Chapter 23

Is it...... love??

                 The classes pass in a blur with Anna not understanding half of what the professors are lecturing about. She sits in the class, dumbfounded, eyeing Seohyun and Yuri for help. Seohyun mouths ‘later’ to her and she just shrugs.

                ‘How can this be? I’ve only missed classes for one day and now I don’t even understand what Prof. Lee is babbling about,’ she thought miserably to herself. Seohyun and Yuri continue to jot down information, eyeing Anna from time to time.

                 They knew this would happen. It would’ve been much easier if Anna hadn’t move out their apartment. They could teach her any time. But since she’s living with that guy and his mom, it’ll be a little difficult for them since they can’t see each other all the time to discuss about their studies.

                 Anna literally throws herself on a bench when the 15 minutes break between classes finally comes. Her friends eyed her sympathetically. Seohyun suddenly comes out with a brilliant plan to teach Anna the lessons she missed when she was absent.

                “Anna, don’t worry, I’ve got a plan,” she said enthusiastically. Yuri and Anna’s head snapped at her, wanting more information.

                  “Well, our classes are just until lunch tomorrow, right? Why don’t we gather somewhere and we can teach you the lessons you missed yesterday,” she said, flashing her most brilliant smile. Anna and Yuri too smile at her idea.

                    “Great idea you have there, Seohyun-ah! I’m gonna tell Omma about this and ask if we could study in the house. Wouldn’t it be easier? The house is just within walking distance from here,” Anna said cheerfully. Her friends turn their heads towards her.

                     “Omma?” asks Seohyun, confused. Anna then realized that she hadn’t told them about addressing Mrs. Choi as Omma yet. She smiles sheepishly at her friends.

                     “Sorry, Mrs. Choi didn’t tell you guys everything yesterday did she?” she said. "Nor did I tell you how she found me,” Anna stop to take a deep breath.

                     “I woke up to find myself in Incheon and the bus driver said it was the last stop. So I wander around and I ended up in a neighborhood. It was then I realized that my stomach had been empty since lunch. I didn’t even eat much for lunch that day. I never told you guys but I have gastric.” Yuri and Seohyun gasped in surprise but they let Anna continue her story.

                     “Soon the pain was becoming too unbearable. I passed out in front of Mrs. Choi’s house. She said she found me unconscious when she was throwing trash. When I opened my eyes, she gave me some pain killers to help ease the pain. She said one of her sons have gastric too. Then only I found out that she’s Minho’s mom. She told me to call her ‘Omma’ since I already know him,” Anna bites her lower lips knowing the last part was a lie.

                   “Then she asked me to live with her in Minho’s house, considering its closer to our university. She said that she cared for me and she really wanted a daughter. I don’t know why or how, but she somehow convinced me to stay with her,” she ends her story and look at her friends. They are staring at her with ‘O’ shaped mouths. It’s a funny sight to see. It almost makes her chuckle.

                     Yuri and Seohyun are in a daze. They snapped out of it at the same time.

                    “Wow, Anna, I didn’t know that you have gastric,” said Seohyun.

                   “Yeah, why didn’t you tell us earlier? Seohyun would’ve loved to give her long lectures about skipping meals,” joked Yuri. Seohyun smacks her head.

                   “Yah, babo, I was doing that for your own good. If you faint like Anna, I’d leave you there since I don’t have the strength to carry you,” she said, furious.

                    “Okay, okay, Miss Park. You’re right,” said Yuri, putting her hands up in defeat. Anna laughs at her dorky friends.

                   “It’s okay, it’s not like I have cancer or something,” she said trying to slow her chuckle.

                  “Yeah, I totally agree with you,” said Yuri which earns her another smack in the head by Seohyun.

                 “About Mrs. Choi,” said Seohyun looking all serious. “Are you sure that she doesn’t have bad intentions towards you?” she asks her.

                “Of course not, why would you think that?” Anna asks her back, clearly puzzled by her question. Seohyun points at her bandaged wrist. She then realized that Seohyun is worried if Mrs. Choi had been abusing her.

                 “Oh, this,” she said.

                 “Yes, that bandaged wrist of yours, Anna. What happened?” Seohyun asks her again.

                  “Nothing serious,” she answered. “I-I-I f-ffell down the bed last night,” she stutters, blushing.

                  “You fell from where?” Yuri asks her again.

                 “The bed. I was reaching for a clock and I fell,” she said trying not to remember about Minho. They are about to say something when the bell rang. She thanks God for that.


Thank you for reading guys. I really appreciate it. here's another chapter to read. Hope I won't be too dissapointing. Please comment and subscribe!

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i love this story<br />
please update soon :)
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
lostsymbol #3
<3 update soon:)
update as soon as you can...
chloe16 #5
update soon...
SulMinie #6
what a fantastic story ^^ new reader 0u0 ur story was absolutely amazing. update soon..
Naughty Minho...<br />
wow,it must good to have beautiful <br />
garden to release stress & as a place to hang out...<br />
Mrs Choi really good at making them close together...<br />
cheeky mother...<br />
like mother like son ^^ <br />
<br />
Wow...I want a GARDEN like that...WTH~!<br />
Is that what you call a backyard?!<br />
hahaha..I wish I saw Anna's face
AFT-Sheyla- #9
Lol, I messed up in the message. 'Just stick to the story to find out' is what I want to write, but when you're too hyper, I guess you can't help but mess up a couple of things ....kekekeke
hahaha..Anna's too cute XD