Chapter 13

~Hope* [completed]
Wah... chapter 13 leh! No wonder bad luck to Jiaxin... oops... shall continue the story...



For a minute Jiaxin thought she was going to die. She thought she might become a female version of Shuwei. She thought... she could not think anymore.

God was helping her.

The car braked in time. It was a few centimetres away from her.

A young man could be seen hurrying out and helping Jiaxin up, while the driver inside the car remained as a statue with his mouth opened.

"Are you alright miss? I am really sorry. Do you need me to send you to the hospital?" He spurt out a whole chain of questions of concern.

Jiaxin recovered from her shock and repiled with a short answer, "No need. I'm okay.". Then she left swiftly without any more word. She was still as shy when facing a complete stranger.

The stranger was left behind, looking at her with a curious smile when he spotted her uniform.



That suffocating feeling seemed to decrease as he moved further. He wheeled all the way to the main road. All he could see was a white Mercedes driving off.

He stretched his neck, hoping to see Jiaxin's back but there was no one left on the road. He badly wanted to look for Jiaxin but he soon realised that he did not know where Jiaxin lived. They always parted at a point and went in different ways. Jiaxin always rejected his offer to send her to her house.

Shuwei had no choice but to head home, blaming himself for not getting her number. Now he could not even know whether she reached home safely.


That night...


Jiaxin's mother watched Jiaxin carefully. Jiaxin was humming as she prepared the dinner. She was surprised. Her daughter had not appear to be so happy for so long. She wondered what had made Jiaxin so merry. She planned to question Jiaxin but decided not to.

"Jiaxin had grown up." She thought. "She has her own right to decide her fate and I should give her the freedom."

Jiaxin's mother was a normal woman who wanted a simple life. She knew she could not give Jiaxin anything but troubles. She knew that Jiaxin had suffered with her so many years. All those she craved in her heart. Jiaxin's mother loved Jiaxin. She wished she had given Jiaxin a better life... but she knew she could not.

It was just fate.

Jiaxin called for her mother and they both ate the simple dishes that Jiaxin managed to cook up after digging the cabinet empty.

That night, Jiaxin slept very well and had a pleasant dream for the first time.


On the other hand, Shuwei could not sleep well that night.


He lied lazily on the king-sized water bed. He played with his school badge in his hands and thought of the girl that he almost knocked down that day. He was determined to find out her name the next day in school.


BOO! haiz... last chapter was kinda short... hope this one is longer... and more satisfying... after typing for so long... kinda tired. but it's worth it! i am beginning to like my story! hahaha.... (=

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
killthemall #4
this is complete already??