Chapter 1

Is it...... love??

                 It has been a few days since she arrived in Seoul, Korea. She is going to the University of Seoul with some of her friends she had just met the day before. It was very awkward for Anna here. Though she had spend months learning Korean before she came here, it is still awkward for her to use the language. Thank God her new found friends can speak in English. If not, she might just give up and take a plane right to where she came from. Months are just not enough for her to understand everything. Korean language is just too complicated. She’s not a robot that can do anything asked in a blink of an eye.

                  “Anna! Hurry! We’re going to be late!” Seohyun shouted from the living room. Anna is currently living in an apartment shared with two of her friends Kim Seohyun and Lee Yuri since she didn’t qualify living on campus. She is really grateful to have found such nice friends in a foreign country. Anna rushed out to meet her anxious friends.

                    ‘I’m sorry guys. It’s just that, the weather here is so cold. I need to find thick clothes to wear,” Anna said apologetically while pointing at herself. She wears God knows how many layers of clothing under a knee-length jacket. Yuri and Seohyun burst out laughing.

                      “Cold? This is cold? Seriously, Anna, this is the normal temperature here. In fact this is kinda hot for us,” said Yuri.

                       “Well, this is cold for me. The normal temperature in Malaysiais much, much hotter than it is here, you know? Plus, my body hasn’t registered to the weather yet. I feel as if I’m going to catch a fever.”

                        “Guys, do you want to register to our university or not? If we don’t move now, we’re going to be late.  You guys can talk when we’re in the car, arraso?” Seohyun spoke just before Yuri can open to start arguing with Anna over the weather temperature. Anna flashed a quick smile to Seohyun.

                         They quickly walk to Seohyun’s car. She is going to drive them to the university as she is the only one who owns a car. Having rich people as parents gives her the advantage to own the car at her age.

                          “Anna?” Yuri suddenly called her when the car enters the road.

                           “Hmm?” Anna said without tearing her gaze from the window of the car. Everything is new to her. She tries to read some of the signboards outside quietly since she doesn’t want Yuri and Seohyun to make fun of her learning process because she reads them like a 6 years old kid that just learned how to read.

                            “Anna, I think that you’re going to hate this but you’ll have to talk Korean when we’re at the campus. It’s not that they don’t understand English. It’s just that Koreans are more comfortable using our language. So basically, I’m asking you to speak Korean for the sake of your social life,” Yuri said in a serious tone. The realization hit Anna hard.

                           “Aigoo, ottoke? I’m not sure that I can talk Korean fluently. I’m gonna get into trouble. Wait, Yuri ah, not all the books they use as references are written in Korean right? How am I supposed to read it? I can’t even read those signboards correctly,” Anna said, pointing at the signboards along the road.

                           “Yah! Yuri ah, why do that to Anna?” Seohyun said, clenching her teeth. She takes a deep breath to settle herself. She can’t lose concentration over the road.

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i love this story<br />
please update soon :)
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
lostsymbol #3
<3 update soon:)
update as soon as you can...
chloe16 #5
update soon...
SulMinie #6
what a fantastic story ^^ new reader 0u0 ur story was absolutely amazing. update soon..
Naughty Minho...<br />
wow,it must good to have beautiful <br />
garden to release stress & as a place to hang out...<br />
Mrs Choi really good at making them close together...<br />
cheeky mother...<br />
like mother like son ^^ <br />
<br />
Wow...I want a GARDEN like that...WTH~!<br />
Is that what you call a backyard?!<br />
hahaha..I wish I saw Anna's face
AFT-Sheyla- #9
Lol, I messed up in the message. 'Just stick to the story to find out' is what I want to write, but when you're too hyper, I guess you can't help but mess up a couple of things ....kekekeke
hahaha..Anna's too cute XD