Our journey!

Our Unexpected Life
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Sunggyu stood in front of the 13 people all sitting down on the sofa,lazily looking at him while impatiently patting their legs to let Sunggyu know that they were getting very impatient.

''Okay everyone we are about to head off to the airport soon so let's get a few things clear before we go.'' Sunggyu smiled.

''Argh hurry up with what you want to say already!'' Woohyun yawned.

''Just say the main bit!'' Hoya agreed.

''Yeah and cut the crap!'' Dongwoo nodded his head.

''Yeah don't always blabber on like you always do!'' Myungsoo added.

''It gets boring quickly!'' Sungyeol pointed out.

''Can we hurry up already?!'' Sungjong was very impatient already.

''Alright don't be so mean you guys!'' Sunggyu glared at them then cleared his throat again. ''Naeun and Myungsoo you two are responsible for the tickets and the cash!''

''Got it!'' MyungEun both nodded their heads.

''Dongwoo and Bomi you are in charge of getting one taxi while Sungyeol and Namjoo are in charge of getting the other taxi which will be the source of transport as to how we will get to airport!'' Sunggyu ordered.

''Sure!'' DongMi and YeolJoo both answered.

''Chorong and Woohyun you guys are in charge of the timing so how long we have for the plane to fly and how much spare time we have at the airport etc. are your duties!'' Sunggyu told.

''Argh why with him?!'' Chorong whined.

''Can't I do it myself?!'' Woohyun whined as well.

''There's no time to argue so just say yes!'' The others all shouted.

''Okay!'' WooRong both groaned.

''Trolley for our luggages,Eunji and Hoya will be in charge of that!'' Sunggyu said.

''Fine by us!'' HoJi both agreed.

''Making sure our luggages are safely in the plane will be mine and Hayoung's responsibility!'' Sunggyu said. ''While Yookyung and Sungjong can be help us so there! Everyone has something to do!''

''Can we go now?!'' Everyone all asked.

''Alright alright get your luggages ready as we are about to go down now!'' Sunggyu nodded his head. ''Dongwoo,Bomi,Namjoo and Sungyeol first you guys focus on getting the taxis for us while we will get all your luggages for you guys!''

''Let's go!'' Sungyeol walked downstairs.

''Taxi!'' Namjoo smiled as she walked with Sungyeol.

''Hurry hurry Dongwoo!'' Bomi grabbed Dongwoo's hand and pulled him.

''Calm down! I'm coming! I'm coming!'' Dongwoo was dragged by Bomi,which made the others laugh.


Everyone placed their luggages in the 2 taxi's that could fit 8 people maximum in each taxi.All the luggages were inside and the team were ready to go to Incheon International Airport for their flight to Las Vegas that was going to last for 2 weeks.

''Okay everyone has everything they need and are prepared to go now right?'' Sunggyu double-checked just to make sure.

''Yep!'' Everyone nodded their heads.

''All the windows and door are locked for each house right?'' Sunggyu questioned.

''I've locked A-Pink's windows and house doors!'' Chorong nodded her head.

''Great everything is sorted!'' Sunggyu smiled. ''Now the last taxi will have me and Hayoung,Dongwoo and Bomi and Chorong and Woohyun while the second taxi will have Hoya and Eunji,Myungsoo and Naeun,Namjoo and Sungyeol and lastly Yookyung and Sungjong! Okay turn your phones on everyone and call me if there is any problems anyway let's all sit down on our taxis now!''

Everyone was getting even more excited and were literally jumping up and down,hyped up and enthusiastic about their journey.All of them started to cheer and make some noises.

''Everyone please can we all calm down!'' Sunggyu tried to make everyone get in the taxi.

''Oooooo acting way too responsible now are we?'' Hayoung smirked.

''We weren't even getting wild!'' Hoya rolled his eyes.

''You were getting way too crazy like normal.'' Eunji pointed out.

''Sunggyu's just being bossy like usual.'' Woohyun scoffed.

''He's good leader and way more in charge and mature than you!'' Chorong insulted.

''Hey why don't we get wild?!'' Dongwoo started to jump up and down again.

''Now that's getting a bit too scary honey!'' Bomi giggled.

''Guys I think we need to leave now.'' Sungjong looked at the time.

''Yeah.'' Yookyung nodded her head.

''We might not get time to relax at the airport!'' Naeun told.

''It takes 30 minutes for us to get to the airport!'' Myungsoo informed.

''I don't wanna be late!'' Sungyeol sighed.

''Let's get going!'' Namjoo clapped her hands.

''Alright everyone let's get going and turn your phones on! If any problems then please contact me!'' Sunggyu announced then everyone sat down on their taxi's to go to the airport.


After all the luggages were inside the plane and tickets were checked in,the gang all stood near each other and looked at each other as they asked one another what they were going to do now.

''We have 1 hour left!'' Woohyun looked at the time.

''Our flight will take 12 hours and 30 minutes.'' Chorong informed.

''What now?'' Bomi asked.

''Well we have checked in already.'' Dongwoo said.

''Go do whatever people do to spend time then!'' Sungjong stretched his arms.

''Like what?'' Yookyung quietly asked.

''I'll look around for stuff then!'' Eunji smiled.

''I'll just be playing my games.'' Hoya announced.

''I wanna get coffee!'' Hayoung whined.

''And I'm hungry!'' Sunggyu nodded his head.

''I'm just going to sleep!'' Myungsoo yawned.

''I'll just listen to my music.'' Naeun put in her headphones inside her ear.

''I'm just going to watch a movie on my phone.'' Sungyeol took his phone out.

''I'll read my book.'' Namjoo spoke.


Sungjong saw that Yookyung was near him and was talking on the phone so he walked near her as to keep her company even though she kept pushing him away,he didn't wanted to be away from her.He wanted to be near and be friends like they were in the past.He was about to walk near her and talk to her yet he immediately stopped when he heard something else.

''P-P-Please don't.'' Yookyung begged as she continued to speak on the phone.

Sungjong become curious as to why Yookyung was begging and pleading and to who was she doing this all to? He stood behind the wall that was near her and continued to listen to what she was saying.

''I'm doing what you want me to do.'' Yookyung sniffed. ''What else do you want me to do?!''

Sungjong started to become very concerned with what he was hearing and how Yookyung was crying.Oh how he wanted to know who that person was so he could warn him about not hurting Yookyung.

''I'm away from Sungjong like you want me to be so what else do you want me to do?!'' Yookyung sobbed. ''I even ran away from him like you want me to.I'm doing everything you want me to do so why are you threathening me?!''

Sungjong's eyes went wide open as he heard what Yookyung had just said.Why would anyone want her to be away from him and who could want such a thing?! All the people he knew would never want such a thing.Sungjong felt sad that his best friend was crying and he watched her sob as she continued to beg on the phone.

''I'm doing what you want and I will but please just don't hurt Sungjong or any of my friends.'' Yookyung pleaded. ''I won't be near Sungjong at all if you promise not to hurt him or my friends.''

Sungjong watched the tears flow out of Yookyung's eyes and really really had a strong urge to talk to the person who she was talking to.Who could this bastard be?! Sungjong decided that it wasn't right for him to intervene at the moment,the timing right now for things in Seoul and their journey to Las Vegas was overlapping that even if Sungjong had interrupted the conversation between the person and Yookyung,he wouldn't have time to do anything at all and Yookyung would do everything to hide the truth.

''I won't be near him! I won't,just trust me! All I've been doing ever now is keeping him away from me.'' Yookyung informed.

Sungjong finally realised that there is someone who was instructed her to do all this,not that she was doing it on purpose to confuse him but more like forced to do it on someone's command.Who could this be?! Sungjong turned his hands into strong fists,trying to control his anger but he was outraged as to who would dare ruin their friendship and for what reason?! What harm did their childhood friendship be to anyone? 

Yookyung ended the call and quickly wiped the tears away from her face.She quickly went into the toilet to clean her face as she didn't wanted anyone to even see how bad the condition of her face was.

*Fine! If things are going to be like this then I'm not one to avoid them either! The more she runs away from me,the more I'll go towards her!* Sungjong was determined. *I know that bastard won't like it but if I continue to do this then his identity won't be unknown to me for long!*


Eunji,who was sitting next to Hoya,looked at him and sighed.He was too into his game to even focus or talk about anything.Eunji could see Hoya's eyes glittering with joy as he continued to play it more and more.

''YES!'' Hoya cheered as he won another round.

''Aish!'' Eunji stood up. ''I'm going since you're so boring!''

''Eh?! Me and boring?!'' Hoya was surprised as he watched Eunji. ''Who is she calling boring?! And woah wait a second!?''

Hoya was surprised when he saw Eunji sitting next to Woohyun and smiling at him.He saw them smiling warmly at one another and both putting one headphone on each ear as they listened to their song.

''Why the heck is she listening to music with Woohyun?!'' Hoya frowned. ''Argh those two!''

''Ooooooo!'' A voice interrupted Hoya,startling him at the same.

''Chorong?!'' Hoya saw the person who was near him. ''You scared me!''

''You like her?'' Chorong sat down next to Hoya. ''You do right?''

''What? What are you talking about?'' Hoya questioned.

''Eunji!'' Chorong giggled. ''You like Eunji don't you?''

''W-What?! Pffttt No!'' Hoya scoffed. ''We're just ex's!''

''Ex's can like one another again! It's not hard to fall for the person who you once fell for!'' Chorong teased. ''So come on! Admit it! You like Eunji don't you?''

''What rubbish!'' Hoya rolled his eyes.

''Did you continue to like her after your break up or was this more of a you liking her again after a break thing?'' Chorong questioned more.

''Look I don't like Eunji okay!'' Hoya stated. ''We're just friends!''

''Everyone falls in love once in a while.'' Chorong smiled.

''How about you?'' Hoya smirked. ''Are you jealous that Woohyun and Eunji are smiling at each other and sitting near each other?''

''E-Eh?!'' Chorong had a poker face. ''I would do anything,even kill myself but I will NEVER like Woohyun! I'd rather die thank you!''

''Enemies can turn into lovers you know!'' Hoya teased.

''Hahaha NO!'' Chorong sarcastically replied but then shook her head. ''Anyway Hoya loves Eunji!''

''No I don't!'' Hoya said. ''It's more like Chorong loves Woohyun!''

''Ewwww NO!'' Chorong shook her head.


Hayoung lazily walked around as she had literally nothing better to do.She was already bored with walking around to the shops and everyone else seemed too busy in whatever they were doing.She immediately when she saw Sungyeol was laughing at something as he looked at his phone.Hayoung smirked as she decided to sit next to him and see what this was all about.

''Whatcha watching?'' Hayoung asked as he snatched one of Sungyeol's headphones out of his ear.

''Hey?!'' Sungyeol exclaimed. ''I'm trying to watch a movie here!''

''Oooooo I like movies!'' Hayoung smiled. ''What type of movie is it?''

''A comedy! It's so funny!'' Sungyeol chuckled. ''Look!''

''Oh my god!'' Hayoung bursted out laughing as she saw the scene. ''I bet Sunggyu would like this movie too isn't it?''

''I guess so!'' Sungyeol nodded his head.

''YA?!'' Sungyeol and Hayoung both heard a scream. ''Give me that!''

''Sunggyu?!'' Hayoung was pulled up and the headphone on her ear was thrown away. ''What are you doing?!''

''Why are you watching movies with him?!'' Sunggyu yelled.

''We're were just----'' Sungyeol was interrupted.

''You shut up!'' Sunggyu pointed his finger at Sungyeol then looked back at Hayoung. ''Why were you watching romantic movies with him?! Huh?! Are you two some couple that you two would watch a thing like that!? And if you wanted to watch one then couldn't you just have come up to me?! I would enjoy my time and would love to watch one with you but you chose this kid instead of me?!''

''WHAT?! Romantic movies?!'' Hayoung was shocked.

''Isn't that was what going on?!'' Sunggyu frowned.

''What are you talking about?!'' Sungyeol weirdly looked at Sunggyu.

''Don't you act so innocent with me Sungyeol!'' Sunggyu pointed his finger at Sungyeol.

''You listen to me Kim Sunggyu!'' Hayoung poked Sunggyu's chest as hard as she could with her finger. ''All we were doing was watching a comedy movie! I wanted to show this movie to you!'' 

''W-What?! Are you serious?!'' Sunggyu gasped while Hayoung stormed off.

''Tsk Sunggyu Sunggyu Sunggyu!'' Sungyeol scoffed. ''No need to get jealous you know!''

''Aish shut up!'' Sunggyu glared at Sungyeol then walked after Hayoung. ''Hayoung Hayoung I'm sorry! I wasn't supposed to get jealous over that!''

''Jealous? What? Of what?'' Hayoung was confused as she turned around and faced Sunggyu. ''What was there to be jealous about?''

''I...er...'' Sunggyu tried to come up with a excuse.

''I'm waiting!'' Hayoung crossed her arms.

''Of...Of...Of..your..shoes! Yes yes your shoes!'' Sunggyu nodded his head. ''I want shoes like that!''

''We're wearing the same shoes! All you did was copy me!'' Hayoung stuc

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 62: Myungeun couple
lengocthuylinh #2
Chapter 62: Maybe Woorong is the new arc 😆
Chapter 61: i miss this😭😭
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 60: Thanks for come back and update it ❤️
Chapter 59: Awww we...look like you come back!!..i miss this..
ekayohanna #6
Chapter 58: I miss this story, I always check if you update the story
Chapter 58: Wow an update after so long. Even I can't wait for them to be back. Really hope for their love stories to start
Wahyuni1998 #8
Chapter 58: I like it , I always like every chapter of this story, i like all character but i much love Hayoung and Sunggyu infinite here hahaha i love it ?
Chapter 57: I definitely started this story for woorong a few years back, I hope they get together soon. I love all the other couples too ofcourse ~ will definitely wait for an update ^^