Goodbye for now, not forever.



Hongki's POV

I stopped walking abruptly. She likes me! She freaking likes ME! *dances around in mind* Seunghyun was right! XD 

I turned to talk to her, but by the time I did, she was already running away, with a hint of tears in her eyes. "Y...Yoona! No, wait!" But she was gone.

I went home in a state of depression. I missed my chance again. Entering my room, I tossed my bag onto the floor and flopped onto my bed. "Ha... She's going... Haha. It's too late." [A/n: D: Has he gone mad???) I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 7:30 next morning. (Note: It was a Saturday.)

I heard a slam of the door downstairs. I didn't care and covered my eyes. "Aish..." 

Someone threw my room door open. "Get up." 

"What the hell... Who... Seunghyun, what are you doing here?"

"You know Yoona's leaving don't you?" 

"So what if she is? Let her leave for all she wants."

Seunghyun grabbed my collar. "Hey, you're my dongsaeng, don't disrespect me." I told him.

"Hyung, let me tell you, Yoona is leaving because of you!"

"Me? Psh, nonsense. "

"She could have stayed, but she chose not to, so now she'll be flying off to America! She saw you with Hyoyeon. She was confused. She was jealous. She was angry. She didn't want to go through all the heartbreak again. She doesn't want to deal with it anymore. So she is leaving and it's all your f***ing fault!"

"Whoa, she's not going to stay there forever." I said without feeling.

"How do you know that? How are you sure?" Seunghyun asked angrily. I kept quiet. 

He let go of my collar. "Hyung, don't let her slip through your fingers again. Tell her you'll wait for her."

"But it's too late. She's leaving today at 10." 

"Then go now! Go find her! You still have time!" He pushed me out of my room. 

Yoona's POV 

I sat in the one of the chairs in the airport, gripping my air ticket tightly. My aunt had left the day before because she needed to settle things there so I will be taking the plane alone. She would be fetching me and when I reached New York City Airport. 

I had gone way to early and the gate hadn't opened yet. I remembered the scene yesterday in the park. I had confessed to him, and he didn't have any reaction at all. Why did I even tell him at all? 

I sighed and leaned against the back of the chair. Starting to daydream, I tried to imagine what would have been Hongki's reaction instead. 

I was so into my daydreaming that I swear I couldn't heard Hongki call my name. Thinking it was just a dream, I did not think much of it. Then I realized. Wait a minute, I'm not dreaming. Someone is calling my name!

I saw a random guy pushing through crowds of people who were looking annoyed with him. He looked at me and his face lit(?) up. He ran towards me and I recognized him to be Hongki. What is he doing here?! I grabbed my suitcase to run but he caught up with me. I glared at him coldly. "What do you want?"

He hugged me tightly. "Thank god I found you!"

"Shut the small talk, my gate is open." I pushed him away and grabbed my luggage. 

"No, please! Listen to me!" He grabbed me and gave me a backhug. "Please... Don't go, Yoona. I love you..."

I could feel my heart beating faster by the moment. It was beating so hard and loud I could have sworn Hongki could have heard it. No. It might be a ploy. I have to resist and get away. I pried his hand away from my waist.

"I know you like Hyoyeon. Don't kid me."

"Yoona, I don't love her! I hate her! I swear! I... I only did it because I gave up on ever being able to get you. I thought you and Seunghyun... Yoona, I'm sorry. I really DO love you!" 

I hesitated. It could be true. I mean for all I know... "Hmph. Sure. You love me. Why don't you prove it?" I said sarcastically. 

"Okay, I will." 

"Sure you..." I stopped halfway. He had kissed me right in front of everybody! 

I struggled to pull away. I didn't want to go falling for him again. But in the end I gave in. 

His hand massaged my neck as he ran his hand through my hair. He started to my lips a little bit to gain entrance into my mouth and I let him in. Our tongues fought the battle for dominance and he won. I could feel the passion in the kiss and yet he was really gentle, as if I was something that could break really easily. 

He finally broke away. "Yoona, please... Do you believe me now?"

"I...I... Hongki... I believe you... But... I still have to go... I can't stay. I have already made the neccesary arrangements to go to university in America. I'm sorry..."

"I know you can't stay Yoona. But I want you to know, I will be waiting. I will be waiting for you to come back and then... We'll make it up. I'm sorry I hurt you." He said softly, kissing me on the forehead. 

"You have to go now, don't you? The gates' going to close soon. Good luck." Hongki gave me one last hug. "Keep in contact okay?" 

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I bid goodbye. (This sounds terribly cheesy, no? :/) as I walked into the departure area, the view of Hongki slowly disappeared. But at least I know something now. He'll be waiting. 

"Lee Hongki oppa, saranghaeyo... I'll be waiting too...


Well this is the END. :(

Really happy how you all came with me this far. :)

Hope this fic was nice. :D

Do you think I should write I sequel to this?

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Thank you for all your support all this while. :) 

And for a last favour...


Even though it is the last chapter. 

Thank you. <3

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thecoolauthorstories #1
Chapter 29: I meant *Great*
thecoolauthorstories #2
Chapter 29: Cute ending, anyway I hope you write more Hong Ki and Yoona stories. I like how I read the sequel before the first story and now it felt a bit strange like I'm reading a backward book lol. But I enjoyed this story, geat job!
thecoolauthorstories #3
Chapter 23: This story is really good though I felt like you putting those random emoji like :) or xD seems really weird and doesnt seem natural. We dont want this to feel like a chat room when we read it. And why does this feel a bit like Boys Over Flowers at the beginning? I do like how you described Hong Ki in here though it was really realistic.
Im_Jiyeon #5
Chapter 18: Argh !!!! Spazzing ****** so cute^^
Im_Jiyeon #6
Chapter 6: Nice story!! Love it^^
Im_Jiyeon #7
Kinda feels like boys over flowers....
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
Ft island,I finally found youuuuuu!!!
snsdrocks4orever09 #10
3 words to say to about your fanfic I love it. !!! Plzz make more. Xoxoxo