
I Believe In Fate

He kissed me gently, his hands in my hair. I wanted more. It was sweet that he was being gentle, but I think it was about time that we got passed that. We weren't fourteen anymore. I could tell he wanted to do it, and he knew I wanted to as well, but he couldn't. I couldn't either.

We lay there, holding hands, and talking sincerely about things. It was the first time I felt I could actually tell him all my problems without holding back. I felt so safe, laying there with his arms around me. Every now and then, when I talked about a touchy subject, I would tear a little bit, and he would hold me tighter, my hair.

We completely forgot that we were supposed to be swimming right now, and kissed again. This time, a little less gentle.

"Taemin~ Alina~ Time to go~!" Key called, shuffling up the stairs. Taemin & I instantly opened our eyes and quickly stopped kissing, making ourselves look like we were just sitting on the bed, talking, just in case Key decided to come in.

"Okay, umma!" Taemin said, grabbing my hand and walking down the stairs. He looked at me and giggled, then becoming serious as he looked at the side of my neck. He touched it and gulped.

"What?" I whispered.

"Crap... I... I gave you a hickey," He said, going beet red. He looked so mortified, I started to crack up laughing. 

He looked at me and shook his head, continuing to walk down the stairs, hand in hand, while I laughed harder and harder. I finally stopped, telling him I'd go to the bathroom and cover it up. He nodded and went into the kitchen. 

I walked to the bathroom, feeling my cheeks get hot at what he had done before. That was definetely the furthest we had ever gone, and it was so... right. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a huge hickey on the side of my neck. He was right to be worried. There was no way I could completely cover this huge hickey. But I got out my waterproof makeup and squeezed out a huge glob, putting it on top of the hickey. It was a little better, but one could easily still see that I had a spot there. I'd just have to go, and hope for the best.

"Jagiya!" I called, but I instantly hushed when I heard Taemin and Key whispering.

I tuned in my ear to hear what they were saying. Key looked amused, and Taemin looked somewhat panicked.

"So let me get this straight..." Key started, Taemin nodding. "Before I came up, you two were making out. Then, when I came up, you pretended there was nothing going on. Then as you were walking down the stairs, you realized she had a huge hickey, and so you asked me for help?" 

So Key knew. 

"Yes.. I just... We need help. Make sure no one notices it, okay? And if they do, convince them it's a bruise," Taemin begged. Key laughed and nodded. I took this as the perfect time to come in.

"Oh! Annyeong," I said, acting normal. Taemin went red again and Key started to giggle. 

"I'll be outside. Come out whenever~" Key called playfully, skipping out to the beach.


"Should we go?" Taemin asked me, grabbing my hand.

I nodded, and we walked out to the beach.

"There's Taelina~" Minho called. I giggled. I liked that nickname, Taelina. I felt like I was on 'We Got Married' with Taemin. The scene was just so perfect. Walking hand in hand on a beautiful beach with Taemin, and hanging out with the rest of SHINee.

I put my hair over my shoulders to cover the hickey. Hopefully nobody would notice.




We walked hand in hand into the water, my heart beating faster than it ever had. She was so pretty and tan, and her body was really nice. I felt gross to be thinking that kind of stuff, but I couldn't help it. I mean, here she was, in a bikini... No. I had to stop.

"Oppa~" She called, and when I looked over at her she splashed a huge wave of salty water at me. I chased her and splashed her back, then catching her and putting her on my back as I went deeper into the water. 

"Stop! No! I'm scared!" She squealed, squirming on my back. I set her down carefully in front of me, my hands on her hips. She looked at me and bit her lip, but before I could kiss her a huge wave crashed on top of us.

I scrambled to help her out of the huge wave. "Babo~ I could've drowned!" She giggled, punching me lightly on the shoulder.

We got out of the water after awhile, because it was getting late. We went inside, wrapped in towels and shivering, and went upstairs to take showers.

"You should go first oppa~" She told me, even though there were enough showers for us to take them at the same time. I nodded and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

I took a shower, rubbing all the salt off of my body. Finally, when there was no more salt residue left, I got out, putting on a fresh pair of shorts and my favorite baby blue t-shirt.

"I'm done!" I said, getting out. She smiled and nodded.


While she took her shower, I heard her listening to 2pm. If only I could go in there and change it to SHINee... But she would get mad, right? 

Instead, I opened up her closet. I wanted to pick out an outfit for her. 

Inside, there was tons of clothes of all different colors. Things like dresses and shirts and jeans were strewn all over. There was a box underneath a pile of clothes, and because of my curiousity I opened it.

I blushed, instantly regretting it. Inside were her bras and.... things... So I closed it fast before I could see anymore. 

After my hard work, I finally picked out a baby blue t-shirt to match mine, and a pair of dark ripped up skinny jeans. We would look like a definite couple now.

"Jagiya~" I called. 


"I picked out an outfit for you~ I'll put it out here and just open the door and get it. I'll turn around~" I said, setting the clothes down in front of the door and turning around.

She giggled, "Arasso~"

I heard the door click open, and her giggle as she picked up the clothes. "Gamsahamnida~" She said, closing the door. I sighed and turned back around, laying down on the bed. Would she like the clothes?

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Lioness-SHINee33 #1
Chapter 24: Pleaseeee Updateeeeeeeeee!!! SO amazing!
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhhh mah gawsh you gotta update soon!!!!!! I love this fic so much !!!!! ❤️
Chapter 24: Kyaaaa please update !!!!! ♥
yoongles #4
Chapter 24: i really really really liked it... pls. update as soon as possible. i want to know what happens next it's very interesting
foreversucks #6
wahahah!! lol at keys face!!
Tru_Otaku #7
I went to smtown nyc and another kpop concert in nyc ^^<br />
thank uuu~ i will ^^