Chapter 7

That Winter Snowflake
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“Holy —zu!” Abruptly, I sat up from my bed, alarmed. My bed-hair brushing my face and I can feel the pain on my shoulders but I ignored it and I glanced at the clock that now says eleven-thirty on it. Fudge. I’m going to be late if I don’t get up now. I groaned and lazily rolled over my bed, without any plans on getting up. With a heavy sigh and a long yawn, I pushed myself up, slid my feet through my slippers and went toward the bathroom, taking a shower. I finished dressing up and quickly made my way out the room and toward the stairs. Before I can even make one step down the stairs, George suddenly popped out of nowhere and greeted me.

“Miss Min Hee, good mor—” George paused and glanced at his wrist watch. “afternoon.” He continued.

I quickly glanced at my wrist watch witch clearly says twelve o’ one. “Good afternoon to you too George but I don’t have time for this also, I won’t be eating lunch here.” I said, trying not to be in a hurry.

“But miss, your right arm is not yet fully healed. Don’t you think it will be easier for you to just stay here?” I involuntarily looked at my right arm. He’s just overreacting. There’s just a slight hint of bruise and besides, it doesn’t hurt anymore. If I don’t hurry, I’ll end up eating alone in the humongous dining room and I’m tired of it. This is my only chance and I can’t let it pass.

“Nope. Bye George.” I pushed past George who looked troubled, thudding down the gleaming stairs at a rapid pace.

I am now standing in front of the gates, all dressed up and waiting for him to come. It is still cold although it’s not snowing. The streets were covered with snow and I can see some children building snow mans, making snow angels and having a snow fight. How I yearned to do that when I was a kid but my father didn’t allow me to. I snapped to my senses, not letting my mind take me to my childhood. I looked around me, trying to find Minho but failed.

 “Aish. Where is he?” I thought aloud. I can’t believe my calculations went wrong. I was a hundred and one percent sure that he was not going to ditch me. I impatiently clacked my heels and fished out my phone from inside my pocket.

“Jonghyun Oppa.” I spoke through the phone.

“Yes Min Hee? Oh... Are you mad at me for not picking you up?” His voice on the other end of the phone sounded a bit tired and...nervous? He’s probably expecting me to shout at him for making me walk all the way from the hospital to my house.

“No.” I paused. “Actually I have a favour to ask.” Instead of answering me, I heard muffled voices on the other line.

“In five minutes? Sure.” I heard him say; the faintness of his voice got me thinking that he’s probably talking to someone else and held the phone away from him.

“Got to go, Min Hee. Call me back later.” He said and ended the call without letting me finish.

“Nice.” Sigh. Now how can I contact that person? Aish. Who cares anyway, I’ll just go to the coffee shop where Onew works. At least I won’t be entirely alone.

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)