Vacation It Is

Through Muddy Water

He already hated the sterile smell and chintzy décor of the oncology ward and it was only his second time stepping onto the floor. Wrinkling his nose, YiJung brooded silently as he stepped off the elevator, WooBin tagging along closely behind.

“Yo, it’s too early to be in a bad mood.”  He felt the prince nudge him gently from behind. He ignored it of course, choosing to stay grumpy because it was easier than putting in effort to be happy.

“I don’t care.”

“Ya, don’t be like that. She’s coming after work.”  

Sometimes it was scary how well WooBin knew his thoughts. Even so he continued to stubbornly ignore his friend’s attempts at cheering him up. He was not looking forward to another day spent sitting idly in a white walled room.

“YiJung-ah, you were the one who told her to go.”

It was true, he told her to go to work. She’d only been a teacher for a year and he didn’t want her to jeopardize her career for him. Even so, he was still wishing that he hadn’t said anything and that she was there. Not even because he was frightened and needed her, but more so for the company. Not that WooBin wasn’t company enough, it was just… complicated. In one short week his whole life had become complicated.

WooBin knocked shoulders with him, pushing him off balance with a smile. “It’s just three more hours until school ends.”

Reluctantly, but because he couldn’t resist, he gave a playful smack back. “Ah so in three hours, you’ll finally leave me alone?”

“Anyo, then I’ll be babysitting you two.” was the reply as the prince slung his arm over the potter’s shoulders.

YiJung let a smile escape, poking his friend in the side. “Ya, you just wait until we get out of here- you’re really in for it then.

“Ah chincha?”

“Ya,” he laughed as he was dragged down the hall. “You don’t believe me?”

“YiJung-ah, you were never one for fighting.”


Because they were considered VIP, all the results of the blood tests run an hour earlier were already back and they were ushered into the private treatment room quickly.  Instructed to get ready as a nurse would be by soon, YiJung obediently ed the collar of his shirt and took a seat, looking at WooBin who was pacing with the phone to his ear.

“Who are you calling?”

“Your place. I want to make sure the staff cleans everything before we’re back.”

Right. According to the doctors, they had already detected a decline in his white blood cell count. Eventually, they told him, he would be very susceptible to illness and infection. Just one more thing to look forward to he lamented. This day was so up and down it was hard to keep track of his emotions.

There was a knock at the door and a nurse appeared, greeting him warmly. He found it funny how these people could be so cheerful when surrounded by such a negative atmosphere. As she approached his side WooBin, who was still on the phone, gave him a questioning look. YiJung rolled his eyes, “I’m fine.” Nodding, his friend stepped out into the hall.

The nurse gently examined his port.

“Nothing hurts right?”


“Looks good.” She gave him a friendly smile and nodded towards the hall.  “That your brother out there?”

“Anyo. Friend.” He might as well be my brother though, he thought to himself.

“You’re very fortunate, to have a good friend like that. Keep close to him.”

It was ironic, that even in this situation he could be called fortunate but he had to admit it was true. Through the slats in the blinds he could see the back of his friend’s head and he knew that there wasn’t anyone in the world who could ever understand him better than WooBin.

“Yeh. We’re very close.”

She smiled and nodded, pushing a syringe full of medication into his line. “Alright, these might make you a little sleepy. If you need anything, give us a call.”





He sat in the same chair he’d occupied the last time they were in the hospital, hidden behind a newspaper but still very much aware of his sleeping friend’s every move.

There was a knock on the door as JunPyo entered. WooBin saw the men dressed in black step aside and take up watch from the hall. Of the four of them, as head of Shinwa, JunPyo was still accompanied by guards wherever he went. WooBin had the option, but preferred not to get his father’s men involved when unnecessary.

“How’s he doing?”

“Sleeping. One of the side effects of the steroids is drowsiness,” WooBin explained, folding up his newspaper neatly and laying it flat so he could face his friend uninterrupted.

“You seem to know a lot about the treatment.” JunPyo commented, removing his jacket and taking up a seat beside him.

The prince nodded. “Ne, I try to understand the brunt of it so there’s less for him to worry about.” He looked over at the potter as he spoke.

“It’s good. He’s lucky to have someone like that.” He looked up at the clock.

“Just started?”

“A little over an hour ago and it takes four or five.”

“Ah,” he looked slightly uncomfortable in the plain plastic chair.

“Nothing to do today?” WooBin asked in an attempt to stir up conversation. Funnily enough, he always had found JunPyo to be the hardest for him to connect to.

“I have a few hours free before the next meeting.”

“And you didn’t want to go home to JanDi?”

“I told her I’d be stopping here. She understands- or at least I’d like to think she does. She’s pretty busy nowadays anyhow.”

Woobin raised an eyebrow at his words. “Work, all of this,” he gestured around the room, “the wedding planning, it must be stressful.”

“It is.” It was a complete sentence but to WooBin it seemed unfinished. Patiently, he waited for the rest to come out on it’s own before probing any further.

“I just… nothing feels right about it- the wedding.” The young man drew a breath slowly. “It’s not JanDi, even when we’re not on the same page, everything still feels right about her. It’s just… this.” He looked forward at the wall for a while before asking wearily, “Does YiJung know about any of this?”

WooBin shook his head negatively. “Are you planning to talk to him about it?”

“Anyo, we don’t want to burden him with that right now. It hasn’t even been a week.”

WooBin opened his mouth to respond, but another knock came from the door. JunPyo turned with a smile.

“Anneonghaseyo Dr. Yoon.”

JiHoo laughed softly making a face as he crossed the threshold. “Please don’t, I’ve dealt with enough patients already this shift.”

“Are you done now?”

“Finally.” He shrugged off his white coat rather wearily. “I was not built for overnights.”

Both his counterparts laughed. “I think you’re just not built to stay awake.”

“Very funny. Speaking of-“ He stole a glance across the room at YiJung. “About an hour in?”


“Everyone knows this stuff except for me.” JunPyo whined restlessly.

“Anyo, be glad you don’t need to know this stuff. Besides,” JiHoo eyed the dossier beneath the president of Shinwa’s hand, “I would never trade for that.”

“Fair enough,” he admitted.

JiHoo sighed, stretching out his long legs with a satisfied look. There was a long moment of quiet, a rarity within the F4. The three friends were all waiting and watching, unsure of what to say next.



“Does YiJung talk to you about how he’s feeling?”

“Anyo, not much.”

“Usually it helps when there’s someone going through the same thing. The regular patients receive treatment down the hall in the usual treatment room. They get to talk to each other and just interact with other patients. It might be worth talking to him about.”

Woobin hesitated without knowing why. “I don’t know if he’d be up for that.”

“It’s just an option, araso? And if you need me to talk to him about it then I can do that.” The young doctor’s voice was firm but gentle.

“Araso.” WooBin agreed halfheartedly. He was having a hard time distinguishing if he was wrong in his gut feelings or if he was just confused due to all the recent commotion.

There was movement from the bed and all three friends automatically leaned forward.

“Ah, you’re awake.”

YiJung blinked, registering the sight before him before turning his head with an annoyed pout.“Aish, chincha? Don’t you all have places to be?”

“At the moment, no.”

“How are you feeling?”

“I should keep track of how often people ask me that.”

JiHoo swatted at his foot playfully. “Ya. I’m a doctor just answer.”

“Doctor in training,” he teased as JiHoo gave him a look.


JiHoo examined the chart at the foot of the bed. “Good. They should be on top of the anti-nausea meds so it stays that way. Let me go check on that.”


WooBin put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and the potter squirmed away from the touch, slightly cranky from his nap. “Ya... I’m alright, don’t worry so much.”

“You can tell me that all you want but I’m still going to-“

“-keep at it?” YiJung answered for him. “I know.” He looked up at his friend sincerely. “I’d do the same so don’t expect anything less than that from you.”




She was surprised that it was JiHoo waiting for her outside as it wasn’t often that WooBin wasn’t there to pick her up. At first GaEul had felt uncomfortable receiving rides when she had a car of her own, but YiJung had insisted that she let them chauffer her from work to the hospital, and his house. It did make things easier, and she found that the company of others facing the same emotions as her was a comfort.


“GaEul. How was school?”

“Besides the one student who had to stay in time out all day? Good.” She smiled at him as she approached the curb.

“Ah, that was WooBin in kindergarten… I think. Either him or JunPyo. Anyhow, everything’s going just fine, just an hour or two more.” She liked that he gave her an update even before she even had a chance.

“Who’s at the hospital now?” She asked, taking the helmet that he held out to her and slipping it easily onto her head.

“WooBin and JunPyo.”

“Oh,” she frowned as she climbed onto the bike behind him.

He must have heard the confusion in her voice because he immediately asked if something was wrong. “Gwaenchana?”

 JanDi said JunPyo was busy today that’s all. Maybe it was a misunderstanding.”

“Perhaps,” came the vague reply. “Ga Ja?”


The ride was short and he easily found a spot to park his bike after dropping GaEul at the door. By the time he reached the room the happy couple had already reunited and a twinge of jealously flashed through his body at the sight of them holding hands and talking about their day.

“Are you on call much for the next few days?” WooBin asked him as he took a seat once more.

“Anyo actually. I have the next two days off- it’s a rarity but it does happen.” He smiled, just realizing the importance of what he was saying. “Its funny I never even realized until now. Thanks for reminding me WooBin.

“Heh, no problem bro.”

YiJung turned to GaEul and patted her hand. “You must be glad it is Friday.” She smiled back at him with a nod, obviously pleased to be by his side.

“Yeh, two days away from those little monkeys.”

“Yah Goo JunPyo, better not let JanDi hear you talk about kids that way, she’ll be so happy to be a mother someday.” She warned seriously.

YiJung laughed at her outburst.

“Waaeee?” she whined playfully.

“You two are best friends. That sounded just like JanDi, didn’t it?”

“You know, it kind of did.”

“Yah Goo JunPyo,” YiJung teased, mimicking her.

“Aish…” She tugged her hand away in mock anger.

JiHoo couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the whole thing. It was true, GaEul had definitely picked up some of JanDi’s mannerisms. He couldn’t tell what was more amusing- the fact that YiJung noticed and found it hysterical or the fact that GaEul was dishing it right back at her boyfriend.

“Let’s go away this weekend.” JunPyo murmured suddenly.

“Bwoh?” All heads turned immediately.

Amidst the laughter, JiHoo barely heard the original statement. “Away this weekend?”

JunPyo sat up straighter in his chair, like a bird ruffling its feathers in defense. He cleared his throat and looked around the room. “Vacation. The four of us- we’ll take JanDi and GaEul too.”

The was a long pause as nobody was sure what to say next. After several pensive looks, there was a quiet reply from the corner. “Araso, let’s go.”

“Chincha?“ WooBin sat upright, peering around GaEul’s head at the potter.

“I’m tired of doctors- no offense.”

Thoughtfully, JiHoo tilted his head, it“Looks like we’re going on vacation then.”

“Ya, are you serious?” WooBin exclaimed, looking at everyone with surprise.

“I think it’ll be good.”  He could tell that the prince was uncomfortable with the idea so he did his best to assure him. “Even if it’s just for a night, araso,” he asked while shooting JunPyo a look that read Don’t push it. “Besides… YiJung, JunPyo, GaEul, and myself all say yes.”

WooBin looked YiJung in the eyes questioningly. JiHoo knew that that one look gave more confirmation than any of his words ever could and after a few moments of silent communication WooBin sighed and stood up with a smile.

“Araso, vacation it is!”



Kekeke the six of them on vacation again. Last time that happened it got very interesting in Macau...
Also this is the last already written chapter so I'm caught up and am currently writing Ch14, yay!

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This is such a beautiful story.. I hope you will update this one. I have read it several times and it never gets old. Awesome writer and please return soon! Fighting!!
likatulay #2
Chapter 25: Awe that is the beautitul story.. I hope you will update this one..
FeroxSpiritus #3
Chapter 25: You have a great writing style. I've read a lot of BOF fanfic and I have to say that this one will probably stay with me, you made me cry :P lol You're very talented, keep it up! :)
Chapter 25: finally an update... i was waiting for it for so long.... keep up the good ur story...:-D
LumosStorm #5
Chapter 25: new reader here!!! awesome story!!
update soon, neh!
WooULuver #6
Chapter 25: OMGEEE <3 This has got to be the most awesome story of SoEul I've ever read <3 I hope you'll update soon C: I really love this story <3 update when you have time <3

P.S - You've got yourself a NEW SUBSCRIBER AND READER <3
camayxxx #7
Chapter 25: glad that uve updayed.. been reading this since lovers unparrarelled days.. thanks
shining_writer #8
In the glossary of Korean words, the Korean word for 'What' should be "Mwoh", instead of "Bwoh". It's just that when Koreans pronounce "Mwoh", it sounds like "Bwoh".
kachan08 #9
Chapter 25: OMG just started reading it today and I'm hooked. A very different and real plot, which makes it so refreshing although the story is a sad one. Its good to see the bonds btw the f4 brothers are stronger than ever and Gaeul starting to accept the reality and realise that she must be stronger. Keep on fighting yi jeong.. My thoughts and prayers are with u. I've lost some relatives due to cancer I hope ur bf mum find the strength to keep on fighting no matter how hard and hurt things are. Hopefully she'll get the good news and be cancer free!!
Chapter 25: I'm so glad your back, author-nim! my thoughts are with your boyrfriend's mother too. Fighting!