



Yoona's POV

"Let me tell you something, Yoona, or whatever your name is. No one messes with me. No one."      

The bell rang for the next class. That annoying guy stood up, smirked and walked away, hands in his pockets. And well, the girls in the cafeteria screamed. No surprise. But right now, I feel like punching that stupid smirk right off his stupid face.

"Well that was interesting. Hongkis seemed really…erm.. how do you put this… really into you." Seohyun said teasingly.

"Interesting? Really Seohyun, really? And why the hell would he be into me? Hongki is like the single most irritating person in the world." 

She grinned and I entered the chemistry lab.  Oh great. That pilfering idiot was here. But at least Seunghyun is here too. If not, it would be hell with that bastard around. Hohoho, I saw Jaejin as well, who was looking groggy eyed sitting alone. Seohyun walked towards him, muttering to me that he was her lab partner and to not get any weird ideas. I grinned and mouthed, “Oh, I won’t” sarcastically. Seohyun rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at me.

Hongki had a partner. It's a wonder the girl is able to withstand his enormous ego.  She sitting in the chair, staring at him dreamily and she looked like she was about to pass out. Seriously though, what is so good about him? Can’t those girls see past his act? They must be blind. Who can like him? Compared to Seunghyun, he is utter junk.

I realised I was looking a little odd standing. I went to look for a seat. But all the seats were taken. Except one. Which was next to Seunghyun.  Where I would have to sit. Yes! I went to the empty seat next to Seunghyun and sat down. Somehow, Hongki didn't look too happy about my particular arrangement with Seunghyun. Hahaha, yeap, get jealous, bastard. Too bad for you! Muahahaha.  

I was debating whether I should speak to Seunghyun or wait for him to speak. But looks like I didn’t need to. He spoke first in the end."Hey, Yoona. Good to see you. Just now what you said to Hongki in the cafeteria was totally awesome." 

I felt surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah. Someone needs to put Hongki is his place. And looks like you’re the perfect one. To be honest, even though I am his friend, I do think that he is…well… a little too overconfident about himself. Actually, we all do. [A/N: He means FT Island just in case you didn’t understand.]" He whispered to me.

“A little?”

“Fine, a whole lot” He grinned at me, amused.

I laughed. Hahaha. Looks like even that bastard’s friends think he has a huge ego.

The teacher entered the lab and the lesson finally started. We were supposed to make some weird chemical and if we did it correctly, we would get a good grade in chemistry for the term. Seunghyun was really clever, following the lesson very well when even I was little confused. We managed to succeed in making the mixture and got a pretty good grade. That babo Hongki succeeded too and even though he got the same grade as us, he was looking at us as though we had done better. 

The teacher had left the class alone while he went to get something from the staff room so I decided to go to the toilet while the rest of the class finished up. Just as i stood up, I hit a glass flask and it fell to ground, shattering on impact. One of the glass shards cut my wrist and blood dripped down. I gripped my arm. Ugh, how could I have been so careless. "Oh no, are you okay?" Seunghyun asked me, worried. I nodded but it hurt quite a bit. He looked sceptical and went towards the first aid kit at the front of the lab. He took some antiseptic, bandages, a bag of cotton balls and a pair of tongs. He came back and started to deal with my wound.

"Wow, nerd. You can never do anything right can you?" Hongki was guffawing but I could see that he looked like he was really worried. Him worried??? Nah… It must be my eyes deceiving me. "Nothing you'd need to worry about. Accidents happen. She broke a flask and one of the pieces cut her wrist so now I’m helping her." Seunghyun told him coolly. Hongki mumbled something along the lines of: That nerd is so dumb to be able to cut herself like this. I looked at him, totally pissed and he shut up but not before glaring at me mouthing, “You’re dead.” Uh… mature much? Sheesh.

Seunghyun carefully poured some antiseptic onto a cotton ball, held my hand and gently dabbed on my wound. He looked at me while he did it so as to make sure he wasn't doing it to hard. I winced in pain and his eyes softened. He became gentler.  The pain subsided. He them wrapped a bandage around my wrist slowly, not too tight but just right. I looked at my wrist. It was well bandaged and it did not hurt that much anymore. He cleaned away the glass shards and threw them away. "Thank you." I said.

Our eyes met. His chocolate brown eyes looked deeply into mine and I felt like melting again. I staggered but someone held my waist. It was Hongki. I blushed when I realised who it was. Why?

He was staring at Seunghyun and he wasn't looking angry. It was like a stare that meant 'It's on'. For a second, everyone was quiet. They kept watching us like we were a scene in a movie. Don’t they have anything to do? They haven’t even finished the dumb chemical yet. They kept staing until the teacher finally came back.

Hongki slipped his arm away. I did not even notice his arm was still around my waist. He went back to his seat, giving Seunghyun one last hard look. Seunghyun did likewise. 

The bell rang again. Seohyun looked like she was fit to burst from curiosity and I did not feel like telling her anything so I hurried out of class to my next one. Right now, the only think I could think of was the stare. That guy-to-guy stare thing freaked me out. I hope it's got nothing to do with me. What happened just now was totally like a scene in a drama. And usually it doesn’t really turn out very well.

 I managed to avoid every single one of FT Island plus Seohyun as well for the rest of the day. Quite a feat actually. You can never get away from Seohyun when she is hounding you.

"Yoona..." I turned around. It’s that idiot again. What does he want? Annoying. "Yes?" I asked, sounding irritated.  

"Oh, um... Never mind." He sighed and walked out of class. Something's going on with that idiot. And I intend to find out what.



Well I kept my promise^^

Here's is the second :)

Hope you enjoy this one :D

It's kinda getting even more and more cliche isnt't it?

At least according to me :(

It's proceeding like a drama now lol

Does anyone think the story is going on too fast?

I could slow it down :)

Although i don't think i will be uploading so fast now. :(

My end of years are coming 

and its mug time T_T

But i think i should be able to upload once every two days?


Who is watching playful kiss?

It's a really awesome drama! XD

Staring Jung So Min and...

Kim Hyun Joong from SS501! 

He looks really great in the drama


he looks really tired too :(

and a lot older than in BOF



well, enjoy this chappie^^


komawo ^^

FT Island Hwaiting~


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thecoolauthorstories #1
Chapter 29: I meant *Great*
thecoolauthorstories #2
Chapter 29: Cute ending, anyway I hope you write more Hong Ki and Yoona stories. I like how I read the sequel before the first story and now it felt a bit strange like I'm reading a backward book lol. But I enjoyed this story, geat job!
thecoolauthorstories #3
Chapter 23: This story is really good though I felt like you putting those random emoji like :) or xD seems really weird and doesnt seem natural. We dont want this to feel like a chat room when we read it. And why does this feel a bit like Boys Over Flowers at the beginning? I do like how you described Hong Ki in here though it was really realistic.
Im_Jiyeon #5
Chapter 18: Argh !!!! Spazzing ****** so cute^^
Im_Jiyeon #6
Chapter 6: Nice story!! Love it^^
Im_Jiyeon #7
Kinda feels like boys over flowers....
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
snsdrocks4orever09 #10
3 words to say to about your fanfic I love it. !!! Plzz make more. Xoxoxo