s car. ‘One thing’s for sure, this place is much, much cleaner than my home town. And it’s cooler here too’. Anna smiles secretly to herself.

                            The two girls are busy checking some forms and such. Anna is not so frantic though. She had already prepared all the things she needed way ahead of time. Unlike her two friends, she is very diligent. Anna remembers the first day she was brought to Seohyun’s apartment. Everything was still packed in boxes and totally unorganized.

                            ‘But according to Yuri, they moved in about a week ago or something.’ Anna sighed secretly to herself along with these thoughts. The first day she was in Seoul, she helped her friends organize their apartment, ignoring her tired body. She knew, if she wants the house to look like a house instead of a barn, she cannot rest until everything is done. And of course, the ones who moved in the house before her and create all this mess gad to work with her.

                        She won’t stop nagging until they moved their butts and cleaned the house. At last, they throw themselves on the sofa and looked around. ‘Much better,’ they said in their thoughts


                  Well, what do you think of the story? Minho will appear later in the story. I'm not sure which chapter, but he'll have to. I mean, he's main of this story. Feel free to leave your comments. They are highly appreciated. Hopefully, I will receve nice reviews from you guys. Just tell me what you think of this story...

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i love this story<br />
please update soon :)
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
lostsymbol #3
<3 update soon:)
update as soon as you can...
chloe16 #5
update soon...
SulMinie #6
what a fantastic story ^^ new reader 0u0 ur story was absolutely amazing. update soon..
Naughty Minho...<br />
wow,it must good to have beautiful <br />
garden to release stress & as a place to hang out...<br />
Mrs Choi really good at making them close together...<br />
cheeky mother...<br />
like mother like son ^^ <br />
<br />
Wow...I want a GARDEN like that...WTH~!<br />
Is that what you call a backyard?!<br />
hahaha..I wish I saw Anna's face
AFT-Sheyla- #9
Lol, I messed up in the message. 'Just stick to the story to find out' is what I want to write, but when you're too hyper, I guess you can't help but mess up a couple of things ....kekekeke
hahaha..Anna's too cute XD