Chapter 15

Is it...... love??

Back in Mrs. Choi’s house, Anna sighs in frustration after hanging up on Seohyun. She never thought her friends would think THAT way before she planned the story she told them just now.

                  “Anna? Are you done?” asks Mrs. Choi. Anna focuses back to the situation she is in right now.
                  “Huh? Oh, yes, I am,” she said handing the cordless phone back to Mrs. Choi. Her face is still flushed from embarrassment.

                   Mrs. Choi smiles widely, holding back the laughter that was about to explode hearing the conversation that happens between Anna and her friends just now.

                   “Omma wants to talk to you about something,” she said, back in serious mode. “Finish your food first, then we can talk in the living room,” she gives Anna a warm smile.

                    Anna looks back at her plate. Everything is pretty much in her stomach right now. So, she gulped down the milk before saying “I’m done. Where should I put the dish?”

                    “Just leave it there for now. Let’s go to the living room,” said Mrs. Choi. She takes Anna’s hand and guide their way to the living room where the family portraits are displayed.

                     They sit comfortably on the sofa that is right in front of the biggest portrait. Anna couldn’t help but glances at the happy faces on the portrait. A pair of lovely couple with their very handsome son

                     “Anna,” said Mrs. Choi. Anna tears her gaze from the portrait and looks at Mrs. Choi. Mrs. Choi smiles to comfort herself. She is indeed very nervous to start the conversation. She looks at Anna’s beautiful face. ‘Would she turn me down? Or would she agree to me?’ she questions herself. Finally, after a few seconds doubting with herself, she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

                     “Anna, would you agree to stay with me in one of my son’s house in Seouluntil your graduation?” There. She finally let it out. She looks at Anna’s face for the answer.

                     “W-w-what?” is all Anna could answer. She is dumbfounded by Mrs. Choi sudden invitation to live with her the entire time she is in Korea. ‘What does she mean staying with her? What about my friends? My study? I was joking when I said I wouldn’t come back to the apartment. Did she heard me and misunderstood?’ A million questions went through her mind at the time.

                    “Anna?” said Mrs. Choi, concerned. What she said just now might have been a nasty shock for Anna.

                    “Anna, I don’t to force you. I offered you to stay with me because I’m concerned about you. It’s not like I want to take advantage of you or something. I’ve been longing for a daughter. Now that I finally have one, I don’t want to let it go so easily,” said Mrs. Choi. Tears that she holds finally escaped and fall to Anna’s hand. It’s not that she wants her sympathy. No, she doesn’t need that. She just wants a child that she can finally call as her daughter. She herself is shock by her own mood swing.

                      Anna who is still surprised is more shocked by Mrs. Choi sudden burst of tears. She couldn’t stand seeing somebody cry. And knowing that Mrs. Choi is crying because of her, it made her feel guilty and torn up inside. She puts hand around Mrs. Choi, trying to calm her down. She is practically begging Anna to agree.

                      Anna is now considering Mrs. Choi’s plan. ‘What about Seohyun and Yuri? Who would cook for them? And what about going to the university? Mrs. Choi, I mean Omma, (I have to get used to that) said that we’ll be living in one of her son’s house in Seoul.’ Her eyes automatically flashed to the portrait, eyeing the sons. ‘Hmm, this is difficult.

                      She tears her gaze from the portrait again and continues thinking. ‘I guess I could leave my friends at the apartment. After all, their parents let them live there because they need to learn how to be independent. I guess they’ll find a way to eat without me cooking for them. Why am I born to be a person that is too easy to make decisions like this?’

                     “Omma, calm down. I’ve made my decision. I’ll stay with you. But what about my study? How do I get to the university?” Anna voiced her concern. Mrs. Choi, who is shocked by her decision, stops crying almost immediately.

                     “Chincha? About going to the university, don’t worry about it. My son’s house is not that far from there. I mean he’s a graduate of Universityof Seoulhimself. He just graduated last year. Lucky for him, he doesn’t need to go to interviews and such, his place is already secured in my late husband’s company. I can ask him to send you every day if you want to,” she said, her voice a bit hoarse from crying. But she is smiling from ear to ear.

                      “No, it’s okay. I’ll find a way to go there myself. I don’t want to burden your son. He must be busy.” She murmured the last sentence but Mrs. Choi caught it. She just smiles, knowing she shouldn’t have heard it in the first place.

                      “Then change your clothes. We can go to my son’s house now,” Mrs. Choi said enthusiastically, wiping the leftover tears on her face.

                      “N-n-now? So soon,” Anna said, shocked.

                      “Well, we need to tour around to find the best and safest way for you to get to the university. Plus, I think we need to buy groceries. I don’t think my son would have healthy food stored in his fridge,” she explains. Anna shrugged. She goes up the flight of stairs and gets into her room.

                      In the room, she sits on the edge of the bed. Thinking if what she did just now was the best choice. She then changes her clothes into a dress that Mrs. Choi bought. She wanders how Mrs. Choi could get the size so perfectly. After fidgeting with the dress for a while, she finally goes down to the living room to find Mrs. Choi with an enormous suitcase.

                       “Come, Anna. I’ll be the one driving today. As for this house, I’ll leave it just like this. You look lovely, by the way,” she said, smiling. She then leads the way with Anna’s hand in one hand and her enormous suitcase in another together with them to the garage.

                          Once they’re in the garage, Anna’s mouth literally formed an ‘O’. ‘This garage is HUGE!’ she exclaims in her head. There are at least six shiny cars in there. Mrs. Choi leads them to a shiny Volvo. The car beeped when she pushed a button on the car keys. She urges Anna to get in the car while she put her bag in the car trunk.

                          Anna stays quiet throughout the journey. Her gaze is glued on signboards along the road, trying to read them correctly. Once in a while, Mrs. Choi would correct her way of pronouncing when she heard her trying to read the words out loud. Anna’s face would turn scarlet pink when that happens, which is a lot. She falls asleep halfway to Seoulthough, making Mrs. Choi smile to how easy she falls asleep. ‘No wander she ended up in Incheon. She must’ve fallen asleep in the bus or something,’ she thought.

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i love this story<br />
please update soon :)
can't wait for the next chapter<br />
lostsymbol #3
<3 update soon:)
update as soon as you can...
chloe16 #5
update soon...
SulMinie #6
what a fantastic story ^^ new reader 0u0 ur story was absolutely amazing. update soon..
Naughty Minho...<br />
wow,it must good to have beautiful <br />
garden to release stress & as a place to hang out...<br />
Mrs Choi really good at making them close together...<br />
cheeky mother...<br />
like mother like son ^^ <br />
<br />
Wow...I want a GARDEN like that...WTH~!<br />
Is that what you call a backyard?!<br />
hahaha..I wish I saw Anna's face
AFT-Sheyla- #9
Lol, I messed up in the message. 'Just stick to the story to find out' is what I want to write, but when you're too hyper, I guess you can't help but mess up a couple of things ....kekekeke
hahaha..Anna's too cute XD