Next Morning

Our Unexpected Life
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Had a writer's block for a while to be honest so I was put off writing or updating this story and a few others for a while (I legit only had ideas for two of my fanfics out of the five ongoing ones I currently have) anyway just really wanted to update regardless of limited ideas and time (been so busy lately). I have more ideas on how to make the chapter once they get back to Korea rather than this chaper lol but please do enjoy what I have managed to come up with, hehe.

Eunji moaned out as she could feel pieces of lights flashing through her slightly opened eyes, she tightened her eyes right after as it felt too exposed for a bit before opening it once again. Her breath sighed out of as she started to regain consciousness after last night. Hoya, who was already up, heard her and sighing deeply hence causing him to immediately go near the girl who was lying down on the bed and pay full attention to her. He wasn't sure if she was feeling alright but he feared for her well-being, he was concerned for her. He patiently sat near her on the floor, as her body was on her side of the bed and awaited for her to open her eyes.

And just like he expected, he saw her eyes twitching a little before it started to open. Hoya swore he felt like he was in a Snow White fairytale by what he was seeing right now, as if he was her Prince Charming and he had just kissed her beautiful pink lips and now was waiting for his Snow White to awaken. Then there she was, lying down on her bed and looking at him with her big black eyes with an innocent curious facial expression. Before Hoya could say anything to her, Eunji immediately raised her body up to sit up but the throbbing pain in her head immediately caused her eyes to clench tightly and both of her hands to go on her head.

''Hey, easy there.'' Hoya chuckled, starting the conversation between the two.

''Argh, why does my head hurt?'' Eunji grumbled angrily with a confused tone in her voice.

''Congratulations for experiencing your first hangover.'' Hoya smirked, teasing her a little. ''So how did the alcohol taste for you guys?''

''A-Alcohol?! That was freakin' alcohol we drank last night?!'' Hoya could see the shock of horror on Eunji's face.

''Did you guys not know what you drank?'' Eunji blinked her eyes, trying to think.

''We got told that you guys ordered to our room....'' Eunji replied with confusion. ''So you guys gave us the alcohol?''

''We most certainly would not order alcohol for you girls!'' Hoya denied immediately. ''Did you know how much of a hassle you were last night?''

''Last night.....'' Eunji stared on the floor as she tried to remember the events that happened last night.

Hoya immediately gulped his saliva as he remembered the outcome of last night, did Eunji remember anything? If she did then did she remember his confession? He had to know if what he said had any effect on her or not? He had to know if she considered his feelings or not? Did he lose to Daehyun or did he have a chance? Hoya just had to know.

''Speaking of last night....'' Hoya cleared his throat before he sat down on the edge of the bed. ''Do you remember anything?''

''What I remember.....'' Eunji slightly tilted her head as she thought about everything she remembered last night. ''I...Well I remembered lots of drinking and laughing....and...and....that's it. I don't remember much honestly...''

Hoya didn't know whether he should feel thankful or gutted that Eunji didn't remember a thing from last night. Well it did save the pain and awkwardness if Eunji did reject him and chose Daehyun over him but then he felt like all the deep feelings and raw emotions he let out as he confessed his love for her had gone to waste. Maybe it was a sign that he had to do more before making his move once again to Eunji. Currently if Hoya had to look at his situation then it was obvious that Daehyun had the lead between the two of them in Eunji's heart, maybe this was his chance to make Eunji see him in that romantic light and rosy glasses that she is currently seeing Daehyun in. 

''Did much happen last night?'' Eunji glanced over to look at Hoya with her head slightly tilted.

''Last night....'' Hoya uneasily chuckled a little as he placed his hand over his nape. ''No no nothing much happened, it was just you being a little too much to take care of! Typical little Eunji behaviour!''

''Hey! I could do without any teasing right now!'' Eunji glared at him before she leaned over and placed her hands on his, causing him to immediately look at her. ''If I was too much to handle then I'm sorry! I just want to thank you for last night and handling me.''

Hoya could feel his heart beat faster as he looked at Eunji deeply looking at him with a soft genuine smile, he was staring right in her sparkly black eyes that would have put the stars to shame in his opinion. Just looking at Eunji, it felt good and just right. He couldn't have felt happier with the moment he was right now, espeically now that he had placed a good impression on his love about him when she knew that he had taken care of her last night. How could he have not? She was important for him as she was the owner of his heart.

''There's other ways of thanking me too!'' Hoya leaned closer, teasing her like he always did.

Eunji's eyes popped open before she jerked her head back, she could feel her cheeks burning a little. ''What does that mean? Can't you just accept the gratitude I'm giving you rather than always being an idiot?''

''I do deserve something after last night.'' Hoya chuckled at her reaction. ''Come on, can't you give this guy a prize?''

''Oh I'll give you a prize, a prize that will give you pain you idiot!'' Eunji hissed before she sighed as she glanced up at the ceiling. ''We're leaving Las Vegas tonight aren't we?''

''Yeah we are...'' Hoya looked at her changed mood. ''Are you excited to go home or sad that you're going to leave?''

''Well....I'm torn apart...'' Eunji confessed as she hugged the spare pillow. ''There's a part of me that doesn't want to go but then I get to go home and most importantly go back to Daehyun. I hope he's eagerly waiting for me as I am with him! I hope he misses me the way I miss him.''

Hoya could feel a sharp sting of pain occur around his chest as she repeated his rival's name. If only she could forget about Daehyun and her feelings for him, if only she could see him like the way she saw Daehyun and if only she looked so helplessly in love like the way she was whenever she spoke about Daehyun. This was going to be hard but Hoya refused to give up, he was going to fight for his love and win Eunji. He was determined even though he knew it was not going to be easy as she seemed already pretty invested in Daehyun. Some could argue that he was too late and that he should have done this before Daehyun even appeared in Eunji's life but he didn't wanted to just give her up to him so easily and who was to say that Daehyun even liked her? There was no indication of Daehyun's feelings towards her at all so maybe it might just be her liking him but this really was a game of gambles and risks yet Hoya was ready and up to do so.

''He misses me like I miss him right? He's thinking of me like I am isn't it?'' Eunji looked at Hoya for reassurance but she saw his back facing her. ''Hey Hoya! Are you listening to me?''

''Hm....'' Hoya had heard all of it, he was just hoping to not answer her. ''Yeah...he is...''

Eunji smiled at Hoya's answer that seemed to satisfy her but if only Eunji knew that Hoya was just saying it to make her happy. If only she could hear the annoyed tone in his voice and the way he wasn't really trying to answer her. She was too fixated on Daehyun to even see how oblivious she was about Hoya.

''Get ready soon, we're leaving for the airport for our flight!'' Eunji noticed the changed tone in Hoya's voice, it seemed monotone and dark which was really different to how he was a while ago.

Before Eunji could say anything about his changed mood, Hoya had gone inside the bathroom. She decided to bite her tongue and go on to start packing her belongings even though she did find herself getting curious as to what made Hoya's mood change so fast just now. Maybe he was just feeling sad about leaving Las Vegas she reckon that could be it, nodding her head in satisfaction to the reasoning she had thought in her head.


Woohyun felt hesistant, seeing that Chorong was starting to regain consciousness by the way her body was starting to move around and she was lightly shaking her head. He stood still as he was starting to feel nervous especially after everything that happened last night. He wasn't exactly sure how things will go since last night had changed everything for the two of them, this was going to be the first time he wasn't actually going to try to behave in a hostile and angry manner that he always had with her. He figured if he was going to change things between them like he vowed then he better start by acting nice.

Chorong groaned as her body threw itself to the right hand side, letting her hand slam on the bed that was now empty. She removed it immediately once she thought that it was Woohyun's side but after realising that she felt nothing but the empty bed, she placed it back again. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that he wasn't on the bed, making her wonder where was he. Wait why does she even care where he was? 

*Argh?!* Chorong's attention now went to the painful headache her head was going through.

What the hell happened last night to her, she wondered. Did she go through an injury to cause her head to go like this? She swore that she had never felt a headache this bad before. She placed her hands on her head as she groaned once again with her eyes tightly clenched for a quick second before she opened it but this time she was met with a surprise.

Woohyun could see her look at the glass of water in his hand before she slowly lifted her head and eyes to look up at him. He looked at her innocent facial expression just staring at him as if she was surprised to see him in front of her. He could tell that she was stunned to see him actually help her since face it, the two of them could never even tolerate one another, let alone stay in the same room and help each other.

''Aren't you going to take it?'' Woohyun asked, breaking the silence between them. ''Drink it, it will help with your hangover.''

''H-Hangover?'' Chorong raised her eyebrow with a confused look. 

''You guys were extremely drunk last night, us guys had to take care of you all.'' Woohyun explained, sitting down on the bed. ''I figured a glass of water and pill of paracetamol might help you with your hangover. It's your first one isn't it?''

Chorong stared at him in disbelief. ''And you, out of all people, took care of me?''

''Of course! That's what people would normally do isn't it?'' Woohyun wanted to make a good impression on her so she could maybe start seeing not only his gender but also him in a good light. ''If someone needs help then it's common sense to help them.''

''You only helped me cause you had no choice.'' Chorong scoffed, refusing to believe her enemy would even help her. ''I bet you did nothing but took advantage of my drunken state.''

''What are you talking about?'' Woohyun blinked his eyes, surprised with the accusation. ''I promise I helped you and here I got you water and paracetamol to help you with your hangover!''

Chorong stared at the glass of water in his right hand and in his left hand was a pill in the center of his palm. Could it be that he was and still is really helping her in this state? 

''I don't need your help! You properly just made fun of me last night and now just want to look like you're helping me cause you felt guilty or maybe you're rewarding me cause I gave you a good laugh.'' Chorong hissed at him, grabbing the quilt and pushing it to the side so she can get up.

Chorong groaned a little when she felt her head was still heavy and it kinda hurt her when she suddenly stood up, not realising that the effects of her hangover was still lingering. Woohyun immediately grabbed hold of her arm so she didn't fall off or down on the ground.

''Are you okay, Chorong?'' Woohyun asked, looking concerned for her.

Chorong looked at him appearing scared for her well-being but she couldn't trust him, he was her enemy for crying out loud and he was always convincing as an actor. She recalled the past memories where he would always be this sly like when he appeared like he was in need of help but it would often be some stupid prank or just him trying to proclaim himself as her savior, hero or something similiar like that. He was just trying to do the same here, she knew him too well by now. He was never one to be trusted, he was never going to genuinely help her and it was all too obvious for her.

''Stop being so fake, Woohyun! I know you too well by now!'' Chorong pulled her arm away from him, glaring at him. ''I don't have time for another prank or something stupid you always come up with! I'm not in the mood!''

''Chorong, wait!'' Woohyun called her name out as he watched her walk away. ''At least take the medicine. It will help you with your headache I promise!''

''Quit your acting already, don't think you can fool me with your nice boy act!'' Chorong grumbled, storming her way into the bathroom.

''I just want to help you!'' Woohyun followed after her.

''So you can laugh at me when you're done, pranking me? I don't think so!'' Chorong spat angrily, slamming the door shut once she was done speaking.

Woohyun sighed deeply, letting the air out of his mouth as he felt his body become dejected but then was he really surprised to see this reaction from her? They hate each other remember? He wasn't going to just help her right now and her perspective of both his gender and on him would change, it would be naive to think that it was ever going to be this easy for him if he wanted to change her viewpoint. She had this view of men and on him for years, she raised herself to hate men because of what her father did to her and her mother and she had always despited him, they had never even got on like not even once did they go without an argument or a few swear words being thrown here and there so what did he expect? 

*Well I just got to try harder then!* Woohyun sighed once again, motivating himself to stay determined in this battle.


Yookyung slowly started to move her eyelids as the light was starting to appear in her eyes as her blurry vision was slowly starting to appear normal once again. Before she could look around the place, her attention went back to her dry mouth and throat. She was uncomfortable with how dry it was as she tried to clear her voice and swallow her saliva to make it less drier than it was.

''Yookyung, you're awake!'' Yookyung was suddenly grabbed and held into an embrace.

Yookyung's eyes went wide as she realised that Sungjong was hugging her, her heart beat racing faster whilst the warmth of her cheeks was getting hotter. Her attention to her dry mouth was long gone as her corners of was starting to grew wider in a

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 62: Myungeun couple
lengocthuylinh #2
Chapter 62: Maybe Woorong is the new arc 😆
Chapter 61: i miss this😭😭
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 60: Thanks for come back and update it ❤️
Chapter 59: Awww we...look like you come back!!..i miss this..
ekayohanna #6
Chapter 58: I miss this story, I always check if you update the story
Chapter 58: Wow an update after so long. Even I can't wait for them to be back. Really hope for their love stories to start
Wahyuni1998 #8
Chapter 58: I like it , I always like every chapter of this story, i like all character but i much love Hayoung and Sunggyu infinite here hahaha i love it ?
Chapter 57: I definitely started this story for woorong a few years back, I hope they get together soon. I love all the other couples too ofcourse ~ will definitely wait for an update ^^