Chapter 14

~Hope* [completed]


He lied lazily on the king-sized water bed. He played with his school badge in his hands and thought of the girl that he almost knocked down that day. He was determined to find out her name the next day in school.


He swung the door open and got out of the car. With a cool motion, he took off his branded sunglasses and grabbed his sling bag from the chauffeur.

Attention was brought to that star. He did not even bother to take a look at the crowd around him.

"Wah he is so handsome!"
"Yeah! Look at his accessories! His shoes, his bag... they'r all branded!"
"Who is he?"
"I don't know. He should be a newcomer since I haven't seen before."
"He's so cool!"

The girls were gossiping and discussing actively about this new student.

"So proud for what?"
"Yeah! Look at him! He has his nose so up high. Arrogant."
"He's just a normal guy. What's so special about him? All the girls are swarming around him."
"Competition... damnit!"

The boys were also discssing about how the new student was going to steal all the attention.



Jiaxin stepped into the school feeling cheerful. She noticed the strange phenomenon in the school but she did not care. It must be some newcomer. That had happened in her school often.

"Jiaxin!" She heard her name being called and she turned to face Xiaotong. Xiaotong's face was flushed. She excitedly described to Jiaxin about the new guy who had just arrived in the school. Jiaxin just smiled plainly. She only had one person in her mind...

"He's just so cool! If not for Niunai, I would have chosen him! Jiaxin? Jiaxin! Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, I am. You're not interested in newcomers usually... why are you so jubilant this time?"

"Because he's just too attractive! You should see him!"

Jiaxin giggled a little as she tried to stop Xiaotong's exaggarated description by pointing to the clock.

"It's about time for you and Niunai senior to meet."

Jiaxin grumbled and sweared to talk to her again during recess.

Then, she saw something glistening. It was Shuwei's wheelchair. Her mood lightened up further at the sight of him. Shuwei's head was bobbing up and down in the midst of the crowd outside the classroom. He appeared to be searching for someone. She decided to approach him and helped him with the search.

"Erm, hi Shuwei. Are you looking for someone? Do you need my help?"

Shuwei turned almost immediately when he heard her voice.

"Oh! Hi.... uh... it's okie. I was... " He stopped. "Uh... nothing actually. I've got to go now... see you!" He left with a wave, leaving a confused Jiaxin.


The class started.

The old-fashioned teacher announced firmly that a newcomer was going to join the class. The class cheered as the new guy stepped in. Soon the cheer died and the class went silent, captured by the newcomer's charm.

The teacher prompted the new guy to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone. My name is Xie Kunda. You can just call me Kunda. Thank you." He said smoothly and gained the thunderous applause of the whole class. Even the quiet Jiaxin looked up and clapped.

The teacher planned to change places so that Kunda could sit in front but Kunda had automatically went to the empty seat beside Jiaxin.

"It's ok Mr. Guan. I'll just sit here."

Jiaxin bowed her head low. She was too shy to start a conversation with Kunda. Yet she could not resist the temptation to look at the newcomer who had caused the girls in the school to drrol over him.

By the time she finally had the courage to look up, Kunda's hand was already stretched out in front of her, hoping to shake hands with her as a gesture of friendship.

She was astonished but she could not refuse the offer. Reluctantly, she shook his hand and immediately went to read her book.



Kunda was so elated. He was surprised that he was sitting beside the girl that he met the day before. Now it saved his efforts. He did even have to ask anybody to get to know of that girl.


Nice name she got.

I am going to know more about her.



During recess, before he could ask Jiaxin to show him the way to the canteen, there were already many girls surrounding him, asking him all sorts of questions. He wanted to shoo them away but he did not want to leave a bad impression to his new classmates. Reluctantly, he answered the questions one by one, patiently yet shortly.

Jiaxin hated the crowd and squeezed out of the bunch pf people to meet Xiaotong. Xiaotong was excited and wanted to talk to Kunda but she was pulled away by Jiaxin.

Soon they met up with Niunai and Shuwei.

Niunai was pouting all the way as Xiaotong went on and on about Kunda. Apparently he was jealous.

Meanwhile Shuwei, too, was interested in the newcomer. He had always been friendly and ready to make new friends.

Jiaxin, however, was not too pleased because she hated many people around her.

So, the four people each had their own reasons of liking and disliking that new student who brought about so much attention in the school. Things would get different...


Hope you all like it so far... was thinking of the name of this new student and decided to let him be Kunda. Since it's an energy fanfic mah... hehheh *grins*

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
killthemall #4
this is complete already??