Chapter 9

Is it...... love??

“Don’t worry. It’s not some kind of illegal drugs. One of my sons has gastric too. He is working in Seoulright now. I’m keeping the tablets just in case like you, he forgot to eat before coming here. Before that, wash yourself up first. The bathroom is in that door. I don’t want my sons to see my quests running around with only towels on you see. So I purposely build rooms with bathroom in it. I’ll get you my night gown, the towel is on the desk,” said Mrs. Choi. And she leaves the room to Anna.

                  Anna just follows Mrs. Choi’s instruction. She is still confused with all this. She moves really slowly, partly because she is still in pain. She sits on the edge of the bed when Mrs. Choi comes in after knocking the door.

                  “Here is the night gown. I think it’ll fit you well. It’s one of mine that didn’t fit anymore. Don’t know why I didn’t donate t in the first place. But now I’m glad I didn’t do so. Now go wash yourself up, eat the tablets and go to sleep. You must be exhausted,” she said, smiling. ‘And I was just thinking of having a daughter a few seconds ago,’ she thought. She turns back to leave the room.

                     “Mrs. Choi?” called Anna. She stopped walking a faces Anna. “Thank you,” Anna said to her. “Can I hug you? I just really miss my mom,” she adds, with her voice in the verge of tears. Only her mom would be this caring when she has her gastric attacks. She feels as if this woman is a substitute of her mom. Mrs. Choi just smiles and hugs Anna without a word or hesitation.

                      “Why don’t you call me omma then?” she offered Anna. She has always wanted a daughter. This is her chance to get one. Anna looks at her for an immeasurable amount of time and nods. The offer comes in the right time. Anna really needs somebody like her mom at her side in this particular time.

                        Anna feels refreshed after a very soothing bath. Her stomach still hurts though. So, she takes Mrs. Choi’s advice and gulp down the painkillers along with some water. Anna doesn’t know why she feels like this but, it feels like she can really trust this stranger whose bed she is about to sleep in. Somehow, even though it is not, it feels right to her.

                        The painkillers work well. Anna feels sleepy almost at once. Soon, she falls into a deep, dreamless sleep.

                       Mrs. Choi tosses and turns in her bed for a long time. Tonight feels surreal to her. She just went out to throw trash like any old day and found herself a daughter. ‘One of the luckiest days in my live,’ she thought. Her head is busy planning the ways to get Anna to live with her at least until her graduation. She just cannot let this opportunity go to waste. 

                      ‘Minho and Donghae both live in Seoul. Maybe I could persuade Anna and live with one of them. I’ll have to stay in the house closer to the university though. I wouldn’t want Anna to be late. I’ll ask them first thing in the morning. Those painkillers will surely knock her down way after sunrise,’ thought Mrs. Choi. She went to sleep with a smile on her face.


 sorry for the short chapter. Minho is coming soon!


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i love this story<br />
please update soon :)
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
lostsymbol #3
<3 update soon:)
update as soon as you can...
chloe16 #5
update soon...
SulMinie #6
what a fantastic story ^^ new reader 0u0 ur story was absolutely amazing. update soon..
Naughty Minho...<br />
wow,it must good to have beautiful <br />
garden to release stress & as a place to hang out...<br />
Mrs Choi really good at making them close together...<br />
cheeky mother...<br />
like mother like son ^^ <br />
<br />
Wow...I want a GARDEN like that...WTH~!<br />
Is that what you call a backyard?!<br />
hahaha..I wish I saw Anna's face
AFT-Sheyla- #9
Lol, I messed up in the message. 'Just stick to the story to find out' is what I want to write, but when you're too hyper, I guess you can't help but mess up a couple of things ....kekekeke
hahaha..Anna's too cute XD